Mac::Components - Macintosh Toolbox Interface to the Components Manager
use Mac::Components;
RegisterComponentResource($Resource, 1);
CCoonnssttaannttss kAppleManufacturer kComponentResourceType kAnyComponentType kAnyComponentSubType kAnyComponentManufacturer kAnyComponentFlagsMask Default values for "GetDefaultComponent()". defaultComponentIdentical defaultComponentAnyFlags defaultComponentAnyManufacturer defaultComponentAnySubType defaultComponentAnyFlagsAnyManufacturer defaultComponentAnyFlagsAnyManufacturerAnySubType Flags for "GetDefaultComponent()". kComponentOpenSelect kComponentCloseSelect kComponentCanDoSelect kComponentVersionSelect kComponentRegisterSelect kComponentTargetSelect kComponentUnregisterSelect Standard component selectors. registerComponentGlobal registerComponentNoDuplicates registerComponentAfterExisting Flags for "SetDefaultComponent()". FFuunnccttiioonnss RegisterComponentResource TR, GLOBAL The RegisterComponentResource function makes a component available for use by applications (or other clients). Once the Component Manager has registered a component, applications can find and open the component using the standard Component Manager routines. You provide information identifying the component and specifying its capabilities. The Component Manager returns a component identifier that uniquely identifies the component to the system. UnregisterComponent ACOMPONENT The UnregisterComponent function removes a component from the Component ManagerO~s registration list. Most components are registered at startup and remain registered until the computer is shut down. However, you may want to provide some services temporarily. In that case you dispose of the component that provides the temporary service by using this function. Returns zero on failure. FindNextComponent ACOMPONENT, [COMPONENTTYPE, [COMPONENTSUBTYPE, [COMPONENTMANUFACTURER, [COMPONENTFLAGS, [COMPONENTFLAGSMASK]]]]] The FindNextComponent function returns the component identifier of a component that meets the search criteria. FindNextComponent returns a function result of 0 when there are no more matching components. CountComponents [COMPONENTTYPE, [COMPONENTSUBTYPE, [COMPONENTMANUFACTURER, [COMPONENTFLAGS, [COMPONENTFLAGSMASK]]]]] The CountComponents function returns a long integer containing the number of components that meet the specified search criteria. GetComponentInfo ACOMPONENT The GetComponentInfo function returns information about the specified component.($type, $subtype, $manufacturer, $flags, $mask, $name, $info) =
GetComponentListModSeed The GetComponentListModSeed function allows you to determine if the list of registered components has changed. This function returns the value of the component registration seed number. OpenComponent ACOMPONENT The OpenComponent function allows your application to gain access to the services provided by a component. Your application must open a component before it can call any component functions. You specify the component with a component identifier that your application previously obtained from the FindNextComponent function. Returns ComponentInstance. CloseComponent ACOMPONENTINSTANCE The CloseComponent function terminates your applicationO~s access to the services provided by a component. Your application specifies the connection to be closed with the component instance returned by the OpenComponent() or OpenDefaultComponent() function. Returns zero on failure. GetComponentInstanceError ACOMPONENTINSTANCE The GetComponentInstanceError function returns the last error generated by a specific connection to a component. Returns zero on failure. ComponentFunctionImplemented CI, FTNNUMBER The ComponentFunctionImplemented function allows you to determine whether a component supports a specified request. Your application can use this function to determine a componentO~s capabilities. Returns 1 if supported. GetComponentVersion CI The GetComponentVersion function returns a componentO~s version number as a coded integer. SetDefaultComponent ACOMPONENT, FLAGS The SetDefaultComponent function allows your component to change the search order for registered components. You specify a component that is to be placed at the front of the search chain, along with control information that governs the reordering operation. The order of the search chain influences which component the Component Manager selects in response to an applicationO~s use of the OpenDefaultComponent() and FindNextComponent() functions. Returns zero on failure. OpenDefaultComponent COMPONENTTYPE, [COMPONENTSUBTYPE] The OpenDefaultComponent function allows your application to gain access to the services provided by a component. Your application must open a component before it can call any component functions. You specify the component type and subtype values of the component to open. The Component Manager searches for a component that meets those criteria. If you want to exert more control over the selection process, you can use the FindNextComponent() and OpenComponent() functions. Returns ComponentInstance. RegisterComponentResourceFile RESREFNUM, GLOBAL The RegisterComponentResourceFile function registers all component resources in the given resource file according to the flags specified in the global parameter. Returns an integer value. AUTHOR Written by Matthias Ulrich Neeracher, documentation by Bob Dalgleish . Currently maintained by Chris Nandor . perl v5.8.8 2007-09-23 Components(3)