Manual Pages for UNIX Darwin command on man OSAtomicTestAndSetBarrier

Manual Pages for UNIX Darwin command on man OSAtomicTestAndSetBarrier

ATOMIC(3) BSD Library Functions Manual ATOMIC(3)


OOSSAAttoommiiccAAdddd3322, OOSSAAttoommiiccAAdddd3322BBaarrrriieerr, OOSSAAttoommiiccIInnccrreemmeenntt3322, OOSSAAttoommiiccIInnccrreemmeenntt3322BBaarrrriieerr, OOSSAAttoommiiccDDeeccrreemmeenntt3322, OOSSAAttoommiiccDDeeccrreemmeenntt3322BBaarrrriieerr, OOSSAAttoommiiccOOrr3322, OOSSAAttoommiiccOOrr3322BBaarrrriieerr, OOSSAAttoommiiccOOrr3322OOrriigg, OOSSAAttoommiiccOOrr3322OOrriiggBBaarrrriieerr, OOSSAAttoommiiccAAnndd3322, OOSSAAttoommiiccAAnndd3322BBaarrrriieerr, OOSSAAttoommiiccAAnndd3322OOrriigg, OOSSAAttoommiiccAAnndd3322OOrriiggBBaarrrriieerr, OOSSAAttoommiiccXXoorr3322, OOSSAAttoommiiccXXoorr3322BBaarrrriieerr, OOSSAAttoommiiccXXoorr3322OOrriigg, OOSSAAttoommiiccXXoorr3322OOrriiggBBaarrrriieerr, OOSSAAttoommiiccAAdddd6644, OOSSAAttoommiiccAAdddd6644BBaarrrriieerr, OOSSAAttoommiiccIInnccrreemmeenntt6644, OOSSAAttoommiiccIInnccrreemmeenntt6644BBaarrrriieerr, OOSSAAttoommiiccDDeeccrreemmeenntt6644, OOSSAAttoommiiccDDeeccrreemmeenntt6644BBaarrrriieerr, OOSSAAttoommiiccCCoommppaarreeAAnnddSSwwaappIInntt, OOSSAAttoommiiccCCoommppaarreeAAnnddSSwwaappIInnttBBaarrrriieerr, OOSSAAttoommiiccCCoommppaarreeAAnnddSSwwaappLLoonngg, OOSSAAttoommiiccCCoommppaarreeAAnnddSSwwaappLLoonnggBBaarrrriieerr, OOSSAAttoommiiccCCoommppaarreeAAnnddSSwwaappPPttrr, OOSSAAttoommiiccCCoommppaarreeAAnnddSSwwaappPPttrrBBaarrrriieerr, OOSSAAttoommiiccCCoommppaarreeAAnnddSSwwaapp3322, OOSSAAttoommiiccCCoommppaarreeAAnnddSSwwaapp3322BBaarrrriieerr, OOSSAAttoommiiccCCoommppaarreeAAnnddSSwwaapp6644, OOSSAAttoommiiccCCoommppaarreeAAnnddSSwwaapp6644BBaarrrriieerr, OOSSAAttoommiiccTTeessttAAnnddSSeett, OOSSAAttoommiiccTTeessttAAnnddSSeettBBaarrrriieerr, OOSSAAttoommiiccTTeessttAAnnddCClleeaarr, OOSSAAttoommiiccTTeessttAAnnddCClleeaarrBBaarrrriieerr, OOSSSSppiinnLLoocckkTTrryy, OOSSSSppiinnLLoocckkLLoocckk,

OOSSSSppiinnLLoocckkUUnnlloocckk, OOSSAAttoommiiccEEnnqquueeuuee, OOSSAAttoommiiccDDeeqquueeuuee - atomic add, incre-

ment, decrement, or, and, xor, compare and swap, test and set, test and clear, spinlocks, and lockless queues LLIIBBRRAARRYY

Standard C Library (libc, -lc)


##iinncclluuddee <>

int32t OOSSAAttoommiiccAAdddd3322(int32t theAmount, volatile int32t *theValue); int32t OOSSAAttoommiiccAAdddd3322BBaarrrriieerr(int32t theAmount, volatile int32t *theValue); int32t OOSSAAttoommiiccIInnccrreemmeenntt3322(volatile int32t *theValue); int32t OOSSAAttoommiiccIInnccrreemmeenntt3322BBaarrrriieerr(volatile int32t *theValue); int32t OOSSAAttoommiiccDDeeccrreemmeenntt3322(volatile int32t *theValue); int32t OOSSAAttoommiiccDDeeccrreemmeenntt3322BBaarrrriieerr(volatile int32t *theValue); int32t OOSSAAttoommiiccOOrr3322(uint32t theMask, volatile uint32t *theValue); int32t OOSSAAttoommiiccOOrr3322BBaarrrriieerr(uint32t theMask, volatile uint32t *theValue); int32t OOSSAAttoommiiccAAnndd3322(uint32t theMask, volatile uint32t *theValue); int32t OOSSAAttoommiiccAAnndd3322BBaarrrriieerr(uint32t theMask, volatile uint32t *theValue); int32t OOSSAAttoommiiccXXoorr3322(uint32t theMask, volatile uint32t *theValue); int32t OOSSAAttoommiiccXXoorr3322BBaarrrriieerr(uint32t theMask, volatile uint32t *theValue); int32t OOSSAAttoommiiccOOrr3322OOrriigg(uint32t theMask, volatile uint32t *theValue); int32t OOSSAAttoommiiccOOrr3322OOrriiggBBaarrrriieerr(uint32t theMask, volatile uint32t *theValue); int32t OOSSAAttoommiiccAAnndd3322OOrriigg(uint32t theMask, volatile uint32t *theValue); int32t OOSSAAttoommiiccAAnndd3322OOrriiggBBaarrrriieerr(uint32t theMask, volatile uint32t *theValue); int32t OOSSAAttoommiiccXXoorr3322OOrriigg(uint32t theMask, volatile uint32t *theValue); int32t OOSSAAttoommiiccXXoorr3322OOrriiggBBaarrrriieerr(uint32t theMask, volatile uint32t *theValue); int64t OOSSAAttoommiiccAAdddd6644(int64t theAmount, volatile int64t *theValue); int64t OOSSAAttoommiiccAAdddd6644BBaarrrriieerr(int64t theAmount, volatile int64t *theValue); int64t OOSSAAttoommiiccIInnccrreemmeenntt6644(volatile int64t *theValue); int64t OOSSAAttoommiiccIInnccrreemmeenntt6644BBaarrrriieerr(volatile int64t *theValue); int64t OOSSAAttoommiiccDDeeccrreemmeenntt6644(volatile int64t *theValue); int64t OOSSAAttoommiiccDDeeccrreemmeenntt6644BBaarrrriieerr(volatile int64t *theValue); bool OOSSAAttoommiiccCCoommppaarreeAAnnddSSwwaappIInntt(int oldValue, int newValue, volatile int *theValue); bool OOSSAAttoommiiccCCoommppaarreeAAnnddSSwwaappIInnttBBaarrrriieerr(int oldValue, int newValue, volatile int *theValue); bool OOSSAAttoommiiccCCoommppaarreeAAnnddSSwwaappLLoonngg(long oldValue, long newValue, volatile long *theValue); bool OOSSAAttoommiiccCCoommppaarreeAAnnddSSwwaappLLoonnggBBaarrrriieerr(long oldValue, long newValue, volatile long *theValue); bool OOSSAAttoommiiccCCoommppaarreeAAnnddSSwwaappPPttrr(void* oldValue, void* newValue, void* volatile *theValue); bool OOSSAAttoommiiccCCoommppaarreeAAnnddSSwwaappPPttrrBBaarrrriieerr(void* oldValue, void* newValue, void* volatile *theValue); bool OOSSAAttoommiiccCCoommppaarreeAAnnddSSwwaapp3322(int32t oldValue, int32t newValue, volatile int32t *theValue); bool OOSSAAttoommiiccCCoommppaarreeAAnnddSSwwaapp3322BBaarrrriieerr(int32t oldValue, int32t newValue, volatile int32t *theValue); bool OOSSAAttoommiiccCCoommppaarreeAAnnddSSwwaapp6644(int64t oldValue, int64t newValue, volatile int64t *theValue); bool OOSSAAttoommiiccCCoommppaarreeAAnnddSSwwaapp6644BBaarrrriieerr(int64t oldValue, int64t newValue, volatile int64t *theValue); bool OOSSAAttoommiiccTTeessttAAnnddSSeett(uint32t n, volatile void *theAddress); bool OOSSAAttoommiiccTTeessttAAnnddSSeettBBaarrrriieerr(uint32t n, volatile void *theAddress); bool OOSSAAttoommiiccTTeessttAAnnddCClleeaarr(uint32t n, volatile void *theAddress); bool OOSSAAttoommiiccTTeessttAAnnddCClleeaarrBBaarrrriieerr(uint32t n, volatile void *theAddress); bool OOSSSSppiinnLLoocckkTTrryy(OSSpinLock *lock); void OOSSSSppiinnLLoocckkLLoocckk(OSSpinLock *lock); void OOSSSSppiinnLLoocckkUUnnlloocckk(OSSpinLock *lock); void OOSSAAttoommiiccEEnnqquueeuuee(OSQueueHead *list, void *new, sizet offset); void* OOSSAAttoommiiccDDeeqquueeuuee(OSQueueHead *list, sizet offset);


These functions are thread and multiprocessor safe. For each function,

there is a version that does and another that does not incorporate a mem-

ory barrier. Barriers strictly order memory access on a weakly-ordered

architecture such as PPC. All loads and stores executed in sequential program order before the barrier will complete before any load or store executed after the barrier. On a uniprocessor, the barrier operation is

typically a nop. On a multiprocessor, the barrier can be quite expen-

sive. Most code will want to use the barrier functions to insure that memory shared between threads is properly synchronized. For example, if you want to initialize a shared data structure and then atomically increment a variable to indicate that the initialization is complete, then you must use OSAtomicIncrement32Barrier() to ensure that the stores to your data structure complete before the atomic add. Likewise, the consumer of that data structure must use OSAtomicDecrement32Barrier(), in order to ensure that their loads of the structure are not executed before the atomic decrement. On the other hand, if you are simply incrementing a global

counter, then it is safe and potentially much faster to use OSAtomicIn-

crement32(). If you are unsure which version to use, prefer the barrier variants as they are safer. The logical (and, or, xor) and bit test operations are layered on top of the OOSSAAttoommiiccCCoommppaarreeAAnnddSSwwaapp() primitives. There are four versions of each logical operation, depending on whether or not there is a barrier, and whether the return value is the result of the operation (eg, OOSSAAttoommiiccOOrr3322() ) or the original value before the operation (eg, OOSSAAttoommiiccOOrr3322OOrriigg() ).

The memory address theValue must be naturally aligned, ie 32-bit aligned

for 32-bit operations and 64-bit aligned for 64-bit operations.

The 64-bit operations are not implemented for 32-bit processes on PPC

platforms. The OOSSAAttoommiiccCCoommppaarreeAAnnddSSwwaapp() operations compare oldValue to *theValue, and set *theValue to newValue if the comparison is equal. The comparison and assignment occur as one atomic operation. OOSSAAttoommiiccTTeessttAAnnddSSeett() and OOSSAAttoommiiccTTeessttAAnnddCClleeaarr() operate on bit (0x80 >> ( n & 7)) of byte ((char*) theAddress + ( n >> 3)). They set the named bit to either 1 or 0, respectively. theAddress need not be aligned. The routines OOSSAAttoommiiccEEnnqquueeuuee() and OOSSAAttoommiiccDDeeqquueeuuee() operate on singly linked LIFO queues. Ie, a dequeue operation will return the most recently enqueued element, or NULL if the list is empty. The operations

are lockless, and barriers are used as necessary to permit thread-safe

access to the queue element. offset is the offset in bytes to the link field in the queue element. For example: typedef struct elem { long data1; struct elem *link; int data2; } elemt; elemt fred, mary, *p; OSQueueHead q = OSATOMICQUEUEINIT; OSAtomicEnqueue( &q, &fred, offsetof(elemt,link) ); OSAtomicEnqueue( &q, &mary, offsetof(elemt,link) ); p = OSAtomicDequeue( &q, offsetof(elemt,link) ); In this example, the call of OOSSAAttoommiiccDDeeqquueeuuee() will return a ptr to mary.


The arithmetic operations return the new value, after the operation has been performed. The boolean operations come in two styles, one of which returns the new value, and one of which (the "Orig" versions) returns the

old. The compare-and-swap operations return true if the comparison was

equal, ie if the swap occured. The bit test and set/clear operations return the original value of the bit. The dequeue operation returns the most recently enqueued element, or NULL if the list in empty.


spinlock(3), barrier(3) HISTORY Most of these functions first appeared in Mac OS 10.4 (Tiger). The "Orig" forms of the boolean operations, the "int", "long" and "ptr" forms

of compare-and-swap, and lockless enqueue/dequeue first appeared in Mac

OS 10.5 (Leopard). Darwin May 26, 2004 Darwin

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