Mac::Types - Macintosh Toolbox Types and conversions.
Access to Inside Macintosh is essential for proper use of these functions. Explanations of terms, processes and procedures are provided there. Any attempt to use these functions without guidance can cause severe errors in your machine, including corruption of data. YYoouu hhaavvee bbeeeenn wwaarrnneedd.. FFuunnccttiioonnss MacPack [ CONVERTERS ...] CODE, DATA ... Convert a perl value into a Mac toolbox type. Predefined codes are: TEXT Text (an identity operation). enum type keywA 4-byte string.
bool A boolean. shor A short integer. long A long integer. sing A single precision float. doub A double precision float. magn An unsigned long. qdrt A QuickDraw "Rect". 'STR ' A pascal style string.'STR#'
A string list. 'fss ' A file specification record. You can pass further code mappings as hash references. MacUnpack [ CONVERTERS ...] CODE, DATA Convert a Mac toolbox type into a perl value. Predefined codes are as for "MacPack". You can pass further code mappings as hash references. XXSS FFuunnccttiioonnss Debugger [ MSG ] Break into MacsBug. Don't use this if you don't know what MacsBug is. AUTHOR Written by Matthias Ulrich Neeracher. Currently maintained by Chris Nandor . perl v5.8.8 2007-09-23 Types(3)