Mac::AppleEvents - Macintosh Toolbox Interface to the Apple Event
use Mac::AppleEvents;
Access to Inside Macintosh is essential for proper use of these functions. Explanations of terms, processes and procedures are provided there. Any attempt to use these functions without guidance can cause severe errors in your machine, including corruption of data. YYoouu hhaavvee bbeeeenn wwaarrnneedd.. CCoonnssttaannttss:: AAppppllee eevveenntt DDeessccrriippttoorr TTyyppeess typeBoolean A boolean. typeTrue A boolean True value. typeFalse A boolean False value. typeChar A string. typeShortInteger A 16 bit integer. typeInteger typeLongInteger A 32 bit integer. typeMagnitude An unsigned 32 bit integer. typeShortFloat A single precision floating point number. typeFloat typeLongFloat A double precision floating point number. typeExtended An extended double precision floating point number. typeComp A 64 bit number. typeAEList An Apple event list. typeAERecord An Apple event record. typeAppleEvent An Apple event. typeFSS A file specification record. typeAlias A file alias record. typeEnumerated An enumeration literal (4 byte character). typeType An Apple event type (4 byte character). typeAppParameters An application launch parameter record. typeProperty A property keyword (4 byte character). typeKeyword A keyword (4 byte character). typeSectionH An Edition Manager section handle. typeWildCard An arbitrary value. typeApplSignature An application signature (4 byte character). typeQDRectangle A QuickDraw rectangle. typeFixed A fixed point value. typeSessionID A PPC Toolbox session ID. typeTargetID A target ID record. typeProcessSerialNumber A process serial number. typeNull No data. CCoonnssttaannttss:: PPaarraammeetteerr aanndd AAttttrriibbuuttee KKeeyywwoorrddss keyDirectObject The direct object parameter. keyErrorNumber Error number. keyErrorString Error string. keyProcessSerialNumber Process serial number. keyTransactionIDAttr Transaction ID. keyReturnIDAttr Return ID. keyEventClassAttr Event class. keyEventIDAttr Event ID. keyAddressAttr Destination address. keyOptionalKeywordAttr List of optional keywords. keyTimeoutAttr Timeout limit. keyInteractLevelAttr Interaction level. keyEventSourceAttr Event source address. keyMissedKeywordAttr List of mandatory keywords not used. keyOriginalAddressAttr Original source address. keyPreDispatch Install handler before dispatching. keySelectProc Enable/Disable OSL. keyAERecorderCount Number of processes recording AppleEvents. keyAEVersion Apple Event Manager version. CCoonnssttaannttss:: CCoorree AAppppllee eevveenntt SSuuiittee kCoreEventClass Core Suite Event class. kAEOpenApplication Open application without documents. kAEOpenDocuments Open documents. kAEPrintDocuments Print documents. kAEQuitApplication Quit application. kAEAnswer Apple event answer event. kAEApplicationDied Launched application has ended. CCoonnssttaannttss:: MMiisscceellllaanneeoouuss kAENoReply kAEQueueReply kAEWaitReply kAENeverInteract kAECanInteract kAEAlwaysInteract kAECanSwitchLayer kAEDontReconnect kAEWantReceipt kAEDontRecord kAEDontExecute kAEInteractWithSelf kAEInteractWithLocal kAEInteractWithAll Apple event sendMode flags. kAENormalPriority kAEHighPriority Apple event priority values. kAEStartRecording kAEStopRecording kAENotifyStartRecording kAENotifyStopRecording kAENotifyRecording Recording events. kAutoGenerateReturnID kAnyTransactionID kAEDefaultTimeout kNoTimeOut Special values for return ID, transaction ID, and timeout. kAENoDispatch kAEUseStandardDispatch kAEDoNotIgnoreHandler kAEIgnoreAppPhacHandler kAEIgnoreAppEventHandler kAEIgnoreSysPhacHandler kAEIgnoreSysEventHandler kAEIngoreBuiltInEventHandler kAEDontDisposeOnResume Options for "AEResumeTheCurrentEvent()". VVaarriiaabblleess%AppleEvent
An array of application-wide event handlers.
$AppleEvent{"aevt", "odoc"} = \&OpenDocument;
An arrary of system-wide event handlers.
AAEEDDeesscc AEDesc is a Perl package that encapsulates an Apple Event Descriptor. It uses the OO methods of Perl5 to make building and parsing data structures easier. new TYPE, HANDLE new TYPE, DATA new TYPE new Create a new Apple event descriptor. Sets the type and data to TYPE (default is 'null'), and HANDLE or DATA (default is empty).$desc = new AEDesc("aevt", $event);
type TYPE type Return the type from the AEDesc structure. If TYPE is present, make it the new type. data HANDLE data Return the data from the AEDesc structure. If HANDLE is present, make it the new data. WWaarrnniinngg: If using Mac OS X, you must dispose of the result on your own. This is because in Mac OS, we returned the handle from the AEDesc itself, but now we must return a copy. So in Mac OS we could do:print $desc->data->get;
Now we must do:my $handle = $desc->data;
print $handle->get;
Normally, you don't want to call "data" directly anyway, and you would use "get" instead. get Return the data of the AEDesc structure in a smartly unpacked way. dispose Dispose the AEDesc. AAEEKKeeyyDDeesscc AEKeyDesc is a Perl package that encapsulates an Apple event keyword. It uses the OO methods of Perl5 to make building and parsing data structures easier. new KEY, TYPE, HANDLE new KEY, TYPE, DATA new KEY, TYPE new KEY new Creates a new Apple event keyword descriptor. Sets the keyword, type and data to KEY (default is zero), TYPE (default is 'null'), and HANDLE or DATA (default is empty). key KEY key Return the keyword of the AEKeyDesc structure. If KEY is present, make it the new keyword. type TYPE type Return the type from the AEKeyDesc structure. If TYPE is present, make it the new type. data HANDLE data Return the data from the AEKeyDesc structure. If HANDLE is present, make it the new data. get Return the contents in a smartly unpacked way. dispose Dispose the underlying AEDesc. RRaaww AApppplleeEEvveenntt IInntteerrffaaccee AECreateDesc TYPE, DATA The AECreateDesc function creates a new descriptor record that incorporates the specified data. AECoerce TYPE, DATA, NEWTYPE AECoerceDesc DESC, NEWTYPE The AECoerceDesc function attempts to create a new descriptor record by coercing the specified descriptor record. AECoerce attempts the same with a Perl data string. AEDisposeDesc DESC Deallocate the memory used by a descriptor record.if ( !AEDisposeDesc($desc) ) {
# error occurred
} AEDuplicateDesc DESC Creates a new descriptor record by copying the descriptor recordfrom the parameter $DESC.
$newDesc = AEDuplicateDesc($desc);
if ( defined $newDesc ) {
# do something productive
} AECreateList FACTOR, BOOL The AECreateList function creates an empty descriptor list (BOOL is 0), or AE record (BOOL is nonzero). FACTOR contains the common prefix for each descriptor or is empty.$list = AECreateList("", 0);
if ( defined $list ) {
# do something productive
} AECountItems DESCLIST Count the number of descriptor records in any descriptor list. The result is "undef" if the list is invalid. AEPut DESCLIST, INDEX, TYPE, HANDLE AEPutDesc DESCLIST, INDEX, DESC Add a descriptor record to any descriptor list. AEPut will manufacture the record to add it to the list. Return zero if an error was detected. AEPutKey DESCLIST, KEY, TYPE, HANDLE AEPutKeyDesc DESCLIST, KEY, DESC Add a descriptor record and a keyword to an AE record. AEPutKey will manufacture the record to add it to the AE record. Return zero if an error was detected. AEGetNthDesc DESCLIST, INDEX [, TYPE] The AEGetNthDesc function returns a specified descriptor record from a specified descriptor list. The result is an AEDesc object and the keyword from a keyword specified list.($Desc, $Key) = AEGetNthDesc($DescList, $i);
if ( defined $Desc ) {
# do something productive
} AEGetKeyDesc DESCLIST, KEY [, TYPE]The AEGetKeyDesc function returns a keyword-specified descriptor
record from a specified descriptor record. The result is an AEDesc object. AEDeleteItem DESCLIST, INDEX Delete a descriptor record from a descriptor list. All subsequent descriptor records will then move up one place. AEPutParam EVENT, KEY, TYPE, HANDLE AEPutParamDesc EVENT, KEY, DESC Add a descriptor record and a keyword to an Apple event as an Apple event parameter. AEPutParam creates the descriptor record. AEGetParamDesc EVENT, KEY [, TYPE] The AEGetParamDesc function returns the descriptor record for a specified Apple event parameter, which it attempts to coerce to the descriptor type specified by TYPE (default is no coercion). AEDeleteParam EVENT, KEY Delete an Apple event parameter. Return zero if an error was detected. AEGetAttributeDesc EVENT, KEY, TYPE The AEGetAttributeDesc function returns the descriptor record for the Apple event attribute with the specified keyword. AEPutAttribute EVENT, KEY, TYPE, HANDLE AEPutAttributeDesc EVENT, KEY, DESC The AEPutAttributeDesc function takes a descriptor record and a keyword and adds them to an Apple event as an attribute. AEPutAttribute creates the record from TYPE and HANDLE. Return zero if an error was detected. AECreateAppleEvent CLASS, EVENTID, DESC [, RETURNID [, TRANSACTIONID ] ] The AECreateAppleEvent function creates an Apple event and returns it. TRANSACTIONID defaults to zero. RETURNID defaults to kAutoGenerateReturnID. AESend EVENT, SENDMODE [, SENDPRIORITY [, TIMEOUT ] ] Send the Apple Event EVENT. TIMEOUT defaults to kAEDefaultTimeout. SENDPRIORITY defaults to kAENormalPriority. Returns the reply if SENDMODE was kAEWaitReply. AEResetTimer REPLY The Apple Event Manager for the server application uses the default reply to send a Reset Timer event to the client application; the Apple Event Manager for the client application's computer intercepts this Apple event and resets the client application's timer for the Apple event. AESuspendTheCurrentEvent EVENT After a server application makes a successful call to the AESuspendTheCurrentEvent function, it is no longer required to return a result or a reply for the Apple event that was being handled. The result is zero if no error was detected. AEResumeTheCurrentEvent EVENT [, FLAGS, REFCON] The Apple Event Manager resumes handling the specified Apple event using the handler specified in the FLAGS parameter, if any. If FLAGS and REFCON are missing, AEResumeTheCurrentEvent simply informs the Apple Event Manager that the specified event has been handled. AEGetTheCurrentEvent Get the Apple event that is currently being handled. AESetTheCurrentEvent EVENT There is usually no reason for your application to use the AESetTheCurrentEvent function. AEGetInteractionAllowed The AEGetInteractionAllowed function returns a value that indicates the user interaction preferences for responding to an Apple event. The result is "undef" if an error was detected. AESetInteractionAllowed LEVEL The AESetInteractionAllowed function sets the user interaction level for a server application's response to an Apple event. The result is zero if no error was detected. AEInstallEventHandler CLASS, EVENTID, HANDLER, HANDLERREFCON [, SYSTEM] The AEInstallEventHandler function creates an entry in the Apple event dispatch table. You must supply parameters that specify the event class, the event ID, the address of the handler that handles Apple events of the specified event class and event ID, and whether the handler is to be added to the system Apple event dispatch table or your application's Apple event dispatch table. You can also specify a reference constant that the Apple Event Manager passes to your handler whenever your handler processes an Apple event. if (!AEInstallEventHandler(kCoreEventClass, kAEOpenDocuments, 'OpenDocument', 0) ) {# an error occurred.
}A much more uniform (and Perl-ish) method is available using the
hash arrays %AppleEvent and %SysAppleEvent to bind handlers to
event types.$AppleEvent{kCoreEventClass, kAEOpenDocuments} = 'OpenDocument';
...delete $AppleEvent{kCoreEventClass, kAEOpenDocuments};
AERemoveEventHandler CLASS, EVENTID [, SYSTEM] The AERemoveEventHandler function removes the Apple event dispatch table entry you specify in the parameters CLASS, EVENTID, and SYSTEM. AEGetEventHandler CLASS, EVENTID [, SYSTEM] The AEGetEventHandler function returns the handler and handlerrefcon for the specified class and event.($proc, $refcon) = AEGetEventHandler("aevt", "oapp");
AEManagerInfo KEY Obtain information about the version of the Apple Event Manager currently available or the number of processes that are currently recording Apple events. The result is "undef" if an error occurred. AAEEGGiizzmmooss BBuuiilldd//PPrriinntt The Apple Event Gizmos were developed by Jens Peter Alfke at Apple as a vastly speeded up AE library. Consult the AEGizmo documentation for details of usage of the library. The Build/Print facility uses a formatting convention similar to scanf/printf to put things together. AEBuild FORMAT, PARM, ... Build an AppleEvent descriptor using the format per the Gizmo documentation and return it. AEBuildParameters EVENT, FORMAT, PARM, ... Build parameters for an existing AppleEvent EVENT.if (!AEBuildParameters($reply, $format, $parm1, $parm2) ) {
# an error occurred
} AEBuildAppleEvent CLASS, ID, ADDRESSTYPE, ADDRESS, RETURNID, TRANSACTIONID, FORMAT, PARMS, ... Construct an AppleEvent from the format and parameters and return it. AEPrint DESC Return a string version of the descriptor record. The result is "undef" if an error occurred. AAEEGGiizzmmooss SSuubbddeessccrriippttoorrss The Apple Event Gizmos subdescriptor approach uses a dictionary method for extracting and constructing descriptors. Parsing an Apple Event using the dictionary is very time efficient, and translating to and from the dictionary tables is quick and efficient. AEDescToSubDesc DESC MMaacc OOSS oonnllyy.. Translate DESC to a subdescriptor (dictionary entry). Return the subdescriptor. AEGetSubDescType SUBDESC MMaacc OOSS oonnllyy.. Return the type of the subdescriptor. AEGetSubDescBasicType SUBDESC MMaacc OOSS oonnllyy.. Return the basic type of the subdescriptor. Differs from AEGetSubDescType in handling of coerced records. AESubDescIsListOrRecord SUBDESC MMaacc OOSS oonnllyy.. Return nonzero if the subdescriptor is a list or record. AEGetSubDescData SUBDESC MMaacc OOSS oonnllyy.. Returns the data of the subdescriptor. AESubDescToDesc SUBDESC, DESIREDTYPE MMaacc OOSS oonnllyy.. Translate the subdescriptor back to a descriptor of the desired type. AECountSubDescItems SUBDESC MMaacc OOSS oonnllyy.. Counts the number of subdescriptor items. AEGetNthSubDesc SUBDESC,INDEX MMaacc OOSS oonnllyy.. Returns the item INDEX of the subdescriptor and its type if the subdescriptor represented a record and not a list. AEGetKeySubDesc SUBDESC,KW MMaacc OOSS oonnllyy.. Returns the keyword indexed item from the subdescriptor. AAEESSttrreeaamm The Apple Event Gizmos streams approach uses a streaming model for building a sequence of descriptors. new AEStream AEStream::Open Return a new AEStream. new AEStream(CLASS, ID, ADDRESSTYPE, ADDRESS [, RETURNID [, TRANSACTIONID ] ]) AEStream::CreateEvent CLASS, ID, ADDRESSTYPE, ADDRESS, RETURNID, TRANSACTIONID Create an AEStream attached to a new AppleEvent. new AEStream(EVENT) AEStream::OpenEvent EVENTOpens the stream on the $EVENT. Return "undef" if an error was
detected. Close Return the descriptor corresponding to the stream, and close it out.$stream->Close;
Abort STREAM Abort the streaming process, and close it out.$stream->Abort;
OpenDesc TYPE Start building a descriptor of the given type. Return zero if an error was detected.if ( $stream->OpenDesc($type) ) {
# Long messy calculation that demonstrates the usefullness of this code
if ( $stream->WriteData($calculatedData)
&& $stream->CloseDesc()
){# then, my work here is done
} } WriteData DATA Add data to the descriptor. CloseDesc Finish up the descriptor. WriteDesc TYPE, DATA Add the arbitrary data with the given type as a descriptor to the stream. WriteAEDesc STREAM, AEDESC Add an Apple Event descriptor to the stream. OpenList Start building a list of AppleEvent descriptors in the stream. CloseList STREAM Return zero if an error was detected.if ( $stream->OpenList() ) {
for $desc (@descList) {
croak unless $stream->WriteAEDesc($desc);
}die unless $stream->CloseList();
} OpenRecord [TYPE] Start the process of building a record, to be coerced to the given type. SetRecordType TYPE Change the record type. CloseRecord STREAM Close the record currently under construction.if ( $stream->OpenRecord(typeAErecord) ) {
for $kdesc (@descList) {
die unless $stream->WriteKey($kdesc->key) and
}die unless $stream->CloseRecord();
} WriteKeyDesc KEY, TYPE, DATA Add the keyword descriptor to the stream. OpenKeyDesc KEY, TYPE Open a descriptor with the given type and key. Use CloseDesc() to close it. WriteKey KEY Add the keyword to the immediately following descriptor. Return zero if an error was detected. OptionalParam KEY Adds the keyword to the list of optional attributes. AUTHOR Written by Matthias Ulrich Neeracher, documentation by Bob Dalgleish . Currently maintained by Chris Nandor . perl v5.8.8 2007-09-23 AppleEvents(3)