EVPPKEYnew, EVPPKEYfree - private key allocation functions.
The EVPPKEYnew() function allocates an empty EEVVPPPPKKEEYY structure which is used by OpenSSL to store private keys. EVPPKEYfree() frees up the private key kkeeyy. NNOOTTEESS The EEVVPPPPKKEEYY structure is used by various OpenSSL functions which require a general private key without reference to any particular algorithm. The structure returned by EVPPKEYnew() is empty. To add a private key to this empty structure the functions described in EVPPKEYset1RSA(3) should be used.RETURN VALUES
EVPPKEYnew() returns either the newly allocated EEVVPPPPKKEEYY structure of NNUULLLL if an error occurred. EVPPKEYfree() does not return a value.SEE ALSO
EVPPKEYset1RSA(3) HISTORY TBA0.9.7l 2002-10-09 EVPPKEYnew(3)