Manual Pages for UNIX Darwin command on man Mac::OSA

Manual Pages for UNIX Darwin command on man Mac::OSA

OSA(3) User Contributed Perl Documentation OSA(3)


Mac::OSA - Provide interface to Open Scripting Architecture


use Mac::OSA;

use Mac::OSA qw(OSALoad OSAStore OSAExecute);


Access to Inside Macintosh is essential for proper use of these functions. Explanations of terms, processes and procedures are provided there. Any attempt to use these functions without guidance can cause severe errors in your machine, including corruption of data. YYoouu hhaavvee bbeeeenn wwaarrnneedd.. CCoonnssttaannttss kOSAComponentType kOSAGenericScriptingComponentSubtype kOSAFileType kOSASuite kOSARecordedText kOSAScriptIsModified kOSAScriptIsTypeCompiledScript kOSAScriptIsTypeScriptValue kOSAScriptIsTypeScriptContext kOSAScriptBestType kOSACanGetSource typeOSADialectInfo keyOSADialectName keyOSADialectCode keyOSADialectLangCode keyOSADialectScriptCode kOSAScriptResourceType typeOSAGenericStorage Types and keywords. kOSANullScript kOSANullMode kOSAModeNull Default values. kOSASupportsCompiling kOSASupportsGetSource kOSASupportsAECoercion kOSASupportsAESending kOSASupportsRecording kOSASupportsConvenience kOSASupportsDialects kOSASupportsEventHandling Feature flags. kOSAModePreventGetSource kOSAModeNeverInteract kOSAModeCanInteract kOSAModeAlwaysInteract kOSAModeDontReconnect kOSAModeCantSwitchLayer kOSAModeDoRecord kOSAModeCompileIntoContext kOSAModeAugmentContext kOSAModeDisplayForHumans kOSAModeDontStoreParent kOSAModeDispatchToDirectObject kOSAModeDontGetDataForArguments kOSAModeDontDefine Mode flags. kOSAErrorNumber kOSAErrorMessage kOSAErrorBriefMessage kOSAErrorApp kOSAErrorPartialResult kOSAErrorOffendingObject kOSAErrorExpectedType kOSAErrorRange typeOSAErrorRange keyOSASourceStart keyOSASourceEnd Error handling. kOSAUseStandardDispatch kOSANoDispatch kOSADontUsePhac kGenericComponentVersion Dispatching flags FFuunnccttiioonnss OSALoad SCRIPTINGCOMPONENT, SCRIPTDATA, MODEFLAGS The OSALoad function loads script data and returns a script ID. The generic scripting component uses the descriptor record in the SCRIPTDATA parameter to determine which scripting component should load the script. If the descriptor record is of type typeOSAGenericStorage, the generic scripting component uses the trailer at the end of the SCRIPTDATA to identify the scripting component. If the descriptor record's type is the subtype value for another scripting component, the generic scripting component uses the descriptor type to identify the scripting component. Return "undef" if an error was detected. OSAStore SCRIPTINGCOMPONENT, SCRIPTID, DESIREDTYPE, MODEFLAGS The OSAStore function returns script data in a descriptor record so that the data can later be saved in a resource or written to the data fork of a document. You can then reload the data for the descriptor record as a compiled script (although possibly with a different script ID) by passing the descriptor record to OSALoad(). Return "undef" if an error was detected.


The OSAExecute function executes the compiled script identified by the COMPILEDSCRIPTID parameter, using the script context identified

by the CONTEXTID parameter to maintain state information, such as

the binding of variables, for the compiled script. After successfully executing a script, OSAExecute returns the script ID for a resulting script value, or, if execution does not result in a value, "undef". OSADisplay SCRIPTINGCOMPONENT, SCRIPTVALUEID, DESIREDTYPE, MODEFLAGS The OSADisplay function coerces the script value identified by SCRIPTVALUEID to a descriptor record of the text type specified by the DESIREDTYPE parameter, if possible. Valid types include all the standard text descriptor types defined in the Apple Event Registry: Standard Suites, plus any special types supported by the scripting component. Return "undef" if an error was detected. OSAScriptError SCRIPTINGCOMPONENT, SELECTOR, DESIREDTYPE Whenever the OSAExecute() function returns the error errOSAScriptError, you can use the OSAScriptError function to get more specific information about the error from the scripting component that encountered it. (This information remains available only until the next call to the same scripting component.) The information returned by OSAScriptError depends on the value passed in the SELECTOR parameter, which also determines the descriptor type you should specify in the DESIREDTYPE parameter. Return "undef" if an error was detected. OSADispose SCRIPTINGCOMPONENT, SCRIPTID The OSADispose function releases the memory assigned to the script data identified by the SCRIPTID parameter. The SCRIPTID passed to the OSADispose function is no longer valid if the function returns successfully. A scripting component can then reuse that SCRIPTID for other script data. Return zero if no error was detected. OSASetScriptInfo SCRIPTINGCOMPONENT, SCRIPTID, SELECTOR, VALUE The OSASetScriptInfo function sets script information according to the value you pass in the selector parameter. If you use the kOSAScriptIsModified constant, OSASetScriptInfo sets a value that indicates how many times the script data has been modified since it was created or passed to OSALoad. Some scripting components may provide additional constants. Return zero if no error was detected. OSAGetScriptInfo SCRIPTINGCOMPONENT, SCRIPTID, SELECTOR The OSAGetScriptInfo function returns various results according to the value you pass in the SELECTOR parameter. Returns an integer value which may need to be recast as the desired type.


SCRIPTVALUEID The OSASetProperty function sets the value of a script property in

a specified script. VARIABLENAME is an AEDesc.


The OSAGetProperty function gets the value of a script property in

a specified script. VARIABLENAME is an AEDesc. Returns an AEDesc.

OSAGetAppTerminology SCRIPTINGCOMPONENT, MODEFLAGS, FILE, TERMINOLOGYID OSAGetAppTerminology gets one or more scripting terminology resources from the specified file. Returns an AEDesc. OSAScriptingComponentName SCRIPTINGCOMPONENT The OSAScriptingComponentName function returns a descriptor record that you can coerce to a text descriptor type such as typeChar. This can be useful if you want to display the name of the scripting language in which the user should write a new script. Return "undef" if an error was detected. OSACompile SCRIPTINGCOMPONENT, SOURCEDATA, MODEFLAGS, [PREVIOUSSCRIPTID] You can pass a descriptor record containing source data suitable for a specific scripting component (usually text) to the OSACompile function to obtain a script ID for the equivalent compiled script or script context. To compile the source data as a script context for use with OSAExecuteEvent() or OSADoEvent(), you must set the kOSACompileIntoContext flag, and the source data should include appropriate handlers. Return zero if no error was detected. OSACopyID SCRIPTINGCOMPONENT, FROMID, [TOID] The OSACopyID function replaces the script data identified by the script ID in the TOID parameter with the script data identified by the script ID in the FROMID parameter. Return "undef" if an error was detected. OSAGetSource SCRIPTINGCOMPONENT, SCRIPTID, [DESIREDTYPE] The OSAGetSource function decompiles the script data identified by the specified script ID and returns a descriptor record containing the equivalent source data. Return "undef" if an error was detected. OSACoerceFromDesc SCRIPTINGCOMPONENT, SCRIPTDATA, MODEFLAGS The OSACoerceFromDesc function coerces the descriptor record in the SCRIPTDATA parameter to the equivalent script value and returns a script ID for that value. Return "undef" if an error was detected. OSACoerceToDesc SCRIPTINGCOMPONENT, SCRIPTID, DESIREDTYPE, MODEFLAGS The OSACoerceToDesc function coerces the script value identified by SCRIPTID to a descriptor record of the type specified by the DESIREDTYPE parameter, if possible. Return "undef" if an error was detected. OSASetDefaultTarget SCRIPTINGCOMPONENT, TARGET The OSASetDefaultTarget function establishes the default target application for Apple event sending and the default application from which the scripting component should obtain terminology information. For example, AppleScript statements that refer to the default application do not need to be enclosed in "tell/end tell" statements. Return zero if no error was detected. OSAStartRecording SCRIPTINGCOMPONENT, [COMPILEDSCRIPTTOMODIFYID] The OSAStartRecording routine turns on Apple event recording. Subsequent Apple events are recorded (that is, appended to any existing statements) in the compiled script specified by the COMPILEDSCRIPTTOMODIFYID parameter. Return "undef" if an error was detected. OSAStopRecording SCRIPTINGCOMPONENT, COMPILEDSCRIPTID The OSAStopRecording function turns off recording. If the script is not currently open in a script editor window, the COMPILEDSCRIPTTOMODIFYID parameter supplied to OSAStartRecording() is then augmented to contain the newly recorded statements. If the script is currently open in a script editor window, the script data that corresponds to the compiledScriptToModifyID parameter supplied to OSAStartRecording() is updated continuously until the client application calls OSAStopRecording. Return zero if no error was detected.


The OSALoadExecute function loads script data and executes the resulting compiled script, using the script context identified by

the CONTEXTID parameter to maintain state information such as the

binding of variables. After successfully executing the script, OSALoadExecute disposes of the compiled script and returns either the script ID for the resulting script value or, if execution does not result in a value, the constant kOSANullScript. Return "undef" if an error was detected.


The OSACompileExecute function compiles source data and executes the resulting compiled script, using the script context identified

by the CONTEXTID parameter to maintain state information such as

the binding of variables. After successfully executing the script, OSACompileExecute disposes of the compiled script and returns either the script ID for the resulting script value or, if execution does not result in a value, the constant kOSANullScript. Return "undef" if an error was detected.


MODEFLAGS Calling the OSADoScript function is equivalent to calling OSACompile() followed by OSAExecute() and OSADisplay(). After compiling the source data, executing the compiled script using the

script context identified by the CONTEXTID parameter, and returning

the text equivalent of the resulting script value, OSADoScript disposes of both the compiled script and the resulting script value. Return "undef" if an error was detected. OSASetCurrentDialect SCRIPTINGCOMPONENT, DIALECTCODE Set the current dialect for a scripting component. Return zero if no error was detected. OSAGetCurrentDialect SCRIPTINGCOMPONENT Get the dialect code for the dialect currently being used by a scripting component. Returns the code for the current dialect of the specified scripting component. OSAAvailableDialects SCRIPTINGCOMPONENT Obtain a descriptor list containing information about each of the currently available dialects for a scripting component. Return "undef" if an error was detected. OSAGetDialectInfo SCRIPTINGCOMPONENT, DIALECTCODE, SELECTOR After you obtain a list of dialect codes by calling OSAAvailableDialectCodeList(), you can pass any of those codes to OSAGetDialectInfo to get information about the corresponding dialect. The descriptor type of the descriptor record returned by OSAGetDialectInfo depends on the constant specified in the SELECTOR parameter. Return "undef" if an error was detected. OSAAvailableDialectCodeList SCRIPTINGCOMPONENT Obtain a descriptor list containing dialect codes for each of a scripting component's currently available dialects. Return "undef" if an error was detected.


The OSAExecuteEvent function attempts to use the script context specified by the contextID parameter to handle the Apple event specified by the THEAPPLEEVENT parameter. Return "undef" if an error was detected.


The OSADoEvent function resembles both OSADoScript() and OSAExecuteEvent(). However, unlike OSADoScript(), the script OSADoEvent executes must be in the form of a script context, and execution is initiated by an Apple event. Unlike OSAExecuteEvent(), OSADoEvent returns a reply Apple event rather than the script ID of the resulting script value. Return "undef" if an error was detected.


The OSAMakeContext function creates a new script context that you may pass to OSAExecute() or OSAExecuteEvent(). The new script context inherits the bindings of the script context specified in

the PARENTCONTEXT parameter. Return "undef" if an error was

detected. OSAGetDefaultScriptingComponent GENERICSCRIPTINGCOMPONENT The OSAGetDefaultScriptingComponent function returns the subtype code for the default scripting component. This is the scripting component that will be used by OSAStartRecording(), OSACompile(), or OSACompileExecute() if no existing script ID is specified. From the user's point of view, the default scripting component corresponds to the scripting language selected in the Script Editor application when the user first creates a new script. Return "undef" if an error was detected. OSASetDefaultScriptingComponent GENERICSCRIPTINGCOMPONENT, SCRIPTINGSUBTYPE The OSASetDefaultScriptingComponent function sets the default scripting component for the specified instance of the generic scripting component to the scripting component identified by the SCRIPTINGSUBTYPE parameter. Return zero if no error was detected. OSAGetScriptingComponent GENERICSCRIPTINGCOMPONENT, SCRIPTINGSUBTYPE The OSAGetScriptingComponent function returns an instance of the scripting component identified by the SCRIPTINGSUBTYPE parameter. Each instance of the generic scripting component keeps track of a single instance of each component subtype, so OSAGetScriptingComponent always returns the same instance of a specified scripting component that the generic scripting component uses for standard scripting component routines. Return "undef" if an error was detected. OSAGetScriptingComponentFromStored GENERICSCRIPTINGCOMPONENT, SCRIPTDATA The OSAGetScriptingComponentFromStored function returns the subtype code for the scripting component that created the script data specified by the SCRIPTDATA parameter. Return "undef" if an error was detected. OSAGenericToRealID GENERICSCRIPTINGCOMPONENT, GENERICSCRIPTID Given a GENERICSCRIPTID (that is, a script ID returned by a call to a standard component routine via the generic scripting component),

the OSAGenericToRealID function returns the equivalent component-

specific script ID and the component instance that created that script ID as an array. OSARealToGenericID GENERICSCRIPTINGCOMPONENT, THESCRIPTID, THEEXACTCOMPONENT The OSARealToGenericID function performs the reverse of the task

performed by OSAGenericToRealID(). Given a component-specific

SCRIPTID and an exact scripting component instance (that is, the

component instance that created the component-specific script ID),

the OSARealToGenericID function returns the corresponding generic script ID. Return "undef" if an error was detected. AUTHOR Written by Matthias Ulrich Neeracher , documentation by Bob Dalgleish . Currently maintained by Chris Nandor .

perl v5.8.8 2007-09-23 OSA(3)

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