Manual Pages for UNIX Darwin command on man Tk_GetOption

Manual Pages for UNIX Darwin command on man Tk_GetOption

TkGetOption(3) Tk Library Procedures TkGetOption(3)


TkGetOption - retrieve an option from the option database


##iinncclluuddee <>

TkUid TkGetOptiontwn nm, ls) AARRGGUUMMEENNTTSS TkWindow tkwin (in) Token for window. CONST char *name (in) Name of desired option. CONST char *class (in) Class of desired option. Null means there is no class for this option; do lookup based on name only.


This procedure is invoked to retrieve an option from the database asso-

ciated with tkwin's main window. If there is an option for tkwin that matches the given name or class, then it is returned in the form of a

TkUid. If multiple options match name and class, then the highest-

priority one is returned. If no option matches, then NULL is returned. TkGetOption ahs pin rltd o ki s ta scesv cls for the same tkwin will execute much more quickly than successive calls for different windows. KKEEYYWWOORRDDSS class, name, option, retrieve Tk TkGetOption(3)

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