Manual Pages for UNIX Darwin command on man SSL_remove_session

Manual Pages for UNIX Darwin command on man SSL_remove_session

SSLCTXaddsession(3) OpenSSL SSLCTXaddsession(3)


SSLCTXaddsession, SSLaddsession, SSLCTXremovesession,

SSLremovesession - manipulate session cache



int SSLCTXaddsession(SSLCTX *ctx, SSLSESSION *c); int SSLaddsession(SSLCTX *ctx, SSLSESSION *c); int SSLCTXremovesession(SSLCTX *ctx, SSLSESSION *c); int SSLremovesession(SSLCTX *ctx, SSLSESSION *c);


SSLCTXaddsession() adds the session cc to the context ccttxx. The reference count for session cc is incremented by 1. If a session with the same session id already exists, the old session is removed by calling SSLSESSIONfree(3). SSLCTXremovesession() removes the session cc from the context ccttxx. SSLSESSIONfree(3) is called once for cc. SSLaddsession() and SSLremovesession() are synonyms for their SSLCTX*() counterparts. NNOOTTEESS When adding a new session to the internal session cache, it is examined whether a session with the same session id already exists. In this case it is assumed that both sessions are identical. If the same session is stored in a different SSLSESSION object, The old session is removed and replaced by the new session. If the session is actually identical

(the SSLSESSION object is identical), SSLCTXaddsession() is a no-

op, and the return value is 0. If a server SSLCTX is configured with the SSLSESSCACHENOINTERNALSTORE flag then the internal cache will not be populated automatically by new sessions negotiated by the SSL/TLS implementation, even though the internal cache will be searched

automatically for session-resume requests (the latter can be surpressed

by SSLSESSCACHENOINTERNALLOOKUP). So the application can use SSLCTXaddsession() directly to have full control over the sessions that can be resumed if desired.


The following values are returned by all functions: 0 The operation failed. In case of the add operation, it was tried to add the same (identical) session twice. In case of the remove operation, the session was not found in the cache. 1 The operation succeeded.


ssl(3), SSLCTXsetsessioncachemode(3), SSLSESSIONfree(3)

0.9.7l 2002-10-28 SSLCTXaddsession(3)

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