Apache2::Resource - Limit resources used by httpd children
SSyynnooppssiissPerlModule Apache2::Resource
# set child memory limit in megabytes
# default is 64 Meg
PerlSetEnv PERLRLIMITDATA 32:48# linux does not honor RLIMITDATA
# RLIMITAS (address space) will work to limit the size of a process
PerlSetEnv PERLRLIMITAS 32:48# set child cpu limit in seconds
# default is 360 seconds
PerlSetEnv PERLRLIMITCPU 120PerlChildInitHandler Apache2::Resource
DDeessccrriippttiioonn"Apache2::Resource" uses the "BSD::Resource" module, which uses the C
function "setrlimit" to set limits on system resources such as memory and cpu usage. Any "RLIMIT" operation available to limit on your system can be set by defining that operation as an environment variable with a "PERL" prefix. See your system "setrlimit" manpage for available resources which can be limited. The following limit values are in megabytes: "DATA", "RSS", "STACK", "FSIZE", "CORE", "MEMLOCK"; all others are treated as their natural unit. If the value of the variable is of the form "S:H", "S" is treated as the soft limit, and "H" is the hard limit. If it is just a single number, it is used for both soft and hard limits. DDeeffaauullttss To set reasonable defaults for all RLIMITs, add this to your httpd.conf: PerlSetEnv PERLRLIMITDEFAULTS OnPerlModule Apache2::Resource
SSeeee AAllssoo BSD::Resource(3), setrlimit(2) CCooppyyrriigghhtt modperl 2.0 and its core modules are copyrighted under The Apache Software License, Version 2.0. AAuutthhoorr Doug MacEachernperl v5a.p8a.c8hemodperl-101.1~2::mod20p0e5r-l1-02-.200.2::docs::api::Apache2::Resource(3)