ModPerl::Const - ModPerl Constants
SSyynnooppssiiss# make the constants available but don't import them
use ModPerl::Const -compile => qw(constant names ...);
# w/o the => syntax sugar
use ModPerl::Const ("-compile", qw(constant names ...));
# compile and import the constants
use ModPerl::Const qw(constant names ...);
DDeessccrriippttiioonn This package contains constants specific to modperl features. Refer to "the Apache2::Const description section" for more information. CCoonnssttaannttss OOtthheerr CCoonnssttaannttss "ModPerl::EXIT" since: 2.0.00 See "ModPerl::Util::exit". SSeeee AAllssoo modperl 2.0 documentation. CCooppyyrriigghhtt modperl 2.0 and its core modules are copyrighted under The Apache Software License, Version 2.0. AAuutthhoorrss The modperl development team and numerous contributors.perl v5.8.a8pachemodperl-101.1~2::2m0o0d5-p1e0r-l2-02.0.2::docs::api::ModPerl::Const(3)