Net::LDAP::Message - Message response from LDAP server
NNeett::::LLDDAAPP::::MMeessssaaggee is a base class for the objects returned by the Net::LDAP methods abandon, add, bind, compare, delete, modify, moddn, search and unbind.The sub-class Net::LDAP::Search returned by search also defines many
methods. If the Net::LDAP object is in async mode then all these methods, except "done" and "mesgid", will cause a wait until the request is completed. MMEETTHHOODDSS code ( ) The code value in the result message from the server. Normally for a success zero will be returned. Constants for the result codes can be imported from the Net::LDAP or Net::LDAP::Constant module. control ( ) Return a list of controls that were returned from the server. control ( OID, ... ) Return a list of controls with the given OIDs that were returned from the server. dn ( ) The DN in the result message from the server. done ( ) Returns true if the request has been completed. error ( ) Returns the error message in the result message from the server. If the server did not include an error message, then the result of ldaperrordesc with the error code from the result message. errorname ( ) Returns the name of the error code in the result message from the server. See ldaperrorname for a detailed description of the return value. errortext ( ) Returns the short text description of the error code in the result message from the server. See ldaperrortext for a detailed description of the return value. errordesc ( ) Returns a long text description of the error code in the result message from the server. See ldaperrordesc for a detailed description of the return value. iserror ( ) Returns true if the result code is considered to be an error for the operation. mesgid ( ) The message id of the request message sent to the server. referrals ( ) Returns a list of referrals from the result message. servererror ( ) The error message returned by the server, or "undef" if the server did not provide a message. sync ( ) Wait for the server to complete the request.SEE ALSO
Net::LDAP, Net::LDAP::Search, Net::LDAP::Constant, Net::LDAP::Util AACCKKNNOOWWLLEEDDGGEEMMEENNTTSS This document is based on a document originally written by Russell Fulton. AUTHOR Graham Barr Please report any bugs, or post any suggestions, to the perl-ldap
mailing list
COPYRIGHT. Copyright (c) 1997-2004 Graham Barr. All rights reserved. This program
is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the same terms as Perl itself.perl v5.8.8 2005-04-25 Net::LDAP::Message(3)