CCPPlluussTTeessttRRiigg - runs CPlusTest unit test bundles
CCPPlluussTTeessttRRiigg [-tteesstt testname] testbundle
CCPPlluussTTeessttRRiigg loads and runs the bundle testbundle containing unit testsbuilt with the CPlusTest framework (/System/Library/Frameworks/CPlus-
Test.framework). If one or more [-tteesstt testname] pairs is specified only
those tests (TestCase and TestSuite instances) in testbundle are run. If no such pairs are specified, all TestCase and TestSuite instances are run as part of the default "All" test suite. CCPPlluussTTeessttRRiigg is intended for testing frameworks and libraries. That is, it must be possible for CCPPlluussTTeessttRRiigg to load testbundle into its own address space. To test applications, use RunUnitTests(1) instead. To test a framework or library in a location other than the one recorded in testbundle at link time, use dyld(1) environment variables such as DYLDFRAMEWORKPATH and DYLDLIBRARYPATH to ensure that the nonstandard location is searched. ENVIRONMENT CPlusTestDelayExit If this environment variable is present, CCPPlluussTTeessttRRiigg will print its process ID to standard output and delay exit indefinitely upon completion. This is useful for running leaks(1) or other debugging tools. FILES/Developer/Tools/CPlusTestRig
/System/Library/Frameworks/CPlusTest.frameworkSEE ALSO
dyld(1), leaks(1), RunUnitTests(1) Mac OS X December 21, 2019 Mac OS X