Manual Pages for UNIX Darwin command on man SSL_CTX_set_mode

Manual Pages for UNIX Darwin command on man SSL_CTX_set_mode

SSLCTXsetmode(3) OpenSSL SSLCTXsetmode(3)


SSLCTXsetmode, SSLsetmode, SSLCTXgetmode, SSLgetmode -

manipulate SSL engine mode



long SSLCTXsetmode(SSLCTX *ctx, long mode); long SSLsetmode(SSL *ssl, long mode); long SSLCTXgetmode(SSLCTX *ctx); long SSLgetmode(SSL *ssl);


SSLCTXsetmode() adds the mode set via bitmask in mmooddee to ccttxx. Options already set before are not cleared. SSLsetmode() adds the mode set via bitmask in mmooddee to ssssll. Options already set before are not cleared. SSLCTXgetmode() returns the mode set for ccttxx. SSLgetmode() returns the mode set for ssssll. NNOOTTEESS The following mode changes are available: SSLMODEENABLEPARTIALWRITE Allow SSLwrite(..., n) to return r with 0 < r < n (i.e. report success when just a single record has been written). When not set (the default), SSLwrite() will only report success once the complete chunk was written. Once SSLwrite() returns with r, r bytes have been successfully written and the next call to

SSLwrite() must only send the n-r bytes left, imitating the

behaviour of write(). SSLMODEACCEPTMOVINGWRITEBUFFER Make it possible to retry SSLwrite() with changed buffer location (the buffer contents must stay the same). This is not the default

to avoid the misconception that non-blocking SSLwrite() behaves

like non-blocking write().

SSLMODEAUTORETRY Never bother the application with retries if the transport is blocking. If a renegotiation take place during normal operation, a

SSLread(3) or SSLwrite(3) would return with -1 and indicate the

need to retry with SSLERRORWANTREAD. In a non-blocking

environment applications must be prepared to handle incomplete read/write operations. In a blocking environment, applications are not always prepared to deal with read/write operations returning without success report. The flag SSLMODEAUTORETRY will cause read/write operations to only return after the handshake and successful completion.


SSLCTXsetmode() and SSLsetmode() return the new mode bitmask after adding mmooddee. SSLCTXgetmode() and SSLgetmode() return the current bitmask.


ssl(3), SSLread(3), SSLwrite(3) HISTORY SSLMODEAUTORETRY as been added in OpenSSL 0.9.6.

0.9.7l 2001-07-11 SSLCTXsetmode(3)

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