Manual Pages for UNIX Darwin command on man Tk_HandleEvent

Manual Pages for UNIX Darwin command on man Tk_HandleEvent

TkHandleEvent(3) Tk Library Procedures TkHandleEvent(3)


TkHandleEvent - invoke event handlers for window system events


##iinncclluuddee <>

TTkkHHaannddlleeEEvveenntt(eventPtr) AARRGGUUMMEENNTTSS

XEvent *eventPtr (in) Pointer to X event to dispatch to rele-

vant handler(s).


TTkkHHaannddlleeEEvveenntt is a lower-level procedure that deals with window

events. It is called by TTccllSSeerrvviicceeEEvveenntt (and indirectly by TTkkDDooOOnneeEEvveenntt), and in a few other cases within Tk. It makes callbacks

to any window event handlers (created by calls to TTkkCCrreeaatteeEEvveenn-

ttHHaannddlleerr) that match eventPtr and then returns. In some cases it may be useful for an application to bypass the Tk event queue and call TTkkHHaannddlleeEEvveenntt directly instead of calling TTccllQQuueeuueeEEvveenntt followed by TTccllSSeerrvviicceeEEvveenntt. This procedure may be invoked recursively. For example, it is possible

to invoke TTkkHHaannddlleeEEvveenntt recursively from a handler called by TTkkHHaann-

ddlleeEEvveenntt. This sort of operation is useful in some modal situations, such as when a notifier has been popped up and an application wishes to

wait for the user to click a button in the notifier before doing any-

thing else. KKEEYYWWOORRDDSS callback, event, handler, window Tk TkHandleEvent(3)

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