Mac::AETE::Dialect - reads the Macintosh Apple event dictionary from an
Applescript dialect file.SYNOPSIS
use Mac::AETE::App;use Mac::AETE::Dialect;
use Mac::AETE::Format::Dictionary;$aeut = Dialect->new();
$app = App->new("My Application");
$formatter = Dictionary->new;
The data in Dialect objects can be merged into a Parser or App object to make a complete Apple event dictionary. The module will locate the proper AppleScript dialect file in the system folder. See Mac::AETE::Parser and Mac::AETE::App for more details. Methods new Example:use Mac::AETE::Dialect;
$app = Dialect->new;
read (Inherited from Mac::AETE::Parser.) Reads the data contained in the AETE resource or handle. Example:$app->read;
IINNHHEERRIITTAANNCCEE Inherits from Mac::AETE::Parser. AUTHOR David Schooleyperl v5.8.8 2003-03-31 Mac::AETE::Dialect(3)