Windows PowerShell command on Get-command XkbSetDeviceInfo

Manual Pages for UNIX Operating System command usage for man XkbSetDeviceInfo

XKB FUNCTIONS XkbSetDeviceInfo(3x11)


XkbSetDeviceInfo - Modify some or all of the characteristics

of an X Input Extension device


cc [ flag... ] file... -lX11 [ library... ]

Bool XkbSetDeviceInfo (Display *dpy, unsigned int which,

XkbDeviceInfoPtr device_info);


- dpy

connection to X server

- which

mask indicating characteristics to modify

- device_info

structure defining the device and modifications


To change characteristics of an X Input Extension device in

the server, first modify a local copy of the device struc-

ture and then use either XkbSetDeviceInfo, or, to save net-

work traffic, use an XkbDeviceChangesRec structure and call XkbChangeDeviceInfo to download the changes to the server.

XkbSetDeviceInfo sends a request to the server to modify the

characteristics of the device specified in the device_info

structure. The particular characteristics modified are iden-

tified by the bits set in which and take their values from

the relevant fields in device_info (see Table 1). XkbSetDev-

iceInfo returns True if the request was successfully sent to the server. If the X server implementation does not allow

interaction between the X input extension and the Xkb Exten-

sion, the function does nothing and returns False. X Version 11 Last change: libX11 1.3.5 1

XKB FUNCTIONS XkbSetDeviceInfo(3x11)

Table 1 XkbDeviceInfoRec Mask Bits


Name XkbDeviceInfoRec Value Capability If Set Fields Effected


XkbXI_KeyboardsMask (1L <<0) Clients can use all

Xkb requests and events with KeyClass devices supported by the input device extension.

XkbXI_ButtonActionsMask num_btns (1L <<1) Clients can assign key

btn_acts actions to buttons

non-KeyClass input

extension devices.

XkbXI_IndicatorNamesMask leds->names (1L <<2) Clients can assign

names to indicators on

non-KeyClass input

extension devices.

XkbXI_IndicatorMapsMask leds->maps (1L <<3) Clients can assign

indicator maps to indicators on

non-KeyClass input

extension devices.

XkbXI_IndicatorStateMask leds->state (1L <<4) Clients can request

the status of indicators

on non-KeyClass input

extension devices.

XkbXI_IndicatorsMask sz_leds (0x1c) XkbXI_IndicatorNamesMask |

num_leds XkbXI_IndicatorMapsMask |

leds->* XkbXI_IndicatorStateMask

XkbXI_UnsupportedFeaturesMask unsupported (1L <<15)

XkbXI_AllDeviceFeaturesMask Those selected (0x1e) XkbXI_IndicatorsMask |

by Value Column XkbSI_ButtonActionsMask


XkbXI_AllFeaturesMask Those selected (0x1f) XkbSI_AllDeviceFeaturesMask |

by Value Column XkbSI_KeyboardsMask


XkbXI_AllDetailsMask Those selected (0x801f) XkbXI_AllFeaturesMask |

by Value column XkbXI_UnsupportedFeaturesMask

masks The which parameter specifies which aspects of the device should be changed and is a bitmask composed of an inclusive X Version 11 Last change: libX11 1.3.5 2

XKB FUNCTIONS XkbSetDeviceInfo(3x11)

OR or one or more of the following bits:

XkbXI_ButtonActionsMask, XkbXI_IndicatorNamesMask,

XkbXI_IndicatorMapsMask. If the features requested to be

manipulated in which are valid for the device, but the server does not support assignment of one or more of them, that particular portion of the request is ignored.

If the device specified in device_info->device_spec does not

contain buttons and a request affecting buttons is made, or

the device does not contain indicators and a request affect-

ing indicators is made, a BadMatch protocol error results.

If the XkbXI_ButtonActionsMask bit is set in the supported

mask returned by XkbGetDeviceInfo, the Xkb extension allows applications to assign key actions to buttons on input extension devices other than the core keyboard device. If

the XkbXI_ButtonActionsMask is set in which, the actions for

all buttons specified in device_info are set to the XkbAc-

tions specified in device_info->btn_acts. If the number of

buttons requested to be updated is not valid for the device,

XkbSetDeviceInfo returns False and a BadValue protocol error


If the XkbXI_IndicatorMaps and / or XkbXI_IndicatorNamesMask

bit is set in the supported mask returned by XkbGetDevi-

ceInfo, the Xkb extension allows applications to assign maps and / or names to the indicators of nonkeyboard extension devices. If supported, maps and / or names can be assigned to all extension device indicators, whether they are part of a keyboard feedback or part of an indicator feedback.

If the XkbXI_IndicatorMapsMask and / or

XkbXI_IndicatorNamesMask flag is set in which, the indicator

maps and / or names for all device_info->num_leds indicator

devices specified in device_info->leds are set to the maps

and / or names specified in device_info->leds. device_info-

>leds->led_class and led_id specify the input extension

class and device ID for each indicator device to modify; if they have invalid values, a BadValue protocol error results

and XkbSetDeviceInfo returns False. If they have legal

values but do not specify a keyboard or indicator class feedback for the device in question, a BadMatch error

results. If any of the values in device_info->leds->names

are not a valid Atom or None, a BadAtom protocol error results.


True The XkbSetDeviceInfo function returns True if

the request was successfully sent to the server.

False The XkbSetDeviceInfo function returns False

X Version 11 Last change: libX11 1.3.5 3

XKB FUNCTIONS XkbSetDeviceInfo(3x11)

if the X server implementation does not allow interaction between the X input extension and the Xkb Extension. STRUCTURES

Changes to an Xkb extension device may be tracked by listen-

ing to XkbDeviceExtensionNotify events and accumulating the changes in an XkbDeviceChangesRec structure. The changes

noted in the structure may then be used in subsequent opera-

tions to update either a server configuration or a local copy of an Xkb extension device configuration. The changes structure is defined as follows:

typedef struct _XkbDeviceChanges {

unsigned int changed; /* bits indicating what has changed */

unsigned short first_btn; /* number of first button which changed, if any */

unsigned short num_btns; /* number of buttons that have changed */

XkbDeviceLedChangesRec leds; } XkbDeviceChangesRec,*XkbDeviceChangesPtr; DIAGNOSTICS BadAtom A name is neither a valid Atom or None BadMatch A compatible version of Xkb was not available in the server or an argument has correct type and range, but is otherwise invalid BadValue An argument is out of range


XkbChangeDeviceInfo(3x11), XkbGetDeviceInfo(3x11)


See attributes(5) for descriptions of the following attri-





| Availability | x11/library/libx11 |


| Interface Stability | Committed |


| MT-Level | See XInitThreads(3X11) |


X Version 11 Last change: libX11 1.3.5 4

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