MPI - General information about Open MPI 1.2.
MMPPIIOpen MPI is an open source implementation of MPI (message-passing
interface), the industry-standard specification for writing message-
passing programs. Message passing is a programming model that gives the programmer explicit control over interprocess communication.The MPI specification was developed by the MPI Forum, a group of soft-
ware developers, computer vendors, academics, and computer-science
researchers whose goal was to develop a standard for writing message-
passing programs that would be efficient, flexible, and portable. The outcome, known as the MPI Standard, was first published in 1993;its most recent version (MPI-2) was published in July 1997. Open MPI
1.2 includes all MPI 1.2-compliant and MPI 2-compliant routines.
For more information about Open MPI, see the following URL:
The MPI standards are available at the following URL:
MMAANN PPAAGGEE SSYYNNTTAAXX Man pages for Open MPI and Open MPI I/O routines are named according to C syntax, that is, they begin with the prefix "MPI", all in uppercase, and the first letter following the "MPI" prefix is also uppercase. The rest of the letters in the routine are all lowercase, for example, "MPICommgetattr". ENVIRONMENTTo fine-tune your Open MPI environment, you can either use arguments to
the mpirun, orterun, or mpiexec commands, or you can use MCA parame-
ters. For more information on arguments, see the orterun.1 man page. For a complete listing of MCA parameters and their descriptions, issuethe command ompiinfo -h or ompiinfo -param all all. This information
also appears in the FAQ on the Open MPI web site at:
EERRRROORRSS All MPI routines (except MPIWtime and MPIWtick) return an error value; C routines as the value of the function and Fortran routines in the last argument. Before the value is returned, the current MPI error handler is called. By default, this error handler aborts the MPI job.The error handler may be changed with MPICommseterrhandler; the pre-
defined error handler MPIERRORSRETURN may be used to cause error val-
ues to be returned. Note that MPI does not guarantee that an MPI pro-
gram can continue past an error. For more information on Open MPI error codes, see mpi.h in the include directory. Standard error return classes for Open MPI: MPISUCCESS 0 Successful return code. MPIERRBUFFER 1 Invalid buffer pointer. MPIERRCOUNT 2 Invalid count argument. MPIERRTYPE 3 Invalid datatype argument. MPIERRTAG 4 Invalid tag argument. MPIERRCOMM 5 Invalid communicator. MPIERRRANK 6 Invalid rank. MPIERRREQUEST 7 Invalid MPIRequest handle. MPIERRROOT 7 Invalid root. MPIERRGROUP 8 Null group passed to function. MPIERROP 9 Invalid operation. MPIERRTOPOLOGY 10 Invalid topology. MPIERRDIMS 11 Illegal dimension argument. MPIERRARG 12 Invalid argument. MPIERRUNKNOWN 13 Unknown error. MPIERRTRUNCATE 14 Message truncated on receive. MPIERROTHER 15 Other error; use Errorstring. MPIERRINTERN 16 Internal error code. MPIERRINSTATUS 17 Look in status for error value. MPIERRPENDING 18 Pending request. MPIERRACCESS 19 Permission denied. MPIERRAMODE 20 Unsupported amode passed to open. MPIERRASSERT 21 Invalid assert. MPIERRBADFILE 22 Invalid file name (for example, path name too long). MPIERRBASE 23 Invalid base.MPIERRCONVERSION 24 An error occurred in a user-supplied
data-conversion function.
MPIERRDISP 25 Invalid displacement. MPIERRDUPDATAREP 26 Conversion functions could not be registered because a data representation identifier that was already defined was passed to MPIREGISTERDATAREP. MPIERRFILEEXISTS 27 File exists. MPIERRFILEINUSE 28 File operation could not be completed, as the file is currently open by some process. MPIERRFILE 29 MPIERRINFOKEY 30 Illegal info key. MPIERRINFONOKEY 31 No such key. MPIERRINFOVALUE 32 Illegal info value. MPIERRINFO 33 Invalid info object. MPIERRIO 34 I/O error. MPIERRKEYVAL 35 Illegal key value. MPIERRLOCKTYPE 36 Invalid locktype.MPIERRNAME 37 Name not found.
MPIERRNOMEM 38 Memory exhausted. MPIERRNOTSAME 39 MPIERRNOSPACE 40 Not enough space. MPIERRNOSUCHFILE 41 File (or directory) does not exist. MPIERRPORT 42 Invalid port. MPIERRQUOTA 43 Quota exceeded.MPIERRREADONLY 44 Read-only file system.
MPIERRRMACONFLICT 45 Conflicting accesses to window. MPIERRRMASYNC 46 Erroneous RMA synchronization. MPIERRSERVICE 47 Invalid publish/unpublish. MPIERRSIZE 48 Invalid size. MPIERRSPAWN 49 Error spawning. MPIERRUNSUPPORTEDDATAREP 50 Unsupported datarep passed to MPIFilesetview. MPIERRUNSUPPORTEDOPERATION 51 Unsupported operation, such as seeking on a file that supports only sequential access. MPIERRWIN 52 Invalid window. MPIERRLASTCODE 53 Last error code.MPIERRSYSRESOURCE -2 Out of resources
Open MPI 1.2 March 2007 MPI(3OpenMPI)