Mac::Files - Macintosh Toolbox Interface to the File and Alias Manager
CCoonnssttaannttss Constants for file access permissions. Use these constants to request a type of access to a file or fork, or to deny a type of access to a file or fork to other paths that may request access. Note that it is possible, on Mac OS 8 and 9, to open a file residing onread-only media with write access. On Mac OS X, however, you cannot
open a file with write access on read-only media; the attempt to open
the file fails with a wrPermErr error. fsCurPerm Requests whatever permissions are currently allowed. If write access is unavailable (because the file is locked or the file is already open with write permission), then read permission is granted. Otherwise read/write permission is granted. fsRdPerm Requests permission to read the file. fsWrPerm Requests permission to write to the file. If write permission is granted, no other access paths are granted write permission. Note,however, that the File Manager does not support write-only access
to a file. Thus, fsWrPerm is synonymous with fsRdWrPerm. fsRdWrPerm Requests exclusive read and write permission. If exclusive read/write permission is granted, no other users are granted permission to write to the file. Other users may, however, be granted permission to read the file. fsRdWrShPerm Requests shared read and write permission. Shared read/write permission allows mutliple access paths for reading and writing. This is safe only if there is some way of locking portions of the file before writing to them. Use the functions PBLockRangeSync and PBUnlockRangeSync to lock and unlock ranges of bytes within a file. On Mac OS 8 and 9, these functions are supported only on remotely mounted volumes, or on local volumes that are shareable on the network. You should check that range locking is available before requesting shared read/ write permission. On Mac OS X, range locking is available on all volumes. fsRdDenyPerm Requests that any other paths be prevented from having read access. A path cannot be opened if you request read permission (with thefsRdPerm constant) but some other path has requested deny-read
access. Similarly, the path cannot be opened if you request deny-
read permission, but some other path already has read access. This constant is used with the PBHOpenDenySync and PBHOpenRFDenySync functions. fsWrDenyPerm Requests that any other paths be prevented from having write access. A path cannot be opened if you request write permission (with the fsWrPerm constant) but some other path has requesteddeny-write access. Similarly, the path cannot be opened if you
request deny-write permission, but some other path already has
write access. This constant is used with the PBHOpenDenySync and PBHOpenRFDenySync functions. ioFlAttrib bits, returned by FSpGetCatInfo. kioFlAttribLocked Set if file or directory is locked kioFlAttribResOpen Set if resource fork is open kioFlAttribDataOpen Set if data fork is open kioFlAttribDir Set if this is a directory kioFlAttribCopyProtSet if AppleShare server "copy-protects" the file
kioFlAttribFileOpen Set if file (either fork) is open kioFlAttribInShared Set if the directory is within a shared area of the directory hierarchy kioFlAttribMounted Set if the directory is a share point that is mounted by some user kioFlAttribSharePoint Set if the directory is a share point Finder flags kIsOnDesk Files and folders (System 6) kColor Files and folders; bit 0x0020 was kRequireSwitchLaunch, but is now reserved for future use kIsShared Files only (Applications only); if clear, the application needs to write to its resource fork, and therefore cannot be shared on a server kHasNoINITs Files only (Extensions/Control Panels only); this file contains no INIT resource kHasBeenInited Files only; clear if the file contains desktop database; resources ('BNDL', 'FREF', 'open', 'kind'...) that have not been added yet.Set only by the Finder; reserved for folders - make sure this bit
is cleared for folders; bit 0x0200 was the letter bit for AOCE, but is now reserved for future use kHasCustomIcon Files and folders kIsStationery Files only kNameLocked Files and folders kHasBundle Files only kIsInvisible Files and folders kIsAlias Files only AppleTalk/GetAliasInfo Constants asiZoneName Return AppleTalk zone name from GetAliasInfo. asiServerName Return AppleTalk server name from GetAliasInfo. asiVolumeName Return volume name from GetAliasInfo. asiAliasName Return last component of target file name from GetAliasInfo. asiParentName Return name of enclosing folder from GetAliasInfo. This index value is 1. Higher indices will return folder names higher up the hierarchy. Folder type constants. Specify a type of folder on a particular volume. Use in vRefNum parameter of FindFolder(). kOnSystemDisk previously was 0x8000 but that is an unsigned value whereas vRefNum is signed kOnAppropriateDisk Generally, the same as kOnSystemDisk, but it's clearer that this isn't always the 'boot' disk.Folder Domains - Carbon only. The constants above can continue to be
used, but the folder/volume returned will be from one of the domains below. kSystemDomainRead-only system hierarchy.
kLocalDomain All users of a single machine have access to these resources. kNetworkDomain All users configured to use a common network server has access to these resources. kUserDomain Read/write. Resources that are private to the user. kClassicDomain Domain referring to the currently configured Classic System Folder kLastDomainConstant The ID of the last domain in the above list, used by the Folder Manager to determine if a given parameter should be treated as a domain or a volume... Constants for createFolder parameter of FindFolder(). kCreateFolder kDontCreateFolder Folder Type Constants for FindFolder(). kSystemFolderType the system folder kDesktopFolderType the desktop folder; objects in this folder show on the desk top. kSystemDesktopFolderType the desktop folder at the root of the hard drive, never the redirected user desktop folder kTrashFolderType the trash folder; objects in this folder show up in the trash kSystemTrashFolderType the trash folder at the root of the drive, never the redirected user trash folder kWhereToEmptyTrashFolderType the "empty trash" folder; Finder starts empty from here down kPrintMonitorDocsFolderType Print Monitor documents kStartupFolderType Finder objects (applications, documents, DAs, aliases, to...) to open at startup go here kShutdownFolderType Finder objects (applications, documents, DAs, aliases, to...) to open at shutdown go here kAppleMenuFolderType Finder objects to put into the Apple menu go here kControlPanelFolderType Control Panels go here (may contain INITs) kSystemControlPanelFolderTypeSystem control panels folder - never the redirected one, always
"Control Panels" inside the System Folder kExtensionFolderType System extensions go here kFontsFolderType Fonts go here kPreferencesFolderType preferences for applications go here kSystemPreferencesFolderTypeSystem-type Preferences go here - this is always the system's
preferences folder, never a logged in user's kTemporaryFolderType temporary files go here (deleted periodically, but don't rely on it.) kExtensionDisabledFolderType kControlPanelDisabledFolderType kSystemExtensionDisabledFolderType kStartupItemsDisabledFolderType kShutdownItemsDisabledFolderType kApplicationsFolderType kDocumentsFolderType New Constants kVolumeRootFolderType root folder of a volume kChewableItemsFolderType items deleted at boot kApplicationSupportFolderTypethird-party items and folders
kTextEncodingsFolderType encoding tables kStationeryFolderType stationery kOpenDocFolderType OpenDoc root kOpenDocShellPlugInsFolderTypeOpenDoc Shell Plug-Ins in OpenDoc folder
kEditorsFolderType OpenDoc editors in Mac OS Folder kOpenDocEditorsFolderType OpenDoc subfolder of Editors folder kOpenDocLibrariesFolderType OpenDoc libraries folder kGenEditorsFolderType CKH general editors folder at root level of Sys folder kHelpFolderType CKH help folder currently at root of system folder kInternetPlugInFolderType CKH internet plug ins for browsers and stuff kModemScriptsFolderType CKH modem scripts, get 'em OUT of the Extensions folder kPrinterDescriptionFolderType CKH new folder at root of System folder for printer descs. kPrinterDriverFolderType CKH new folder at root of System folder for printer drivers kScriptingAdditionsFolderType CKH at root of system folder kSharedLibrariesFolderType CKH for general shared libs. kVoicesFolderType CKH macintalk can live here kControlStripModulesFolderType CKH for control strip modules kAssistantsFolderType SJF for Assistants (Mac OS Setup Assistant, etc) kUtilitiesFolderType SJF for Utilities folder kAppleExtrasFolderType SJF for Apple Extras folder kContextualMenuItemsFolderType SJF for Contextual Menu items kMacOSReadMesFolderType SJF for Mac OS ReadMes folder kALMModulesFolderType EAS for Location Manager Module files except type 'thng' (within kExtensionFolderType) kALMPreferencesFolderType EAS for Location Manager Preferences (within kPreferencesFolderType; contains kALMLocationsFolderType) kALMLocationsFolderType EAS for Location Manager Locations (within kALMPreferencesFolderType) kColorSyncProfilesFolderType for ColorSyncX Profiles kThemesFolderType for Theme data files kFavoritesFolderType Favorties folder for Navigation Services kInternetFolderType Internet folder (root level of startup volume) kAppearanceFolderType Appearance folder (root of system folder) kSoundSetsFolderType Sound Sets folder (in Appearance folder) kDesktopPicturesFolderType Desktop Pictures folder (in Appearance folder) kInternetSearchSitesFolderType Internet Search Sites folder kFindSupportFolderType Find support folder kFindByContentFolderType Find by content folder kInstallerLogsFolderType Installer Logs folder kScriptsFolderType Scripts folder kFolderActionsFolderType Folder Actions Scripts folder kLauncherItemsFolderType Launcher Items folder kRecentApplicationsFolderType Recent Applications folder kRecentDocumentsFolderType Recent Documents folder kRecentServersFolderType Recent Servers folder kSpeakableItemsFolderType Speakable Items folder kKeychainFolderType Keychain folder kQuickTimeExtensionsFolderType QuickTime Extensions Folder (in Extensions folder) kDisplayExtensionsFolderType Display Extensions Folder (in Extensions folder) kMultiprocessingFolderType Multiprocessing Folder (in Extensions folder) kPrintingPlugInsFolderTypePrinting Plug-Ins Folder (in Extensions folder)
New Folder Types to accommodate the Mac OS X Folder Manager These folder types are not applicable on Mac OS 9. kDomainTopLevelFolderTypeThe top-level of a Folder domain, e.g. "/System"
kDomainLibraryFolderType the Library subfolder of a particular domain kColorSyncFolderTypeContains ColorSync-related folders
kColorSyncCMMFolderType ColorSync CMMs kColorSyncScriptingFolderType ColorSync Scripting support kPrintersFolderTypeContains Printing-related folders
kSpeechFolderTypeContains Speech-related folders
kCarbonLibraryFolderTypeContains Carbon-specific file
kDocumentationFolderType Contains Documentation files (not user documents) kDeveloperDocsFolderType Contains Developer Documentation files and folders kDeveloperHelpFolderType Contains Developer Help related files kISSDownloadsFolderType Contains Internet Search Sites downloaded from the Internet kUserSpecificTmpFolderType Contains temporary items created on behalf of the current user kCachedDataFolderType Contains various cache files for different clients kFrameworksFolderType Contains Mac OS X Framework folders kPrivateFrameworksFolderType Contains Mac OS X Private Framework folders kClassicDesktopFolderTypeMac OS 9 compatible desktop folder - same as
kSystemDesktopFolderType but with a more appropriate name for Mac OS X code. kDeveloperFolderType Contains Mac OS X Developer Resources kSystemSoundsFolderType Contains Mac OS X System Sound Files kComponentsFolderType Contains Mac OS X components kQuickTimeComponentsFolderType Contains QuickTime components for Mac OS X kCoreServicesFolderType Refers to the "CoreServices" folder on Mac OS X kPictureDocumentsFolderType Refers to the "Pictures" folder in a users home directory kMovieDocumentsFolderType Refers to the "Movies" folder in a users home directory kMusicDocumentsFolderType Refers to the "Music" folder in a users home directory kInternetSitesFolderType Refers to the "Sites" folder in a users home directory kPublicFolderType Refers to the "Public" folder in a users home directory kAudioSupportFolderType Refers to the Audio support folder for Mac OS X kAudioSoundsFolderType Refers to the Sounds subfolder of Audio Support kAudioSoundBanksFolderType Refers to the Banks subfolder of the Sounds Folder kAudioAlertSoundsFolderType Refers to the Alert Sounds subfolder of the Sound Folder kAudioPlugInsFolderTypeRefers to the Plug-ins subfolder of the Audio Folder
kAudioComponentsFolderTypeRefers to the Components subfolder of the Audio Plug-ins Folder
kKernelExtensionsFolderType Refers to the Kernel Extensions Folder on Mac OS X kDirectoryServicesFolderType Refers to the Directory Services folder on Mac OS X kDirectoryServicesPlugInsFolderTypeRefers to the Directory Services Plug-Ins folder on Mac OS X
kInstallerReceiptsFolderType Refers to the "Receipts" folder in Mac OS X kFileSystemSupportFolderType Refers to the [domain]/Library/Filesystems folder in Mac OS X kAppleShareSupportFolderType Refers to the [domain]/Library/Filesystems/AppleShare folder in Mac OS X kAppleShareAuthenticationFolderType Refers to the [domain]/Library/Filesystems/AppleShare/Authentication folder in Mac OS X kMIDIDriversFolderType Refers to the MIDI Drivers folder on Mac OS X kKeyboardLayoutsFolderType Refers to the [domain]/Library/KeyboardLayouts folder in Mac OS X kIndexFilesFolderType Refers to the [domain]/Library/Indexes folder in Mac OS X kFindByContentIndexesFolderType Refers to the [domain]/Library/Indexes/FindByContent folder in Mac OS X kManagedItemsFolderType Refers to the Managed Items folder for Mac OS X kBootTimeStartupItemsFolderType Refers to the "StartupItems" folder of Mac OS X More Folder Constants kLocalesFolderType PKE for Locales folder kFindByContentPluginsFolderTypeFind By Content Plug-ins
kUsersFolderType "Users" folder, contains one folder for each user. kCurrentUserFolderType The folder for the currently logged on user. kCurrentUserRemoteFolderLocation The remote folder for the currently logged on user kCurrentUserRemoteFolderType The remote folder location for the currently logged on user kSharedUserDataFolderType A Shared "Documents" folder, readable & writeable by all users kVolumeSettingsFolderType Volume specific user information goes here kAppleshareAutomountServerAliasesFolderType Appleshare puts volumes to automount inside this folder. kPreMacOS91ApplicationsFolderType The "Applications" folder, pre Mac OS 9.1 kPreMacOS91InstallerLogsFolderType The "Installer Logs" folder, pre Mac OS 9.1 kPreMacOS91AssistantsFolderType The "Assistants" folder, pre Mac OS 9.1 kPreMacOS91UtilitiesFolderType The "Utilities" folder, pre Mac OS 9.1 kPreMacOS91AppleExtrasFolderType The "Apple Extras" folder, pre Mac OS 9.1 kPreMacOS91MacOSReadMesFolderType The "Mac OS ReadMes" folder, pre Mac OS 9.1 kPreMacOS91InternetFolderType The "Internet" folder, pre Mac OS 9.1 kPreMacOS91AutomountedServersFolderType The "Servers" folder, pre Mac OS 9.1 kPreMacOS91StationeryFolderType The "Stationery" folder, pre Mac OS 9.1 TTyyppeess FInfo Information for a file, including: OSType fdType the type of the file OSType fdCreator file's creator U16 fdFlags flags ex. hasbundle,invisible,locked, etc. Point fdLocation file's location in folder FXInfo Further information for a file, including: short fdIconID Icon ID I8 fdScript Script flag and number I8 fdXFlags More flag bits short fdComment Comment ID long fdPutAway Home Dir ID DInfo Information for a directory, including: Rect frRect folder rect U16 frFlags Flags Point frLocation folder location short frView folder view DXInfo Further information for a directory, including: Point frScroll scroll position long frOpenChain DirID chain of open folders I8 frScript Script flag and number I8 frXFlags More flag bits short frComment comment long frPutAway DirID CatInfo Catalog information of a file or a directory, including: Str255 ioNamePtr ptr to Vol:FileName string short ioVRefNum volume refnum (DrvNum for Eject and MountVol) short ioFRefNum reference number I8 ioFVersNum version number short ioFDirIndex GetFInfo directory indexI8 ioFlAttrib GetFInfo: in-use bit=7, lock bit=0
I8 ioACUser access rights for directory only FInfo ioFlFndrInfo user info long ioDirID A directory ID U16 ioFlStBlk start file block (0 if none) long ioFlLgLen logical length (EOF) long ioFlPyLen physical length U16 ioFlRStBlk start block rsrc fork long ioFlRLgLen file logical length rsrc fork long ioFlRPyLen file physical length rsrc fork timet ioFlCrDat file creation date& time timet ioFlMdDat last modified date and time timet ioFlBkDat FXInfo ioFlXFndrInfo long ioFlParID long ioFlClpSiz DInfo ioDrUsrWds long ioDrDirID U16 ioDrNmFls timet ioDrCrDat timet ioDrMdDat timet ioDrBkDat DXInfo ioDrFndrInfo long ioDrParID FFuunnccttiioonnss FSpGetCatInfo FILE [, INDEX ] If INDEX is omitted or 0, returns information about the specified file or folder. If INDEX is nonzero, returns information obout the nth item in the specified folder. FSpSetCatInfo FILE, INFO Change information about the specified file.FSMakeFSSpec VREF, DIRID, NAME
Creates a file system specification record from a volume number, directory ID, and name. This call never returns a path name. FSpCreate FILE, CREATOR, TYPE [, SCRIPTTAG] Creates a file with the specified file creator and type. You don't want to know what a script tag is. FSpDirCreate FILE [, SCRIPTTAG] Creates a directory and returns its ID. FSpDelete FILE End the sad existence of a file or (empty) folder. FSpGetFInfo FILE Returns finder info about a specified file. FSpSetFInfo FILE, INFO Changes the finder info about a specified file. FSpSetFLock FILE Software lock a file. FSpRstFLock FILE Unlock a file.FSpRename FILE, NAME
Rename a file (only the name component). FSpCatMove FILE, FOLDER Move a file into a different folder. FSpExchangeFiles FILE1, FILE2 Swap the contents of two files, e.g. if you saved to a temp file and finally swap it with the original. NewAlias FILE Returns an AliasHandle for the file. NewAliasRelative FROM, FILE Returns a AliasHandle relative to FROM for the file. NewAliasMinimal FILE Returns an AliasHandle containing minimal information for the file. This type of alias is best suited for short lived aliases, e.g. in AppleEvents.NewAliasMinimalFromFullPath NAME [, ZONE [, SERVER]]
Create a new alias containing only the path name. UpdateAlias TARGET, ALIAS Updates an alias to point to the target file. Returns whether the alias was changed.. UpdateAliasRelative FROM, TARGET, ALIAS Updates an alias to point to the target file relative to FROM. Returns whether the alias was changed.. ResolveAlias ALIAS Resolves an alias. In scalar context, returns the path to the resolved file. In list context, also returns whether the alias was changed when resolving. ResolveAliasRelative FROM, ALIAS Resolves an alias relative to a file. In scalar context, returns the path to the resolved file. In list context, also returns whether the alias was changed when resolving. GetAliasInfo ALIAS, INDEX Return a component of the alias information.UnmountVol (VOLUMENAME | VOLUMENR)
Unmounts a volume.Eject (VOLUMENAME | VOLUMENR)
MMaacc OOSS oonnllyy.. Ejects a volume, placing it offline.FlushVol (VOLUMENAME | VOLUMENR)
Flush pending write operations on a volume. FindFolder VREF, FOLDERTYPE [, CREATE] Returns a path to a special folder on the given volume (specify "kOnSystemDisk" for the boot volume). For FOLDERTYPE, you can specify any of the "kXXXFolderType" constants listed above. AUTHOR Written by Matthias Ulrich Neeracher. Currently maintained by Chris Nandor . perl v5.8.8 2007-09-23 Files(3)