Manual Pages for UNIX Darwin command on man IO::Pager::Buffered

Manual Pages for UNIX Darwin command on man IO::Pager::Buffered

IO::Pager::Buffered(3)User Contributed Perl DocumentationIO::Pager::Buffered(3)


IO::Pager::Buffered - Pipe deferred output to a pager if output is to a



use IO::Pager::Buffered;


#local $STDOUT = IO::Pager::Buffered::open *STDOUT;

local $STDOUT = new IO::Pager::Buffered *STDOUT;

print <<" HEREDOC" ; ... A bunch of text later HEREDOC }


IO::Pager is designed to programmaticly decide whether or not to point

the STDOUT file handle into a pipe to program specified in $ENV{PAGER}

or one of a standard list of pagers. This subclass buffers all output for display upon exiting the current scope. If this is not what you want look at another subclass such as IO::Pager::Unbuffered. While probably not common, this may be useful in some cases,such as buffering all output to STDOUT while the process occurs, showing only warnings on STDERR, then displaying the output to STDOUT after. Or alternately letting output to STDERR slide by and defer warnings for later perusal. nneeww(( [[FFIILLEEHHAANNDDLLEE]] )) Instantiate a new IO::Pager to paginate FILEHANDLE if necessary. Assign the return value to a scoped variable. Output does not occur until all references to this variable are destroyed eg; upon leaving

the current scope. See "DESCRIPTION".


Defaults to currently select()-ed FILEHANDLE.

ooppeenn(( [[FFIILLEEHHAANNDDLLEE]] )) An alias for new. cclloossee(( FFIILLEEHHAANNDDLLEE )) Explicitly close the filehandle, this stops collecting and displays the output, executing a pager if necessary. Normally you'd just wait for the object to pass out of scope. This does not default to the current filehandle. CCAAVVEEAATTSS If you mix buffered and unbuffered operations the output order is unspecified, and will probably differ for a TTY vs. a file. See perlfunc.

$, is used see perlvar.


IO::Pager, IO::Pager::Unbuffered, IO::Pager::Page AUTHOR Jerrad Pierce This module is forked from IO::Page 0.02 by Monte Mitzelfelt LLIICCEENNSSEE +o Thou shalt not claim ownership of unmodified materials. +o Thou shalt not claim whole ownership of modified materials. +o Thou shalt grant the indemnity of the provider of materials. +o Thou shalt use and dispense freely without other restrictions.

perl v5.8.8 2004-11-17 IO::Pager::Buffered(3)

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