Manual Pages for UNIX Darwin command on man XML::LibXML::Dtd

Manual Pages for UNIX Darwin command on man XML::LibXML::Dtd

XML::LibXML::Dtd(3) User Contributed Perl Documentation XML::LibXML::Dtd(3)


XML::LibXML::Dtd - XML::LibXML DTD Handling


$dtd = XML::LibXML::Dtd->new($publicid, $systemid);

$dtd = XML::LibXML::Dtd->parsestring($dtdstr);

$publicId = $dtd->getName();

$publicId = $dtd->publicId();

$systemId = $dtd->systemId();


This class holds a DTD. You may parse a DTD from either a string, or from an external SYSTEM identifier. No support is available as yet for parsing from a filehandle.

XML::LibXML::Dtd is a sub-class of Node, so all the methods available

to nodes (particularly toString()) are available to Dtd objects. nneeww

$dtd = XML::LibXML::Dtd->new($publicid, $systemid);

Parse a DTD from the system identifier, and return a DTD object

that you can pass to $doc->isvalid() or $doc->validate().

my $dtd = XML::LibXML::Dtd->new(

"SOME // Public / ID / 1.0", "test.dtd" );

my $doc = XML::LibXML->new->parsefile("test.xml");



$dtd = XML::LibXML::Dtd->parsestring($dtdstr);

The same as new() above, except you can parse a DTD from a string. Note that parsing from string may fail if the DTD contains external

parametric-entity references with relative URLs.


$publicId = $dtd->getName();

Returns the name of DTD; i.e., the name immediately following the DOCTYPE keyword. ppuubblliiccIIdd

$publicId = $dtd->publicId();

Returns the public identifier of the external subset. ssyysstteemmIIdd

$systemId = $dtd->systemId();

Returns the system identifier of the external subset. AUTHORS Matt Sergeant, Christian Glahn, Petr Pajas, VVEERRSSIIOONN 1.60 COPYRIGHT

2001-2006, Ltd; 2002-2006 Christian Glahn; 2006 Petr Pajas,

All rights reserved.

perl v5.8.8 2006-08-26 XML::LibXML::Dtd(3)

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