Manual Pages for UNIX Darwin command on man UnRezWack

Manual Pages for UNIX Darwin command on man UnRezWack

UNREZWACK(1) BSD General Commands Manual UNREZWACK(1)


//uussrr//bbiinn//UUnnRReezzWWaacckk - Split a RezWack file into separate data and

resource files.


//uussrr//bbiinn//UUnnRReezzWWaacckk file -oo outFileNameBase [-ff]


The //uussrr//bbiinn//UUnnRReezzWWaacckk command takes a file created by RezWack(1) as its input file (it does not read Standard In) and divides it into two files, one containing the data fork and one containing the resource data. //uussrr//bbiinn//UUnnRReezzWWaacckk takes the following flags and arguments: file Path to the input file. This must be a file created with RezWack(1).

-oo outFileNameBase

Base path of the output files. UnRezWack will create two files

at this base path, one with the extension ".data" and one with the extension ".qtr". The resource data will be written to the

data fork of the resource data file; it is not possible to cre-

ate a HFS or Extended HFS resource fork file using UnRezWack.

If either file exists, //uussrr//bbiinn//UUnnRReezzWWaacckk will exit with error 2

unless the -f flag is provided.

-ff Force overwriting of output files.


Rez(1), DeRez(1), RezWack(1), SplitForks(1) Mac OS X April 12, 2004 Mac OS X

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