Windows PowerShell command on Get-command Exacct

Manual Pages for UNIX Operating System command usage for man Exacct

Perl Library Functions Exacct(3PERL)


Exacct - exacct system calls and error handling


use Sun::Solaris::Exacct qw(:EXACCT_ALL);

my $ea_rec = getacct(P_PID, $$);


This module provides access to the ea_error(3EXACCT) func-

tion and for all the extended accounting system calls. Con-

stants from the various libexacct(3LIB) header files are also provided. Constants

The P_PID, P_TASKID, P_PROJID and all the EW_*, EP_*, EXR_*

macros are provided as Perl constants. Functions

getacct($idtype, $id)

The $idtype parameter must be either P_TASKID or P_PID

and $id must be a corresponding task or process ID. This

function returns an object of type

Sun::Solaris::Exacct::Object, representing the unpacked

accounting buffer returned by the underlying getacct(2) system call. In the event of error, undef is returned.

putacct($idtype, $id, $record)

The $idtype parameter must be either P_TASKID or P_PID

and $id must be a corresponding task or process ID. If

$record is of type Sun::Solaris::Exacct::Object, it is

converted to the corresponding packed libexacct object

and passed to the putacct(2) system call. If $record is

not of type Sun::Solaris::Exacct::Object it is converted

to a string using the normal Perl conversion rules and

stored as a raw buffer. For predictable and endian-

independent results, any raw buffers should be con-

structed using the Perl pack() function. This function returns true on success and false on failure.

wracct($idtype, $id, $flags)

The $idtype parameter must be either P_TASKID or P_PID

and $id must be a corresponding task or process ID. The

$flags parameter must be either EW_INTERVAL or

EW_PARTIAL. The parameters are passed directly to the

underlying wracct(2) system call. This function returns true on success and false on failure.

SunOS 5.11 Last change: 1 Dec 2002 1

Perl Library Functions Exacct(3PERL)


This function provides access to the ea_error(3EXACCT)

function. It returns a double-typed scalar that becomes

one of the EXR_* constants. In a string context it

becomes a descriptive error message. This is the exacct

equivalent to the $!(errno) Perl variable.


This function returns a double-typed scalar that in a

numeric context will be one of the EXR_* constants as

returned by ea_error. In a string context it describes

the value returned by ea_error. If ea_error returns

EXR_SYSCALL_FAIL, the string value returned is the value

returned by strerror(3C). This function is provided as a convenience so that repeated blocks of code like the following can be avoided:

if (ea_error() == EXR_SYSCALL_FAIL) {

print("error: $!\n");

} else {

print("error: ", ea_error(), "\n");


ea_register_catalog($cat_pfx, $catalog_id, $export, @idlist)

This convenience function is a wrapper around the

Sun::Solaris::Exacct::Catalog->register() method.



ea_new_catalog($type, $catalog, $id)

These convenience functions are wrappers around the

Sun::Solaris::Exacct::Catalog->new() method. See


ea_new_file($name, $oflags, creator => $creator, aflags =>

$aflags, mode => $mode)

This convenience function is a wrapper around the

Sun::Solaris::Exacct::File->new() method. See


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Perl Library Functions Exacct(3PERL)

ea_new_item($catalog, $value)

This convenience function is a wrapper around the

Sun::Solaris::Exacct::Object::Item->new() method. See


ea_new_group($catalog, @objects)

This convenience function is a wrapper around the

Sun::Solaris::Exacct::Object::Group->new() method. See


ea_dump_object($object, $filehandle)

This convenience function is a wrapper around the

Sun::Solaris::Exacct::Object->dump() method. See


Class methods None. Object methods None. Exports

By default nothing is exported from this module. The follow-

ing tags can be used to selectively import constants and functions defined in this module: :SYSCALLS getacct(), putacct(), and wracct()

:LIBCALLS ea_error() and ea_error_str()


and EXR_*

:SHORTHAND ea_register_catalog(),

ea_new_catalog(), ea_new_file(),

ea_new_item(), and ea_new_group()


SunOS 5.11 Last change: 1 Dec 2002 3

Perl Library Functions Exacct(3PERL)


for Sun::Solaris::Catalog, Sun::Solaris::File, and Sun::Solaris::Object

:EXACCT_ALL :ALL, plus the :ALL tags for

Sun::Solaris::Catalog, Sun::Solaris::File, and Sun::Solaris::Object


See attributes(5) for descriptions of the following attri-





| Availability | SUNWpl5u |


| Interface Stability | Committed |



getacct(2), putacct(2), wracct(2), ea_error(3EXACCT),

Exacct::Catalog(3PERL), Exacct::File(3PERL),

Exacct::Object(3PERL), Exacct::Object::Group(3PERL),

Exacct::Object::Item(3PERL), libexacct(3LIB), attributes(5)

NOTES The modules described in the section 3PERL manual pages make

extensive use of the Perl "double-typed scalar" facility.

This facility allows a scalar value to behave either as an integer or as a string, depending upon context. It is the

same behavior as exhibited by the $! Perl variable (errno).

It is useful because it avoids the need to map from an integer value to the corresponding string to display a value. Some examples are provided below:

# Assume $obj is a Sun::Solaris::Item

my $type = $obj->type();

# Print "2 EO_ITEM"

printf("%d %s\n", $type, $type);

# Behave as an integer, $i == 2

my $i = 0 + $type;

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Perl Library Functions Exacct(3PERL)

# Behave as a string, $s = "abc EO_ITEM xyx"

my $s = "abc $type xyz";

Wherever a function or method is documented as returning a

double-typed scalar, the returned value exhibits this type

of behavior.

SunOS 5.11 Last change: 1 Dec 2002 5

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