Manual Pages for UNIX Darwin command on man XML::XPath::Node::Element

Manual Pages for UNIX Darwin command on man XML::XPath::Node::Element

XPath::Node::Element(3)User Contributed Perl DocumentatioXnPath::Node::Element(3)


Element - an

AAPPII nneeww (( nnaammee,, pprreeffiixx )) Create a new Element node with name "name" and prefix "prefix". The name be "prefix:local" if prefix is defined. I know that sounds wierd,

but it works ;-)

ggeettNNaammee Returns the name (including "prefix:" if defined) of this element. ggeettLLooccaallNNaammee Returns just the local part of the name (the bit after "prefix:"). ggeettCChhiillddNNooddeess Returns the children of this element. In list context returns a list. In scalar context returns an array ref. ggeettCChhiillddNNooddee (( ppooss )) Returns the child at position pos. aappppeennddCChhiilldd (( cchhiillddnnooddee )) Appends the child node to the list of current child nodes. ggeettAAttttrriibbuuttee (( nnaammee )) Returns the attribute node with key name. ggeettAAttttrriibbuutteess // ggeettAAttttrriibbuutteeNNooddeess Returns the attribute nodes. In list context returns a list. In scalar context returns an array ref. aappppeennddAAttttrriibbuuttee (( aattttrriibbnnooddee)) Appends the attribute node to the list of attributes (XML::XPath stores attributes in order). ggeettNNaammeessppaaccee (( pprreeffiixx )) Returns the namespace node by the given prefix ggeettNNaammeessppaacceess // ggeettNNaammeessppaacceeNNooddeess Returns the namespace nodes. In list context returns a list. In scalar context returns an array ref. aappppeennddNNaammeessppaaccee (( nnssnnooddee )) Appends the namespace node to the list of namespaces. ggeettPPrreeffiixx Returns the prefix of this element ggeettEExxppaannddeeddNNaammee Returns the expanded name of this element (not yet implemented right). ssttrriinnggvvaalluuee For elements, the stringvalue is the concatenation of all

stringvalues of all text-descendants of the element node in document

order. ttooSSttrriinngg (( [[ nnoorreeccuurrssee ]] )) Output (and all children) the node to a string. Doesn't process children if the norecurse option is a true value.

perl v5.8.8 2003-01-26 XPath::Node::Element(3)

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