Mac::Notification - Macintosh Toolbox Interface to Notification Manager
Access to Inside Macintosh is essential for proper use of these functions. Explanations of terms, processes and procedures are provided there. Any attempt to use these functions without guidance can cause severe errors in your machine, including corruption of data. YYoouu hhaavvee bbeeeenn wwaarrnneedd.. TTyyppeess NMRec The notification record. Fields are: short nmMark; /* item to mark in Apple menu*/ Handle nmIcon; /* handle to small icon*/ Handle nmSound; /* handle to sound record*/ Str255 nmStr; /* string to appear in alert*/ long nmRefCon; /* for application use*/ new NMRec (KEY => VALUE...) Create a new notification record and fill it in. FFuunnccttiioonnss NMInstall REQUEST Install a notification. NMRemove REQUEST Remove a notification. AUTHOR Written by Matthias Ulrich Neeracher. Currently maintained by Chris Nandor . perl v5.8.8 2007-09-23 Notification(3)