Mac::InternetConfig - Interface to Peter Lewis' and Quinns Internet
Config systemDESCRIPTION
Access to the original Internet Config documentation is essential for proper use of these functions. CCoonnssttaannttss kICRealName kICEmail kICMailAccount kICMailPassword kICNewsAuthUsername kICNewsAuthPassword kICArchiePreferred kICArchieAll kICUMichPreferred kICUMichAll kICInfoMacPreferred kICInfoMacAll kICPhHost kICWhoisHost kICFingerHost kICFTPHost kICTelnetHost kICSMTPHost kICNNTPHost kICGopherHost kICLDAPServer kICLDAPSearchbase kICWWWHomePage kICWAISGateway kICListFont kICScreenFont kICPrinterFont kICTextCreator kICBinaryTypeCreator kICDownloadFolder kICSignature kICOrganization kICPlan kICQuotingString kICMailHeaders kICNewsHeaders kICMapping kICCharacterSet kICHelper kICServices kICNewMailFlashIcon kICNewMailDialog kICNewMailPlaySound kICNewMailSoundName kICWebBackgroundColour kICNoProxyDomains kICUseSocks kICSocksHost kICUseHTTPProxy kICHTTPProxyHost kICUseFTPProxy kICFTPProxyHost kICFTPProxyUser kICFTPProxyPassword kICFTPProxyAccount Internet Config settings. ICmapbinary ICmapresourcefork ICmapdatafork ICmappost ICmapnotincoming ICmapnotoutgoing ICservicestcp ICservicesudp icNoPerm icReadOnlyPerm icReadWritePerm Various constants. VVaarriiaabblleess$ICInstance
The instance of the Internet Config database.%RawInternetConfig
Access the raw, uninterpreted value of an Internet Config setting.%InternetConfig
Access a sane Perl version of one of the more common Internet Config settings.%InternetConfigMap
Access the Internet Config file map to: filename Determine the file type and creator for a newly created file:$map = $InternetConfigMap{"output.html"};
type/creator Determine the extension to use for some type/creator combination:$map = $InternetConfigMap{["WDBN", "MSWD"]};
TTyyppeess ICMapEntry An entry in the file map. Fields are: short version; OSType filetype; OSType filecreator; OSType postcreator; long flags; Str255 extension; Str255 creatorappname; Str255 postappname; Str255 MIMEtype; Str255 entryname; FFuunnccttiioonnss ICStart ICStart CREATOR Call this at application initialisation. Set creator to your application creator to allow for future expansion of the IC system (Default is MacPerl's creator). Returns a connection to the IC system. ICStop INST It is illegal to call this routine inside a ICBegin/End pair. Call this at application termination, after which INST is no longer valid connection to IC. ICGeneralFindConfigFile INST, SEARCHPREFS, CANCREATE, @FOLDERS ICGeneralFindConfigFile INST, SEARCHPREFS, CANCREATE ICGeneralFindConfigFile INST MMaacc OOSS oonnllyy.. It is illegal to call this routine inside a ICBegin/End pair. Call to configure this connection to IC. This routine acts as a more general replacement for ICFindConfigFile and ICFindUserConfigFile. Set searchprefs to 1 (default) if you want it to search the preferences folder. Set cancreate to 1 if you want it to be able to create a new config. Set count as the number of valid elements in folders. Set folders to a pointer to the folders to search. Setting count to 0 and folders to nil is OK. Searches the specified folders and then optionally the Preferences folder in a unspecified manner. ICChooseConfig INST MMaacc OOSS oonnllyy.. Requires IC 1.2. It is illegal to call this routine inside a ICBegin/End pair. Requests the user to choose a configuration, typically using some sort of modal dialog. If the user cancels the dialog the configuration state will be unaffected. ICChooseNewConfig INST MMaacc OOSS oonnllyy.. Requires IC 1.2. It is illegal to call this routine inside a ICBegin/End pair. Requests the user to choose a new configuration, typically using some sort of modal dialog. If the user cancels the dialog the configuration state will be unaffected.ICGetConfigName INST, LONGNAME
ICGetConfigName INST Requires IC 1.2. You must specify a configuration before calling this routine. Returns a string that describes the current configuration at a user level. Set longname to 1 if you want a long name, up to 255 characters, or 0 (default) if you want a short name, typically about 32 characters. The returned string is for user display only. If you rely on the exact format of it, you will conflict with any future IC implementation that doesn't use explicit preference files. ICGetConfigReference INST MMaacc OOSS oonnllyy.. Requires IC 1.2. You must specify a configuration before callingthis routine. Returns a self-contained reference to the instance's
current configuration. ICSetConfigReference INST, REF, FLAGS ICSetConfigReference INST, REF MMaacc OOSS oonnllyy.. Requires IC 1.2. It is illegal to call this routine inside a ICBegin/End pair. Reconfigures the instance using a configuration reference that was got using ICGetConfigReference reference. Set the icNoUserInteractionbit in flags if you require that this routine not present a modal dialog. Other flag bits are reserved and should be set to zero. ICGetSeed INST You do not have to specify a configuration before calling this routine. You do not have to be inside an ICBegin/End pair to call this routine. Returns the current seed for the IC prefs database.This seed changes each time a non-volatile preference is changed.
You can poll this to determine if any cached preferences change. ICGetComponentInstance INST MMaacc OOSS oonnllyy.. Requires IC 1.2. You do not have to specify a configuration before calling this routine. You do not have to be inside an ICBegin/End pair to call this routine. Returns the connection to the IC component. ICBegin INST, PERM You must specify a configuration before calling this routine. It is illegal to call this routine inside a ICBegin/End pair. Starting reading or writing multiple preferences. A call to this must be balanced by a call to ICEnd. Do not call WaitNextEvent between these calls. The perm specifies whether you intend to read or read/write. Only one writer is allowed per instance. Note that this may open resource files that are not closed until you call ICEnd. ICGetPref INST, KEY You must specify a configuration before calling this routine. If you are getting or setting multiple preferences, you should place these calls within an ICBegin/ICEnd pair. If you call this routine outside of such a pair, it implicitly calls ICBegin(inst, icReadOnlyPerm). Reads the preference specified by key from the IC database to the buffer pointed to by buf and size. key must not be the empty string. If called in a scalar context, return the preference. If called in a list context, additionally returns the attributes. Returns icPrefNotFound if there is no preference for the key. ICSetPref INST, KEY, VALUE =item ICSetPref INST, KEY, VALUE, ATTR You must specify a configuration before calling this routine. If you are getting or setting multiple preferences, you should place these calls within an ICBegin/ICEnd pair. If you call this routine outside of such a pair, it implicitly calls ICBegin(inst, icReadWritePerm). Sets the preference specified by KEY from the IC database to the VALUE. If attr is ICattrnochange (the default) then the preference attributes are not set. Otherwise the preference attributes are set to attr. Returns icPermErr if the previous ICBegin was passed icReadOnlyPerm. Returns icPermErr if current attr is locked, new attr is locked. ICCountPref INST You must specify a configuration before calling this routine. You must be inside an ICBegin/End pair to call this routine. Counts the total number of preferences. ICGetIndPref INST, N You must specify a configuration before calling this routine. You must be inside an ICBegin/End pair to call this routine. Returns the key of the Nth preference. n must be positive. Returns icPrefNotFoundErr if n is greater than the total number of preferences. ICDeletePref INST, KEY You must specify a configuration before calling this routine. You must be inside an ICBegin/End pair to call this routine. Deletes the preference specified by KEY. KEY must not be the empty string. Returns icPrefNotFound if the preference specified by key is not present. ICEnd INST You must specify a configuration before calling this routine. You must be inside an ICBegin/End pair to call this routine. Terminates a preference session, as started by ICBegin. You must have called ICBegin before calling this routine. ICEditPreferences INST, KEY Requires IC 1.1. You must specify a configuration before calling this routine. You do not have to be inside an ICBegin/End pair to call this routine. Instructs IC to display the user interface associated with editing preferences and focusing on the preference specified by key. If key is the empty string then no preference should be focused upon. You must have specified a configuration before calling this routine. You do not need to call ICBegin before calling this routine. In the current implementation this launches the IC application (or brings it to the front) and displays the window containing the preference specified by key. It may have a radically different implementation in future IC systems. ICParseURL INST, HINT, DATA, START, END ICParseURL INST, HINT, DATA Requires IC 1.1. You must specify a configuration before calling this routine. You do not have to be inside an ICBegin/End pair to call this routine. Parses a URL out of the specified text and returns it in a canonical form in a handle. HINT indicates the default scheme for URLs of the form "name@address". If HINT is the empty string then URLs of that form are not allowed. DATA contains the text. START and END should be passed in as the current selection of the text. This selection is given in the same manner as TextEdit, ie if START == END then there is no selection only an insertion point. Also START X END and 0 X START X length(DATA) and 0 X END X length(DATA). If START and END are omitted, the whole of DATA is assumed. In a scalar context, returns URL. In an array context, returns URL, START, END. ICLaunchURL INST, HINT, DATA, START, END ICLaunchURL INST, HINT, DATA Requires IC 1.1. You must specify a configuration before calling this routine. You do not have to be inside an ICBegin/End pair to call this routine. Parses a URL out of the specified text and feeds it off to the appropriate helper. HINT indicates the default scheme for URLs of the form "name@address". If HINT is the empty string then URLs of that form are not allowed. DATA contains the text. START and END should be passed in as the current selection of the text. This selection is given in the same manner as TextEdit, ie if START == END then there is no selection only an insertion point. Also START X END and 0 X START X length(DATA) and 0 X END X length(DATA). If START and END are omitted, the whole of DATA is assumed. In a scalar context, returns URL. In an array context, returns URL, START, END.ICMapFileName INST, NAME
Returns the "ICMapEntry" matching best the given name.ICMapTypeCreator INST, TYPE, CREATOR [, NAME]
Takes the type and creator (and optionally the name) of an outgoing file and returns the most appropriate "ICMapEntry".ICMapEntriesFileName INST, ENTRIES, NAME
Returns the "ICMapEntry" matching best the given name.ICMapEntriesTypeCreator INST, ENTRIES, TYPE, CREATOR [, NAME]
Takes the type and creator (and optionally the name) of an outgoing file and returns the most appropriate "ICMapEntry". ICCountMapEntries INST, ENTRIES Counts the number of entries in the map. ICGetIndMapEntry INST, ENTRIES, INDEX Returns the position of a map entry and the entry itself.$map = ICGetIndMapEntry $inst, $entries, 5;
($pos, $map) = ICGetIndMapEntry $inst, $entries, 5;
ICGetMapEntry INST, ENTRIES, POS Returns the entry located at position pos in the mappings database. ICSetMapEntry INST, ENTRIES, POS, ENTRY Replace the entry at position pos ICDeleteMapEntry INST, ENTRIES, POS Delete the entry at position pos ICAddMapEntry INST, ENTRIES, ENTRY Add an entry to the database. GetURL URL Launch helper app with URL. Returns undef on error. GetICHelper PROTOCOL Return list of creator ID and name for helper app assigned to PROTOCOL. Returns only creator ID in scalar context. Returns undef on error. AUTHOR Written by Matthias Ulrich Neeracher. Currently maintained by Chris Nandor . perl v5.8.8 2007-09-23 InternetConfig(3)