Manual Pages for UNIX Darwin command on man SVK::Patch

Manual Pages for UNIX Darwin command on man SVK::Patch

SVK::Patch(3) User Contributed Perl Documentation SVK::Patch(3)


SVK::Patch - Class representing a patch to be applied


# Using SVK::Patch

$patch = SVK::Patch->load ($file, $xd, $depotname);


# update patch for target


# regenerate patch from source branch


# apply the patch to designated target

$patch->apply ($checkonly);

# apply to arbitrary target

$patch->applyto ($target, $storage, %cb);

# Creating SVK::Patch

$patch = SVK::Patch->new ('my patch', $xd, $depotname, $src, $dst);

$editor = $patch->editor

# feed things to $editor

$patch->store ($file);


SVK::Patch represents tree delta and assorted meta data, such as merge

info and anchor for the patch to be applied. MMEETTHHOODDSS nneeww

Create a SVK::Patch object.


Load a SVK::Patch object from file.


Store a SVK::Patch object to file.

eeddiittoorr Return the SVK::Editor::Patch object for feeding editor calls to, or driving other editors.

ttiicckkeett (($$mmeerrggee,, $$ssoouurrccee, $target;

Associate the patch with ticket generated from $source but excluding

duplicated ones from <$target>.

ccoommmmiitteeddiittoorr Returns a editor that finalize the patch object upon closeedit.

perl v5.8.8 2006-12-28 SVK::Patch(3)

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