Manual Pages for UNIX Darwin command on man MPI_Reduce_scatter

Manual Pages for UNIX Darwin command on man MPI_Reduce_scatter

MPIReducescatter(3OpenMPI) MPIReducescatter(3OpenMPI)


MMPPIIRReedduucceessccaatttteerr - Combines values and scatters the results.



int MPIReducescatter(void *sendbuf, void *recvbuf, int *recvcounts, MPIDatatype datatype, MPIOp op, MPIComm comm) FFoorrttrraann SSyynnttaaxx INCLUDE 'mpif.h' MPIREDUCESCATTER(SENDBUF, RECVBUF, RECVCOUNTS, DATATYPE, OP,




CC++++ SSyynnttaaxx


void MPI::Comm::Reducescatter(const void* sendbuf, void* recvbuf, int recvcounts[], const MPI::Datatype& datatype, const MPI::Op& op) const IINNPPUUTT PPAARRAAMMEETTEERRSS sendbuf Starting address of send buffer (choice). recvcounts Integer array specifying the number of elements in result distributed to each process. Array must be identical on all calling processes. datatype Datatype of elements of input buffer (handle). op Operation (handle). comm Communicator (handle). OOUUTTPPUUTT PPAARRAAMMEETTEERRSS recvbuf Starting address of receive buffer (choice).

IERROR Fortran only: Error status (integer).


MPIReducescatter first does an element-wise reduction on vector of

count = S(i)revcounts[i] elements in the send buffer defined by send-

buf, count, and datatype. Next, the resulting vector of results is split into n disjoint segments, where n is the number of processes in the group. Segment i contains recvcounts[i] elements. The ith segment is sent to process i and stored in the receive buffer defined by recvbuf, recvcounts[i], and datatype.


When the communicator is an intracommunicator, you can perform a

reduce-scatter operation in-place (the output buffer is used as the

input buffer). Use the variable MPIINPLACE as the value of the send-

buf. In this case, the input data is taken from the top of the receive buffer. The area occupied by the input data may be either longer or shorter than the data filled by the output data.


When the communicator is an inter-communicator, the reduce-scatter

operation occurs in two phases. First, the result of the reduction performed on the data provided by the processes in the first group is scattered among the processes in the second group. Then the reverse occurs: the reduction performed on the data provided by the processes in the second group is scattered among the processes in the first

group. For each group, all processes provide the same recvcounts argu-

ment, and the sum of the recvcounts values should be the same for both groups. NNOOTTEESS OONN CCOOLLLLEECCTTIIVVEE OOPPEERRAATTIIOONNSS The reduction functions ( MPIOp ) do not return an error value. As a result, if the functions detect an error, all they can do is either call MPIAbort or silently skip the problem. Thus, if you change the

error handler from MPIERRORSAREFATAL to something else, for example,

MPIERRORSRETURN , then no error may be indicated.

The reason for this is the performance problems in ensuring that all collective routines return the same error value. EERRRROORRSS Almost all MPI routines return an error value; C routines as the value

of the function and Fortran routines in the last argument. C++ func-

tions do not return errors. If the default error handler is set to

MPI::ERRORSTHROWEXCEPTIONS, then on error the C++ exception mechanism

will be used to throw an MPI:Exception object. Before the error value is returned, the current MPI error handler is called. By default, this error handler aborts the MPI job, except for I/O function errors. The error handler may be changed with

MPICommseterrhandler; the predefined error handler MPIERRORSRETURN

may be used to cause error values to be returned. Note that MPI does not guarantee that an MPI program can continue past an error. Open MPI 1.2 September 2006 MPIReducescatter(3OpenMPI)

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