//SSyysstteemm//LLiibbrraarryy//CCoorreeSSeerrvviicceess//FFiixxuuppRReessoouurrcceeFFoorrkkss - Join AppleDouble files
into two-fork HFS resource files.
//SSyysstteemm//LLiibbrraarryy//CCoorreeSSeerrvviicceess//FFiixxuuppRReessoouurrcceeFFoorrkkss [-qq[[uuiieett]]] [-nnoosseettiinnffoo]
[-nnooddeelleettee] path ...
FixupResourceForks is to SplitForks what matter is to antimatter. Given
one or more directories that reside on an HFS or Extended HFS ("HFS+") volume, it scans those directories for AppleDouble files and, if found,rejoins them into two-fork resource files. The resource fork data can
then be accessed with normal Carbon Resource Manager calls, be processed with DeRez(1), and accessed from the POSIX file system interface through the ..namedfork/rsrc path mechanism. //SSyysstteemm//LLiibbrraarryy//CCoorreeSSeerrvviicceess//FFiixxuuppRReessoouurrcceeFFoorrkkss takes the following flags and arguments:-qq[[uuiieett]]
Suppress verbose diagnostics to standard output.-nnoosseettiinnffoo
Do not set file system metadata (type, creator, flags, permis-
sions) from the data in the AppleDouble file.-nnooddeelleettee
Leave the AppleDouble files in the directory after copying their resource data into the resource fork of the main file. path ...One or more directory paths. Note that FixupResourceForks only
acts on entire directories, not in individual files. FILES foo Data fork of file 'foo' NNOOTTEESS SplitForks will fail with error 2 if the designated file is not on an HFS or Extended HFS file system volume.SEE ALSO
FixupResourceForks(1), MvMac(1), CpMac(1)
STANDARDS Consult RFC 1740 for details on AppleSingle/AppleDouble formats. Mac OS X April 12, 2004 Mac OS X