Windows PowerShell command on Get-command SDL_SetVideoMode

Manual Pages for UNIX Operating System command usage for man SDL_SetVideoMode

SDL API Reference SDL_SetVideoMode(3)


SDL_SetVideoMode - Set up a video mode with the specified

width, height and bits-per-pixel.


#include "SDL.h"

SDL_Surface *SDL_SetVideoMode(int width, int height, int

bpp, Uint32 flags);


Set up a video mode with the specified width, height and


If bpp is 0, it is treated as the current display bits per pixel. The flags parameter is the same as the flags field of the

SDL_Surface structure. OR'd combinations of the following

values are valid.

SDL_SWSURFACE Create the video surface in system


SDL_HWSURFACE Create the video surface in video memory

SDL_ASYNCBLIT Enables the use of asynchronous updates

of the display surface. This will usu-

ally slow down blitting on single CPU machines, but may provide a speed increase on SMP systems.

SDL_ANYFORMAT Normally, if a video surface of the

requested bits-per-pixel (bpp) is not

available, SDL will emulate one with a

shadow surface. Passing SDL_ANYFORMAT

prevents this and causes SDL to use the video surface, regardless of its pixel depth.

SDL_HWPALETTE Give SDL exclusive palette access.

Without this flag you may not always get the the colors you request with

SDL_SetColors or SDL_SetPalette.

SDL_DOUBLEBUF Enable hardware double buffering; only

valid with SDL_HWSURFACE. Calling

SDL_Flip will flip the buffers and

update the screen. All drawing will take place on the surface that is not displayed at the moment. If double buffering could not be enabled then SDL Last change: Tue 11 Sep 2001, 23:01 1

SDL API Reference SDL_SetVideoMode(3)

SDL_Flip will just perform a

SDL_UpdateRect on the entire screen.

SDL_FULLSCREEN SDL will attempt to use a fullscreen

mode. If a hardware resolution change is not possible (for whatever reason), the next higher resolution will be used and the display window centered on a black background.

SDL_OPENGL Create an OpenGL rendering context. You

should have previously set OpenGL video

attributes with SDL_GL_SetAttribute.

SDL_OPENGLBLIT Create an OpenGL rendering context, like

above, but allow normal blitting opera-

tions. The screen (2D) surface may have

an alpha channel, and SDL_UpdateRects

must be used for updating changes to the screen surface.

SDL_RESIZABLE Create a resizable window. When the win-

dow is resized by the user a

SDL_VIDEORESIZE event is generated and

SDL_SetVideoMode can be called again

with the new size.

SDL_NOFRAME If possible, SDL_NOFRAME causes SDL to

create a window with no title bar or frame decoration. Fullscreen modes automatically have this flag set. Note:

Whatever flags SDL_SetVideoMode could satisfy are set

in the flags member of the returned surface. Note: The bpp parameter is the number of bits per pixel, so a bpp of 24 uses the packed representation of 3 bytes/pixel. For the more common 4 bytes/pixel mode, use a bpp of 32. Somewhat oddly, both 15 and 16 will

request a 2 bytes/pixel mode, but different pixel for-

mats. RETURN VALUE The framebuffer surface, or NULL if it fails. The surface

returned is freed by SDL_Quit() and should nt be freed by

the caller. SDL Last change: Tue 11 Sep 2001, 23:01 2

SDL API Reference SDL_SetVideoMode(3)


SDL_LockSurface, SDL_SetColors, SDL_Flip, SDL_Surface

SDL Last change: Tue 11 Sep 2001, 23:01 3

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