Windows PowerShell command on Get-command DNSServiceRegister

Manual Pages for UNIX Operating System command usage for man DNSServiceRegister

DNS Service Discovery Library Functions



DNSServiceRegister - register service with DNS


cc [ flag ... ] file ... -ldns_sd [ library ... ]


DNSServiceErrorType DNSServiceRegister(DNSServiceRef *sdRef,

DNSServiceFlags flags, uint32_t interfaceIndex,

const char *name, const char *regtype, const char *domain, const char *host,

uint16_t port, uint16_t *txtLen, const void *txtRecord

DNSServiceServiceRegisterReply callBack void *context);

typedef void(*DNSServiceRegisterReply)(DNSServiceRef sdRef,

DNSServiceFlags flags, DNSServiceErrorType errorCode, const char *name, const char *regtype, const char *domain, void *context);


The DNSServiceRegister function is used by clients to adver-

tise a service that uses DNS. The service is registered with multicast DNS if the domain name is .local or the interface requested is local only. Otherwise, the service registration

is attempted with the unicast DNS server. The callback argu-

ment should point to a function of type DNSServiceRe-

gisterReply listed above. The sdRef parameter points to an uninitialized DNSServiceRef

instance. If the DNSServiceRegister() call succeeds, sdRef

is initialized and kDNSServiceErr_NoError is returned. The

service registration remains active until the client ter-

minates the registration by passing the initialized sdRef to

DNSServiceRefDeallocate(). The interfaceIndex when non-zero

specifies the interface on which the service should be registered. Most applications pass 0 to register the service on all interfaces. See the section "Constants for specifying

an interface index" in for more details. The

flags parameter determines the renaming behavior on a ser-

vice name conflict. Most applications pass 0 to allow auto-

rename of the service name in case of a name conflict. Applications can pass the flag kDNSServiceFlagsNoAutoRename

defined in to disable auto-rename.

The regtype indicates the service type followed by the pro-

tocol, separated by a dot, for example "_ftp._tcp.". The

SunOS 5.11 Last change: 20 Aug 2007 1

DNS Service Discovery Library Functions


service type must be an underscore that is followed by 1 to 14 characters that can be letters, digits, or hyphens. The

transport protocol must be _tcp or _udp. New service types

should be registered at http://www.dns- The domain parameter specifies the domain on which a service is advertised. Most applications leave the domain parameter NULL to register the service in default domains. The host parameter specifies the SRV target

host name. Most applications do not specify the host parame-

ter value. Instead, the default host name of the machine is

used. The port value on which the service accepts connec-

tions must be passed in network byte order. A value of 0 for

a port is passed to register placeholder services. Place-

holder services are not found when browsing, but other

clients cannot register with the same name as the place-

holder service. The txtLen parameter specifies the length of the passed txtRecord in bytes. The value must be zero if the txtRecord passed is NULL. The txtRecord points to the TXT record

rdata. A non-NULL txtRecord must be a properly formatted

DNSTXT record. For more details see the DNSServiceRegister

call defined in . The callback argument points to

a function to be called when registration completes or when the call asynchronously fails. The client can pass NULL for the callback and not be notified of the registration results

or asynchronous errors. The client may not pass the NoAu-

toRename flag if the callback is NULL. The client can unre-

gister the service at any time via DNSServiceRefDeallo-

cate(). The callback function argument sdRef is initialized by

DNSServiceRegister(). The flags argument in the callback

function is currently unused and reserved for future use. The error code returned to the callback is

kDNSServiceErr_NoError on success. Otherwise, an error code

defined in is returned to indicate an error con-

dition such as a name conflict in kDNSServiceFlagsNoAu-

toRename mode. The name argument holds the registered ser-

vice name and the regtype argument is the registered service

type passed to DNSServiceRegister(). The domain argument

returned in the callback indicates the domain on which the service was registered.


The DNSServiceRegister function returns

kDNSServiceErr_NoError on success. Otherwise, an error code

defined in is returned. Upon registration, any

subsequent asynchronous errors are delivered to the

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DNS Service Discovery Library Functions




See attributes(5) for description of the following attri-





| Interface Stability | Committed |


| MT-Level | Safe |



DNSServiceRefDeallocate(3DNS_SD), attributes(5)

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DNS Service Discovery Library Functions


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