MMPPIIWWaaiitt - Waits for an MPI send or receive to complete.
SSYYNNTTAAXX CC SSyynnttaaxx#include
int MPIWait(MPIRequest *request, MPIStatus *status) FFoorrttrraann SSyynnttaaxx INCLUDE 'mpif.h'MPIWAIT(REQUEST, STATUS, IERROR)
CC++++ SSyynnttaaxx#include
void Request::Wait(Status& status) void Request::Wait() IINNPPUUTT PPAARRAAMMEETTEERR request Request (handle). OOUUTTPPUUTT PPAARRAAMMEETTEERRSS status Status object (status).IERROR Fortran only: Error status (integer).
A call to MPIWait returns when the operation identified by request is complete. If the communication object associated with this request wascreated by a nonblocking send or receive call, then the object is deal-
located by the call to MPIWait and the request handle is set to MPIREQUESTNULL. The call returns, in status, information on the completed operation. The content of the status object for a receive operation can beaccessed as described in Section 3.2.5 of the MPI-1 Standard, "Return
Status." The status object for a send operation may be queried by acall to MPITestcancelled (see Section 3.8 of the MPI-1 Standard,
"Probe and Cancel"). If your application does not need to examine the status field, you can save resources by using the predefined constant MPISTATUSIGNORE as a special value for the status argument.One is allowed to call MPIWait with a null or inactive request argu-
ment. In this case the operation returns immediately with empty status. Successful return of MPIWait after an MPIIbsend implies that the user send buffer can be reused i.e., data has been sent out or copied into a buffer attached with MPIBufferattach. Note that, at this point, we can no longer cancel the send (for more information, see Section 3.8 ofthe MPI-1 Standard, "Probe and Cancel"). If a matching receive is never
posted, then the buffer cannot be freed. This runs somewhat counter to the stated goal of MPICancel (always being able to free program space that was committed to the communication subsystem). Example: Simple usage of nonblocking operations and MPIWait. CALL MPICOMMRANK(comm, rank, ierr) IF(rank.EQ.0) THEN CALL MPIISEND(a(1), 10, MPIREAL, 1, tag, comm, request, ierr) **** do some computation **** CALL MPIWAIT(request, status, ierr) ELSE CALL MPIIRECV(a(1), 15, MPIREAL, 0, tag, comm, request, ierr) **** do some computation **** CALL MPIWAIT(request, status, ierr) END IF EERRRROORRSS Almost all MPI routines return an error value; C routines as the valueof the function and Fortran routines in the last argument. C++ func-
tions do not return errors. If the default error handler is set toMPI::ERRORSTHROWEXCEPTIONS, then on error the C++ exception mechanism
will be used to throw an MPI::Exception object. Before the error value is returned, the current MPI error handler is called. By default, this error handler aborts the MPI job, except for I/O function errors. The error handler may be changed with MPICommseterrhandler, MPIFileseterrhandler, orMPIWinseterrhandler (depending on the type of MPI handle that gener-
ated the request); the predefined error handler MPIERRORSRETURN may
be used to cause error values to be returned. Note that MPI does not guarantee that an MPI program can continue past an error.Note that per MPI-1 section 3.2.5, MPI exceptions on requests passed to
MPIWAIT do not set the status.MPIERROR field in the returned status.
The error code is passed to the back-end error handler and may be
passed back to the caller through the return value of MPIWAIT if theback-end error handler returns it. The pre-defined MPI error handler
MPIERRORSRETURN exhibits this behavior, for example.
MPICommseterrhandler MPIFileseterrhandler MPITest MPITestall MPITestany MPITestsome MPIWaitall MPIWaitany MPIWaitsome MPIWinseterrhandler Open MPI 1.2 March 2007 MPIWait(3OpenMPI)