TkMainWindow, TkGetNumMainWindows - functions for querying main win-
dow informationSYNOPSIS
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TkWindow TTkkMMaaiinnWWiinnddooww(interp) int TTkkGGeettNNuummMMaaiinnWWiinnddoowwss() AARRGGUUMMEENNTTSS TclInterp *interp (in/out) Interpreter associated with the application.> DESCRIPTION
A main window is a special kind of toplevel window used as the outer-
most window in an application. If interp is associated with a Tk application then TTkkMMaaiinnWWiinnddooww returns the application's main window. If there is no Tk application associated with interp then TTkkMMaaiinnWWiinnddooww returns NULL and leaves anerror message in interp->result.
TTkkGGeettNNuummMMaaiinnWWiinnddoowwss returns a count of the number of main windows cur-
rently open in the process. KKEEYYWWOORRDDSS application, main windowTk 7.0 TkMainWindow(3)