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Manual Pages for UNIX Darwin command on man Apache2::Module



Apache2::Module - Perl API for creating and working with Apache modules


use Apache2::Module ();

#Define a configuration directive

my @directives = ( { name => 'MyDirective', } );

Apache2::Module::add(PACKAGE, \@directives);

# iterate over the whole module list

for (my $modp = Apache2::Module::topmodule(); $modp; $modp = $modp->next) {

my $name = $modp->name;

my $index = $modp->moduleindex;

my $apapimajorversion = $modp->apapimajorversion;

my $apapiminorversion = $modp->apapiminorversion;

my $commands = $modp->cmds;


# find a specific module

my $module = Apache2::Module::findlinkedmodule('modssl.c');

# remove a specific module


# access module configuration from a directive

sub MyDirective {

my ($self, $parms, $args) = @;

my $srvcfg = Apache2::Module::getconfig($self, $parms->server);

[...] }

# test if an Apache module is loaded

if (Apache2::Module::loaded('modssl.c')) {

[...] }

# test if a Perl module is loaded

if (Apache2::Module::loaded('Apache2::Status')) {

[...] } DDeessccrriippttiioonn

"Apache2::Module" provides the Perl API for creating and working with

Apache modules See Apache Server Configuration Customization in Perl. AAPPII

"Apache2::Module" provides the following functions and/or methods:

""aadddd"" Add a module's custom configuration directive to Apache.

Apache2::Module::add($package, $cmds);

arg1: $package ( string )

the package of the module to add

arg2: $cmds ( ARRAY of HASH refs )

the list of configuration directives to add ret: no return value since: 2.0.00 See also Apache Server Configuration Customization in Perl. ""aappaappiimmaajjoorrvveerrssiioonn"" Get the httpd API version this module was build against, nnoott the module's version.

$majorversion = $module->apapimajorversion();

obj: $module ( "Apache2::Module object" )

ret: $majorversion ( integer )

since: 2.0.00 This methid is used to check that module is compatible with this version of the server before loading it. ""aappaappiimmiinnoorrvveerrssiioonn"" Get the module API minor version.

$minorversion = $module->apapiminorversion();

obj: $module ( "Apache2::Module object" )

ret: $minorversion ( integer )

since: 2.0.00 "apapiminorversion()" provides API feature milestones. It's not checked during module init. ""ccmmddss"" Get the "Apache2::Command" object, describing all of the directives this module defines.

$command = $module->cmds();

obj: $module ( "Apache2::Module object" )

ret: $command ( "Apache2::Command object" )

since: 2.0.00 ""ggeettccoonnffiigg"" Retrieve a module's configuration. Used by configuration directives.

$cfg = Apache2::Module::getconfig($class, $server, $dirconfig);

$cfg = Apache2::Module::getconfig($class, $server);

$cfg = $self->getconfig($server, $dirconfig);

$cfg = $self->getconfig($server);

obj: $module ( "Apache2::Module object" )

arg1: $class ( string )

The Perl package this configuration is for

arg2: $server ( "Apache2::ServerRec object" )

The current server, typically "$r->server" or "$parms->server".

opt arg3: $dirconfig ( "Apache2::ConfVector object" )

By default, the configuration returned is the server level one. To

retrieve the per directory configuration, use "$r->perdirconfig"

as a last argument.

ret: $cfg (HASH reference)

A reference to the hash holding the module configuration data. since: 2.0.00 See also Apache Server Configuration Customization in Perl. ""ffiinnddlliinnkkeeddmmoodduullee"" Find a module based on the name of the module

$module = Apache2::Module::findlinkedmodule($name);

arg1: $name ( string )

The name of the module ending in ".c"

ret: $module ( "Apache2::Module object" )

The module object if found, "undef" otherwise. since: 2.0.00 For example:

my $module = Apache2::Module::findlinkedmodule('modssl.c');

""llooaaddeedd"" Determine if a certain module is loaded

$loaded = Apache2::Module::loaded($module);

name: $module ( string )

The name of the module to search for.

If $module ends with ".c", search all the modules, statically

compiled and dynamically loaded.

If $module ends with ".so", search only the dynamically loaded


If $module doesn't contain a ".", search the loaded Perl modules

(checks %INC).

ret: $loaded ( boolean )

Returns true if the module is loaded, false otherwise. since: 2.0.00 For example, to test if this server supports ssl:

if (Apache2::Module::loaded('modssl.c')) {

[...] } To test is this server dynamically loaded modperl:

if (Apache2::Module::loaded('')) {

[...] } To test if "Apache2::Status" is loaded:

if (Apache2::Module::loaded('Apache2::Status')) {

[...] } ""mmoodduulleeiinnddeexx"" Get the index to this modules structures in config vectors.

$index = $module->moduleindex();

obj: $module ( "Apache2::Module object" )

ret: $index ( integer )

since: 2.0.00 ""nnaammee"" Get the name of the module's .c file

$name = $module->name();

obj: $module ( "Apache2::Module object" )

ret: $name ( string )

since: 2.0.00 For example a modperl module, will return: modperl.c. ""nneexxtt"" Get the next module in the list, "undef" if this is the last module in the list.

$nextmodule = $module->next();

obj: $module ( "Apache2::Module object" )

ret: $nextmodule ( "Apache2::Module object" )

since: 2.0.00 ""rreemmoovveellooaaddeeddmmoodduullee"" Remove a module from the list of loaded modules permanently.


obj: $module ( "Apache2::Module object" )

ret: no return value since: 2.0.00 ""ttooppmmoodduullee"" Returns the first module in the module list. Usefull to start a module iteration.

$module = Apache2::Module::topmodule();

ret: $module ( "Apache2::Module object" )

since: 2.0.00 SSeeee AAllssoo modperl 2.0 documentation. CCooppyyrriigghhtt modperl 2.0 and its core modules are copyrighted under The Apache Software License, Version 2.0. AAuutthhoorrss The modperl development team and numerous contributors.

perl v5.8a.p8achemodperl-101.1~2::m2o0d05p-e1r0l-220.0.2::docs::api::Apache2::Module(3)

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