Apache::FakeRequest - fake request object for debugging
use Apache::FakeRequest;
my $request = Apache::FakeRequest->new(methodname => 'value', ...);
AAppaacchhee::::FFaakkeeRReeqquueesstt is used to set up an empty Apache request object that can be used for debugging. The AAppaacchhee::::FFaakkeeRReeqquueesstt methods just set internal variables of the same name as the method and return the value of the internal variables. Initial values for methods can bespecified when the object is created. The print method prints to STD-
OUT. Subroutines for Apache constants are also defined so that using AAppaacchhee::::CCoonnssttaannttss while debugging works, although the values of theconstants are hard-coded rather than extracted from the Apache source
use Apache::FakeRequest ();
use mymodule ();my $request = Apache::FakeRequest->new('getremotehost'=>'');
AUTHORS Doug MacEachern, with contributions from Andrew Ford
. perl v5.8.6 2000-03-30 Apache::FakeRequest(3)