Windows PowerShell command on Get-command XpSetAttributes

Manual Pages for UNIX Operating System command usage for man XpSetAttributes



XpSetAttributes - Sets or updates an attribute pool in the

specified print context.


cc [ flag... ] file... -lXp [ library... ]

cc [ flag... ] file... -lXp [ library... ]


void XpSetAttributes ( display, context, type, pool,

replacement_rule )

Display *display; XPContext context; XPAttributes type; char *pool;

XPAttrReplacement replacement_rule;

ARGUMENTS display Specifies a pointer to the Display structure; returned from XOpenDisplay. context

The print context whose attribute pool is to be modi-

fied. type Specifies the attribute pool. pool An attribute pool represented as a resource string.



Either XPAttrReplace orXPAttrMerge.


XpSetAttributes accepts pool, a COMPOUND_TEXT resource

string representing new name-value pairs for the attribute

pool specified by type. The attribute pool is modified by

the new name-value pairs according to replacement_rule. For

XPAttrReplace, the existing attribute pool is discarded and replaced with pool. For XPAttrMerge, pool is merged into the

existing attribute pool; pre-existing name-value pairs are

replaced, and non-existing name-value pairs are added. The

contents of pool is not affected by this call, and can be freed by the caller afterwards. When setting supported attribute names, the X Print Server and associated driver will validate the new values and ignore those that are invalid; previous values remain unchanged. When setting unsupported (that is, unknown)

attribute names, no validation is done, and the name-value

pairs will be set, even though they will not be used. When X Version 11 Last change: libXp 1.0.0 1


deleting (that is, failing to reset with XPAttrReplace) a supported attribute name, the X Print Server explicitly or implicitly resets the attribute to a default value. When setting certain supported attributes, the X Print Server may modify other associated attributes. For example,

considering the XPPrinterAttr attribute document-formats-

supported, setting the XPDocAttr attribute document-format

may cause a number of other attributes to change.

For attribute pools that are read-only (see "get only" in

XPAttributes definition), attempting to use XpSetAttributes

generates a BadMatch. For attribute pools that are writable, lists of the supported attributes can be found in the XPPrinterAttr pool.

The lifetime of all attribute pools are bounded by the life-

time of the print context they are contained in. When set,

all attribute values will be retained across all Xp opera-

tions, until changed by the user directly, the X Print Server directly, or changed because of a side effect when either the user or X Print Server changed another attribute value. Refer to a complete description of all print attributes, the precedence between print attributes, and the side effects of setting certain print attributes on other print attributes, etc. To monitor changes to the attribute pools, see XpSelectInput and the event XPAttributeNotify. Since a print context can be shared among clients, changes made by one client will be

seen by all others, and if selected for, the event XPAttri-

buteNotify will be sent to all clients referencing the print context when changes do occur. It is the responsibility of the clients sharing a print context to coordinate their operations. STRUCTURES The values for the typedef XPAttributes in


#define XPJobAttr 1 /* get/set */

#define XPDocAttr 2 /* get/set */

#define XPPageAttr 3 /* get/set - subset of XPDocAttr */

#define XPPrinterAttr 4 /* get only (library) */

#define XPServerAttr 5 /* get only (library), no context needed */

The values for the typedef XPAttrReplacement in


#define XPAttrReplace 1

X Version 11 Last change: libXp 1.0.0 2


#define XPAttrMerge 2

DIAGNOSTICS BadAlloc Insufficient memory. BadMatch The attribute pool specified by pool cannot be set. BadValue The value specified for type is not valid.

XPBadContext The specified print context-id is not valid.

XPBadSequence A request to set an attribute pool occurred at a time when the attribute pool could not be modified (for example, modifying XPJobAttr immediately after calling XpStartJob). FILES


XpSelectInput(3Xp), XpStartJob(3Xp)


See attributes(5) for descriptions of the following attri-





| Availability | x11/library/libxp |


| Interface Stability | Committed |


| MT-Level | See XInitThreads(3X11) |


X Version 11 Last change: libXp 1.0.0 3

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