SSttaattuuss ccoonnvveerrssiioonn rroouuttiinneess - Translates a C status into a Fortran sta-
tus, or vice versa. SSYYNNTTAAXX CC SSyynnttaaxx#include
int MPIStatusf2c(MPIFint *fstatus, MPIStatus *cstatus) int MPIStatusc2f(MPIStatus *cstatus, MPIFint *fstatus)DESCRIPTION
These two procedures are provided in C to convert from a Fortran status (which is an array of integers) to a C status (which is a structure), and vice versa. The conversion occurs on all the information in status, including that which is hidden. That is, no status information is lost in the conversion. When using MPIStatusf2c, if fstatus is a valid Fortran status, but not the Fortran value of MPISTATUSIGNORE or MPISTATUSESIGNORE, thenMPIStatusf2c returns in cstatus a valid C status with the same con-
tent. If fstatus is the Fortran value of MPISTATUSIGNORE or MPISTA-
TUSESIGNORE, or if fstatus is not a valid Fortran status, then the call is erroneous. When using MPIStatusc2f, the opposite conversion is applied. If cstatus is MPISTATUSIGNORE or MPISTATUSESIGNORE, or if cstatus is not a valid C status, then the call is erroneous.The C status has the same source, tag and error code values as the For-
tran status, and returns the same answers when queried for count, ele-
ments, and cancellation. The conversion function may be called with a Fortran status argument that has an undefined error field, in whichcase the value of the error field in the C status argument is unde-
fined. Open MPI 1.2 September 2006 MPIStatusf2c(3OpenMPI)