MMPPIIFFiilleewwrriitteeoorrddeerreedd - Writes a file at a location specified by a
shared file pointer (blocking, collective). SSYYNNTTAAXX C Syntax#include
int MPIFilewriteordered(MPIFile fh, void *buf, int count, MPIDatatype datatype, MPIStatus *status) Fortran Syntax INCLUDE 'mpif.h' MPIFILEWRITEORDERED(FH, BUF, COUNT, DATATYPE,STATUS, IERROR)
CC++++ SSyynnttaaxx#include
void MPI::File::Writeordered(const void* buf, int count, const MPI::Datatype& datatype, MPI::Status& status) void MPI::File::Writeordered(const void* buf, int count, const MPI::Datatype& datatype) IINNPPUUTT PPAARRAAMMEETTEERRSS fh File handle (handle). buf Initial address of buffer (choice). count Number of elements in buffer (integer). datatype Data type of each buffer element (handle). OOUUTTPPUUTT PPAARRAAMMEETTEERRSS status Status object (Status).IERROR Fortran only: Error status (integer).
MPIFilewriteordered is a collective routine. This routine must be called by all processes in the communicator group associated with the file handle fh. Each process may pass different argument values for the datatype and count arguments. Each process attempts to write, into the file associated with fh, a total number of count data items having datatype type contained in the user's buffer buf. For each process, the location in the file at which data is written is the position at which the shared file pointer would be after all processes whose ranks within the group are less than that of this process had written their data. MPIFilewriteordered returns the number of datatype elements written in status. The shared file pointer is updated by the amounts of data requested by all processes of the group. EERRRROORRSS Almost all MPI routines return an error value; C routines as the valueof the function and Fortran routines in the last argument. C++ func-
tions do not return errors. If the default error handler is set toMPI::ERRORSTHROWEXCEPTIONS, then on error the C++ exception mechanism
will be used to throw an MPI:Exception object. Before the error value is returned, the current MPI error handler is called. For MPI I/O function errors, the default error handler is setto MPIERRORSRETURN. The error handler may be changed with
MPIFileseterrhandler; the predefined error handlerMPIERRORSAREFATAL may be used to make I/O errors fatal. Note that
MPI does not guarantee that an MPI program can continue past an error. Open MPI 1.2 September 2006MPIFilewriteordered(3OpenMPI)