Windows PowerShell command on Get-command XkbChangeNames

Manual Pages for UNIX Operating System command usage for man XkbChangeNames

XKB FUNCTIONS XkbChangeNames(3x11)


XkbChangeNames - _summary-line_


cc [ flag... ] file... -lX11 [ library... ]

Bool XkbChangeNames (Display *dpy, unsigned int which,

XkbDescPtr Xkb); ARGUMENTS

- dpy

connection to the X server

- which

mask of names or map components to be updated

- Xkb

keyboard description to be updated


XkbChangeNames provides a more flexible method for changing

symbolic names than XkbSetNames and requires the use of an XkbNameChangesRec structure.

XkbChangeNames copies any names specified by changes from

the keyboard description, xkb, to the X server specified by

dpy. XkbChangeNames aborts and returns False if any illegal

type names or type shift level names are specified by changes. To change the symbolic names in the server, first modify a local copy of the keyboard description and then use either XkbSetNames, or, to save network traffic, use a

XkbNameChangesRec structure and call XkbChangeNames to down-

load the changes to the server. XkbSetNames and

XkbChangeNames can generate BadAlloc, BadAtom, BadLength,

BadMatch, and BadImplementation errors. STRUCTURES The XkbNameChangesRec allows applications to identify small modifications to the symbolic names and effectively reduces the amount of traffic sent to the server:

typedef struct _XkbNameChanges {

unsigned int changed; /* name components that have changed */

unsigned char first_type; /* first key type with a new name */

unsigned char num_types; /* number of types with new names */

unsigned char first_lvl; /* first key type with new level

names */

unsigned char num_lvls; /* number of key types with new level

names */ X Version 11 Last change: libX11 1.3.5 1

XKB FUNCTIONS XkbChangeNames(3x11)

unsigned char num_aliases; /* if key aliases changed, total

number of key aliases */

unsigned char num_rg; /* if radio groups changed, total

number of radio groups */

unsigned char first_key; /* first key with a new name */

unsigned char num_keys; /* number of keys with new names */

unsigned short changed_vmods; /* mask of virtual modifiers for

which names have changed */

unsigned long changed_indicators; /* mask of indicators for which names

were changed */

unsigned char changed_groups; /* mask of groups for which names

were changed */ } XkbNameChangesRec, *XkbNameChangesPtr The changed field specifies the name components that have changed and is the bitwise inclusive OR of the valid names mask bits defined in Table 1. The rest of the fields in the

structure specify the ranges that have changed for the vari-

ous kinds of symbolic names, as shown in Table 2. Xkb provides several functions that work with symbolic

names. Each of these functions uses a mask to specify indi-

vidual fields of the structures described above. These masks

and their relationships to the fields in a keyboard descrip-

tion are shown in Table 1. Table 1 Symbolic Names Masks


Mask Bit Value Keyboard Field Component


XkbKeycodesNameMask (1<<0) Xkb->names keycodes

XkbGeometryNameMask (1<<1) Xkb->names geometry

XkbSymbolsNameMask (1<<2) Xkb->names symbols

XkbPhysSymbolsNameMask (1<<3) Xkb->names phys_symbols

XkbTypesNameMask (1<<4) Xkb->names type

XkbCompatNameMask (1<<5) Xkb->names compat

XkbKeyTypeNamesMask (1<<6) Xkb->map type[*].name

XkbKTLevelNamesMask (1<<7) Xkb->map type[*].lvl_names[*]

XkbIndicatorNamesMask (1<<8) Xkb->names indicators[*]

XkbKeyNamesMask (1<<9) Xkb->names keys[*], num_keys

XkbKeyAliasesMask (1<<10) Xkb->names key_aliases[*], num_key_aliases

XkbVirtualModNamesMask (1<<11) Xkb->names vmods[*]

XkbGroupNamesMask (1<<12) Xkb->names groups[*]

XkbRGNamesMask (1<<13) Xkb->names radio_groups[*], num_rg

XkbComponentNamesMask (0x3f) Xkb->names keycodes,

geometry, symbols, physical symbols, types, and compatibility map

XkbAllNamesMask (0x3fff) Xkb->names all name components

X Version 11 Last change: libX11 1.3.5 2

XKB FUNCTIONS XkbChangeNames(3x11)

Table 2 XkbNameChanges Fields


Mask Fields Component Field


XkbKeyTypeNamesMask first_type, Xkb->map type[*].name


XkbKTLevelNamesMask first_lvl, Xkb->map type[*].lvl_names[*]


XkbKeyAliasesMask num_aliases Xkb->names key_aliases[*]

XkbRGNamesMask num_rg Xkb->names radio_groups[*]

XkbKeyNamesMask first_key, Xkb->names keys[*]


XkbVirtualModNamesMask changed_vmods Xkb->names vmods[*]

XkbIndicatorNamesMask changed_indicators Xkb->names indicators[*]

XkbGroupNamesMask changed_groups Xkb->names groups[*]

DIAGNOSTICS BadAlloc Unable to allocate storage BadAtom A name is neither a valid Atom or None BadImplementation Invalid reply from server BadLength The length of a request is shorter or longer than that required to minimally contain the arguments BadMatch A compatible version of Xkb was not available in the server or an argument has correct type and range, but is otherwise invalid




See attributes(5) for descriptions of the following attri-





| Availability | x11/library/libx11 |


| Interface Stability | Committed |


| MT-Level | See XInitThreads(3X11) |


X Version 11 Last change: libX11 1.3.5 3

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