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Manual Pages for UNIX Darwin command on man Test::Builder::Module

Test::Builder::Module(3pPme)rl Programmers Reference GuiTdeest::Builder::Module(3pm)


Test::Builder::Module - Base class for test modules


# Emulates Test::Simple

package Your::Module;


use base 'Test::Builder::Module';

@EXPORT = qw(ok);

sub ok ($;$) {

my $tb = $CLASS->builder;

return $tb->ok(@);

} 1;


This is a superclass for Test::Builder-based modules. It provides a

handful of common functionality and a method of getting at the underly-

ing Test::Builder object. IImmppoorrttiinngg

Test::Builder::Module is a subclass of Exporter which means your module

is also a subclass of Exporter. @EXPORT, @EXPORTOK, etc... all act normally. A few methods are provided to do the "use Your::Module tests =" 23> part for you. import

Test::Builder::Module provides an import() method which acts in the

same basic way as Test::More's, setting the plan and controling export-

ing of functions and variables. This allows your module to set the plan independent of Test::More.

All arguments passed to import() are passed onto "Your::Mod-

ule->builder->plan()" with the exception of "import ="[qw(things to

import)]>. use Your::Module import => [qw(this that)], tests => 23; says to import the functions this() and that() as well as set the plan to be 23 tests. import() also sets the exportedto() attribute of your builder to be the caller of the import() function. Additional behaviors can be added to your import() method by overriding importextra(). importextra


importextra() is called by import(). It provides an opportunity for you to add behaviors to your module based on its import list. Any extra arguments which shouldn't be passed on to plan() should be stripped off by this method. See Test::More for an example of its use. NNOOTTEE This mechanism is VERY ALPHA AND LIKELY TO CHANGE as it feels like a bit of an ugly hack in its current form. BBuuiillddeerr

Test::Builder::Module provides some methods of getting at the underly-

ing Test::Builder object. builder

my $builder = Your::Class->builder;

This method returns the Test::Builder object associated with Your::Class. It is not a constructor so you can call it as often as you like. This is the preferred way to get the Test::Builder object. You should

not get it via "Test::Builder->new" as was previously recommended.

The object returned by builder() may change at runtime so you should call builder() inside each function rather than store it in a global. sub ok {

my $builder = Your::Class->builder;

return $builder->ok(@);


perl v5.8.8 2001-09-21 Test::Builder::Module(3pm)

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