Manual Pages for UNIX Darwin command on man SSL_CTX_get_cert_store

Manual Pages for UNIX Darwin command on man SSL_CTX_get_cert_store

SSLCTXsetcertstore(3) OpenSSL SSLCTXsetcertstore(3)


SSLCTXsetcertstore, SSLCTXgetcertstore - manipulate X509

certificate verification storage



void SSLCTXsetcertstore(SSLCTX *ctx, X509STORE *store); X509STORE *SSLCTXgetcertstore(const SSLCTX *ctx);


SSLCTXsetcertstore() sets/replaces the certificate verification storage of ccttxx to/with ssttoorree. If another X509STORE object is currently set in ccttxx, it will be X509STOREfree()ed. SSLCTXgetcertstore() returns a pointer to the current certificate verification storage. NNOOTTEESS In order to verify the certificates presented by the peer, trusted CA certificates must be accessed. These CA certificates are made available via lookup methods, handled inside the X509STORE. From the X509STORE the X509STORECTX used when verifying certificates is created. Typically the trusted certificate store is handled indirectly via using SSLCTXloadverifylocations(3). Using the SSLCTXsetcertstore() and SSLCTXgetcertstore() functions it is possible to manipulate the X509STORE object beyond the SSLCTXloadverifylocations(3) call. Currently no detailed documentation on how to use the X509STORE object is available. Not all members of the X509STORE are used when the verification takes place. So will e.g. the verifycallback() be overridden with the verifycallback() set via the SSLCTXsetverify(3) family of functions. This document must therefore be updated when documentation about the X509STORE object and its handling becomes available.


SSLCTXsetcertstore() does not return diagnostic output. SSLCTXgetcertstore() returns the current setting.


ssl(3), SSLCTXloadverifylocations(3), SSLCTXsetverify(3)

0.9.7l 2005-03-30 SSLCTXsetcertstore(3)

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