desreadpassword, desread2password, desstringtokey, desstringto2key, desreadpwstring, desrandomkey, dessetkeyschedule, deskeysched, desecbencrypt, des3ecbencrypt, descbcencrypt, des3cbcencrypt, despcbcencrypt, descfbencrypt, desofbencrypt, descbccksum, desquadcksum, desencread,desencwrite, dessetoddparity, desisweakkey, crypt - (non USA)
DES encryptionSYNOPSIS
##iinncclluuddee <
iinntt ddeessrreeaaddppaasssswwoorrdd((kkeeyy,,pprroommpptt,,vveerriiffyy)) descblock *key; char *prompt; int verify; iinntt ddeessrreeaadd22ppaasssswwoorrdd((kkeeyy11,,kkeeyy22,,pprroommpptt,,vveerriiffyy)) descblock *key1,*key2; char *prompt; int verify; iinntt ddeessssttrriinnggttookkeeyy((ssttrr,,kkeeyy)) char *str; descblock *key; iinntt ddeessssttrriinnggttoo22kkeeyyss((ssttrr,,kkeeyy11,,kkeeyy22)) char *str; descblock *key1,*key2; iinntt ddeessrreeaaddppwwssttrriinngg((bbuuff,,lleennggtthh,,pprroommpptt,,vveerriiffyy)) char *buf; int length; char *prompt; int verify; iinntt ddeessrraannddoommkkeeyy((kkeeyy)) descblock *key; iinntt ddeesssseettkkeeyysscchheedduullee((kkeeyy,,sscchheedduullee)) descblock *key; deskeyschedule schedule; iinntt ddeesskkeeyysscchheedd((kkeeyy,,sscchheedduullee)) descblock *key; deskeyschedule schedule; iinntt ddeesseeccbbeennccrryypptt((iinnppuutt,,oouuttppuutt,,sscchheedduullee,,eennccrryypptt)) descblock *input; descblock *output; deskeyschedule schedule; int encrypt; iinntt ddeess33eeccbbeennccrryypptt((iinnppuutt,,oouuttppuutt,,kkss11,,kkss22,,eennccrryypptt)) descblock *input; descblock *output; deskeyschedule ks1,ks2; int encrypt; iinntt ddeessccbbcceennccrryypptt((iinnppuutt,,oouuttppuutt,,lleennggtthh,,sscchheedduullee,,iivveecc,,eennccrryypptt)) descblock *input; descblock *output; long length; deskeyschedule schedule; descblock *ivec; int encrypt; iinntt ddeess33ccbbcceennccrryypptt((iinnppuutt,,oouuttppuutt,,lleennggtthh,,sskk11,,sskk22,,iivveecc11,,iivveecc22,,eennccrryypptt)) descblock *input; descblock *output; long length; deskeyschedule sk1; deskeyschedule sk2; descblock *ivec1; descblock *ivec2; int encrypt; iinntt ddeessppccbbcceennccrryypptt((iinnppuutt,,oouuttppuutt,,lleennggtthh,,sscchheedduullee,,iivveecc,,eennccrryypptt)) descblock *input; descblock *output; long length; deskeyschedule schedule; descblock *ivec; int encrypt; iinntt ddeessccffbbeennccrryypptt((iinnppuutt,,oouuttppuutt,,nnuummbbiittss,,lleennggtthh,,sscchheedduullee,,iivveecc,,eennccrryypptt)) unsigned char *input; unsigned char *output; int numbits; long length; deskeyschedule schedule; descblock *ivec; int encrypt; iinntt ddeessooffbbeennccrryypptt((iinnppuutt,,oouuttppuutt,,nnuummbbiittss,,lleennggtthh,,sscchheedduullee,,iivveecc)) unsigned char *input,*output; int numbits; long length; deskeyschedule schedule; descblock *ivec; uunnssiiggnneedd lloonngg ddeessccbbcccckkssuumm((iinnppuutt,,oouuttppuutt,,lleennggtthh,,sscchheedduullee,,iivveecc)) descblock *input; descblock *output; long length; deskeyschedule schedule; descblock *ivec; uunnssiiggnneedd lloonngg ddeessqquuaaddcckkssuumm((iinnppuutt,,oouuttppuutt,,lleennggtthh,,oouuttccoouunntt,,sseeeedd)) descblock *input; descblock *output; long length; int outcount; descblock *seed; iinntt ddeesscchheecckkkkeeyy;; iinntt ddeesseennccrreeaadd((ffdd,,bbuuff,,lleenn,,sscchheedd,,iivv)) int fd; char *buf; int len; deskeyschedule sched; descblock *iv; iinntt ddeesseennccwwrriittee((ffdd,,bbuuff,,lleenn,,sscchheedd,,iivv)) int fd; char *buf; int len; deskeyschedule sched; descblock *iv; eexxtteerrnn iinntt ddeessrrwwmmooddee;; vvooiidd ddeesssseettooddddppaarriittyy((kkeeyy)) descblock *key; iinntt ddeessiisswweeaakkkkeeyy((kkeeyy)) descblock *key; cchhaarr **ccrryypptt((ppaasssswwdd,,ssaalltt)) char *passwd; char *salt;> DESCRIPTION
This library contains a fast implementation of the DES encryption algo-
rithm. There are two phases to the use of DES encryption. The first is the generation of a deskeyschedule from a key, the second is the actual encryption. A des key is of type descblock. This type is made from 8 characters with odd parity. The least significant bit in the character is the parity bit. The key schedule is an expanded form of the key; it is used to speed the encryption process. desreadpassword writes the string specified by prompt to the standard output, turns off echo and reads an input string from standard inputuntil terminated with a newline. If verify is non-zero, it prompts and
reads the input again and verifies that both entered passwords are the same. The entered string is converted into a des key by using the desstringtokey routine. The new key is placed in the descblock that was passed (by reference) to the routine. If there were noerrors, desreadpassword returns 0, -1 is returned if there was a ter-
minal error and 1 is returned for any other error. desread2password operates in the same way as desreadpassword except that it generates 2 keys by using the desstringto2key function. desreadpwstring is called by desreadpassword to read and verify a string from a terminal device. The string is returned in buf. The size of buf is passed to the routine via the length parameter. desstringtokey converts a string into a valid des key.desstringto2key converts a string into 2 valid des keys. This rou-
tine is best suited for used to generate keys for use with des3ecbencrypt. desrandomkey returns a random key that is made of a combination of process id, time and an increasing counter. Before a des key can be used it is converted into a deskeyschedule via the dessetkeyschedule routine. If the descheckkey flag isnon-zero, dessetkeyschedule will check that the key passed is of odd
parity and is not a week or semi-weak key. If the parity is wrong,
then -1 is returned. If the key is a weak key, then -2 is returned.
If an error is returned, the key schedule is not generated. deskeysched is another name for the dessetkeyschedule function. The following routines mostly operate on an input and output stream of descblock's. desecbencrypt is the basic DES encryption routine that encrypts ordecrypts a single 8-byte descblock in electronic code book mode. It
always transforms the input data, pointed to by input, into the output data, pointed to by the output argument. If the encrypt argument isnon-zero (DESENCRYPT), the input (cleartext) is encrypted in to the
output (ciphertext) using the keyschedule specified by the schedule argument, previously set via dessetkeyschedule. If encrypt is zero (DESDECRYPT), the input (now ciphertext) is decrypted into the output (now cleartext). Input and output may overlap. No meaningful value is returned. des3ecbencrypt encrypts/decrypts the input block by using triple ecbDES encryption. This involves encrypting the input with ks1, decryp-
tion with the key schedule ks2, and then encryption with the firstagain. This routine greatly reduces the chances of brute force break-
ing of DES and has the advantage of if ks1 and ks2 are the same, it is equivalent to just encryption using ecb mode and ks1 as the key.descbcencrypt encrypts/decrypts using the cipher-block-chaining mode
of DES. If the encrypt argument is non-zero, the routine cipher-block-
chain encrypts the cleartext data pointed to by the input argument intothe ciphertext pointed to by the output argument, using the key sched-
ule provided by the schedule argument, and initialisation vector pro-
vided by the ivec argument. If the length argument is not an integral multiple of eight bytes, the last block is copied to a temporary area and zero filled. The output is always an integral multiple of eight bytes. To make multiple cbc encrypt calls on a large amount of data appear to be one descbcencrypt call, the ivec of subsequent calls should be the last 8 bytes of the output. des3cbcencrypt encrypts/decrypts the input block by using triple cbc DES encryption. This involves encrypting the input with key schedule ks1, decryption with the key schedule ks2, and then encryption with the first again. 2 initialisation vectors are required, ivec1 and ivec2. Unlike descbcencrypt, these initialisation vectors are modified by the subroutine. This routine greatly reduces the chances of brute force breaking of DES and has the advantage of if ks1 and ks2 are the same, it is equivalent to just encryption using cbc mode and ks1 as the key. despcbcencrypt encrypt/decrypts using a modified block chaining mode.It provides better error propagation characteristics than cbc encryp-
tion. descfbencrypt encrypt/decrypts using cipher feedback mode. This method takes an array of characters as input and outputs and array of characters. It does not require any padding to 8 character groups. Note: the ivec variable is changed and the new changed value needs to be passed to the next call to this function. Since this function runsa complete DES ecb encryption per numbits, this function is only sug-
gested for use when sending small numbers of characters. desofbencrypt encrypt using output feedback mode. This method takes an array of characters as input and outputs and array of characters. It does not require any padding to 8 character groups. Note: the ivec variable is changed and the new changed value needs to be passed to the next call to this function. Since this function runs a complete DES ecb encryption per numbits, this function is only suggested for use when sending small numbers of characters. descbccksum produces an 8 byte checksum based on the input stream (via cbc encryption). The last 4 bytes of the checksum is returned and the complete 8 bytes is placed in output. desquadcksum returns a 4 byte checksum from the input bytes. The algorithm can be iterated over the input, depending on outcount, 1, 2,3 or 4 times. If output is non-NULL, the 8 bytes generated by each
pass are written into output. desencwrite is used to write len bytes to file descriptor fd from buffer buf. The data is encrypted via pcbcencrypt (default) using sched for the key and iv as a starting vector. The actual data send down fd consists of 4 bytes (in network byte order) containing thelength of the following encrypted data. The encrypted data then fol-
lows, padded with random data out to a multiple of 8 bytes. desencread is used to read len bytes from file descriptor fd into buffer buf. The data being read from fd is assumed to have come from desencwrite and is decrypted using sched for the key schedule and iv for the initial vector. The desencread/desencwrite pair can be used to read/write to files, pipes and sockets. I have used them in implementing a version of rlogin in which all data is encrypted. desrwmode is used to specify the encryption mode to use with desencread and desendwrite. If set to DESPCBCMODE (the default), despcbcencrypt is used. If set to DESCBCMODE descbcencrypt is used. These two routines and the variable are not part of the normal MIT library.dessetoddparity sets the parity of the passed key to odd. This rou-
tine is not part of the standard MIT library. desisweakkey returns 1 is the passed key is a weak key (pick again:-), 0 if it is ok. This routine is not part of the standard MIT
library. crypt is a replacement for the normal system crypt. It is much faster than the system crypt. FILES /usr/include/des.h /usr/lib/libdes.a The encryption routines have been tested on 16bit, 32bit and 64bit machines of various endian and even works under VMS.BUGS
If you think this manual is sparse, read the descrypt(3) manual from the MIT kerberos (or bones outside of the USA) distribution. descfbencrypt and desofbencrypt operates on input of 8 bits. What this means is that if you set numbits to 12, and length to 2, the first12 bits will come from the 1st input byte and the low half of the sec-
ond input byte. The second 12 bits will have the low 8 bits taken from the 3rd input byte and the top 4 bits taken from the 4th input byte. The same holds for output. This function has been implemented this way because most people will be using a multiple of 8 and because once you get into pulling bytes input bytes apart things get ugly!desreadpwstring is the most machine/OS dependent function and nor-
mally generates the most problems when porting this code. desstringtokey is probably different from the MIT version sincethere are lots of fun ways to implement one-way encryption of a text
string. The routines are optimised for 32 bit machines and so are not efficient on IBM PCs.NOTE: extensive work has been done on this library since this document
was origionally written. Please try to read des.doc from the libdes distribution since it is far more upto date and documents more of thefunctions. Libdes is now also being shipped as part of SSLeay, a gen-
eral cryptographic library that amonst other things implements netscapes SSL protocoll. The most recent version can be found in SSLeay distributions. AUTHOR Eric Young ( or DESCRYPT(3)