Locale::Constants - constants for Locale codes
use Locale::Constants;
LLooccaallee::::CCoonnssttaannttss defines symbols which are used in the four modulesfrom the Locale-Codes distribution:
Locale::Language Locale::Country Locale::Currency Locale::Script NNoottee:: at the moment only Locale::Country and Locale::Script support more than one code set. The symbols defined are used to specify which codes you want to be used: LOCALECODEALPHA2 LOCALECODEALPHA3 LOCALECODENUMERICYou shouldn't have to "use" this module directly yourself - it is used
by the three Locale modules, which in turn export the symbols.KNOWN BUGS AND LIMITATIONS
None at the moment.SEE ALSO
Locale::Language Codes for identification of languages. Locale::Country Codes for identification of countries. Locale::Script Codes for identification of scripts. Locale::Currency Codes for identification of currencies and funds. AUTHOR Neil BowersCOPYRIGHT Copyright (C) 2002-2004, Neil Bowers.
Copyright (C) 2001, Canon Research Centre Europe (CRE). This module is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the same terms as Perl itself.perl v5.8.8 2001-09-21 Locale::Constants(3pm)