Manual Pages for UNIX Darwin command on man SVN::Ra

Manual Pages for UNIX Darwin command on man SVN::Ra

native::Ra(3) User Contributed Perl Documentation native::Ra(3)


SVN::Ra - Subversion remote access functions


require SVN::Core;

require SVN::Ra;

my $ra = SVN::Ra->new ('file:///tmp/svmtest');

print $ra->getlatestrevnum ();


SVN::Ra wraps the object-oriented svnraplugint functions.



The method creates an RA object and calls "open" for it. It takes a hash array as parameter. if there's only one argument supplied, it's used as the url. valid keys are: url auth An authbaton could be given to the SVN::RA object. Default to a authprovider with a usernameprovider. See SVN::Client for how to create authbaton. pool The pool for the ra session to use, and also the member functions will be called with this pool. Default to a newly created root pool. config The config hash that could be obtained by SVN::Core::configgetconfig(undef). callback

The racallback namespace to use. Default to SVN::Ra::Callback.

MMEETTHHOODDSS Please consult the svnra.h section in the Subversion API. Member

functions of svnraplugint could be called as methods of SVN::Ra

objects, with the sessionbaton and pool omitted. SSVVNN::::RRaa::::RReeppoorrtteerr

the SVN::Ra methods: dodiff, dostatus, doswitch, doupdate, returns

a SVN::Ra::Reporter object as a wrapper of svnrareportert. You can

use the member functions of it as methods of SVN::Ra::Reporter, with

the reporterbaton omitted. SSVVNN::::RRaa::::CCaallllbbaacckkss This is the wrapper class for svnracallbackt. To supply custom

callback to SVN::Ra, subclass this class and override the member

functions. AUTHORS

Chia-liang Kao

COPYRIGHT Copyright (c) 2003 CollabNet. All rights reserved. This software is licensed as described in the file COPYING, which you should have received as part of this distribution. The terms are also

available at If newer

versions of this license are posted there, you may use a newer version instead, at your option. This software consists of voluntary contributions made by many individuals. For exact contribution history, see the revision history and logs, available at

perl v5.8.8 2005-06-17 native::Ra(3)

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