Manual Pages for UNIX Darwin command on man MPI_Type_c2f

Manual Pages for UNIX Darwin command on man MPI_Type_c2f

MPICommf2c(3OpenMPI) MPICommf2c(3OpenMPI)


HHaannddllee ttrraannssllaattiioonn rroouuttiinneess - Translates a C handle into a Fortran

handle, or vice versa. SSYYNNTTAAXX CC SSyynnttaaxx


MPIComm MPICommf2c(MPIFint comm) MPIFint MPICommc2f(MPIComm comm) MPIFile MPIFilef2c(MPIFint file) MPIFint MPIFilec2f(MPIFile file) MPIGroup MPIGroupf2c(MPI Fint group) MPIFint MPIGroupc2f(MPI Group group) MPIInfo MPIInfof2c(MPIFint info) MPIFint MPIInfoc2f(MPIInfo info) MPIOp MPIOpf2c(MPIFint op) MPIFint MPIOpc2f(MPIOp op) MPIRequest MPIRequestf2c(MPIFint request) MPIFint MPIRequestc2f(MPIRequest request) MPIDatatype MPITypef2c(MPIFint datatype) MPIFint MPITypec2f(MPIDatatype datatype) MPIWin MPIWinf2c(MPIFint win) MPIFint MPIWinc2f(MPIWin win)


Handles are passed between Fortran and C or C++ by using an explicit C wrapper to convert Fortran handles to C handles. There is no direct access to C or C++ handles in Fortran. Handles are passed between C and C++ using overloaded C++ operators called from C++ code. There is no direct access to C++ objects from C. The type definition MPIFint is provided in C/C++ for an integer of the size that matches a Fortran

INTEGER; usually, MPIFint will be equivalent to int. The handle trans-

lation functions are provided in C to convert from a Fortran handle (which is an integer) to a C handle, and vice versa. For example, if comm is a valid Fortran handle to a communicator, then MPICommf2c returns a valid C handle to that same communicator; if comm = MPICOMMNULL (Fortran value), then MPICommf2c returns a null C handle; if comm is an invalid Fortran handle, then MPICommf2c returns an invalid C handle. NNOOTTEE This function does not return an error value. Consequently, the result of calling it before MPIInit or after MPIFinalize is undefined. Open MPI 1.2 September 2006 MPICommf2c(3OpenMPI)

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