Manual Pages for UNIX Darwin command on man Regexp::Common::comment

Manual Pages for UNIX Darwin command on man Regexp::Common::comment

Regexp::Common::commentU(s3e)r Contributed Perl DocumentaRteigoenxp::Common::comment(3)


Regexp::Common::comment - provide regexes for comments.


use Regexp::Common qw /comment/; while (<>) {

/$RE{comment}{C}/ and print "Contains a C comment\n";

/$RE{comment}{C++}/ and print "Contains a C++ comment\n";

/$RE{comment}{PHP}/ and print "Contains a PHP comment\n";

/$RE{comment}{Java}/ and print "Contains a Java comment\n";

/$RE{comment}{Perl}/ and print "Contains a Perl comment\n";

/$RE{comment}{awk}/ and print "Contains an awk comment\n";

/$RE{comment}{HTML}/ and print "Contains an HTML comment\n";

} use Regexp::Common qw /comment REcommentHTML/; while (<>) {

$ =~ REcommentHTML() and print "Contains an HTML comment\n";



Please consult the manual of Regexp::Common for a general description of the works of this interface. Do not use this module directly, but load it via Regexp::Common. This modules gives you regular expressions for comments in various languages. TTHHEE LLAANNGGUUAAGGEESS Below, the comments of each of the languages are described. The

patterns are available as $RE{comment}{LANG}, foreach language LANG.

Some languages have variants; it's described at the individual languages how to get the patterns for the variants. Unless mentioned

otherwise, "{-keep}" sets $1, $2, $3 and $4 to the entire comment, the

opening marker, the content of the comment, and the closing marker (for many languages, the latter is a newline) respectively. ABC Comments in ABC start with a backslash ("\"), and last till the end

of the line. See .

Ada Comments in Ada start with "-", and last till the end of the line.

Advisor Advisor is a language used by the HP product glance. Comments for

this language start with either "#" or "//", and last till the end

of the line. Advsys Comments for the Advsys language start with ";" and last till the end of the line. See also . Alan

Alan comments start with "-", and last till the end of the line.

See also . Algol 60 Comments in the Algol 60 language start with the keyword "comment", and end with a ";". See . Algol 68

In Algol 68, comments are either delimited by "#", or by one of the

keywords "co" or "comment". The keywords should not be part of another word. See

. With

"{-keep}", only $1 will be set, returning the entire comment.

ALPACA The ALPACA language has comments starting with "/*" and ending with "*/".

awk The awk programming language uses comments that start with "#" and

end at the end of the line. B The B language has comments starting with "/*" and ending with "*/". BASIC There are various forms of BASIC around. Currently, we only support the variant supported by mvEnterprise, whose pattern is available

as $RE{comment}{BASIC}{mvEnterprise}. Comments in this language

start with a "!", a "*" or the keyword "REM", and end till the end of the line. See . Beatnik The esotoric language Beatnik only uses words consisting of letters. Words are scored according to the rules of Scrabble. Words scoring less than 5 points, or 18 points or more are considered comments (although the compiler might mock at you if you

score less than 5 points). Regardless whether "{-keep}", $1 will

be set, and set to the entire comment. This pattern requires perl 5.8.0 or newer.


The beta-Juliet programming language has comments that start with

"//" and that continue till the end of the line. See also



The esotoric language Befunge-98 uses comments that start and end

with a ";". See . BML BML, or Better Markup Language is an HTML templating language that uses comments starting with "". See . Brainfuck The minimal language Brainfuck uses only eight characters, "<",

">", "[", "]", "+", "-", "." and ",". Any other characters are

considered comments. With "{-keep}", $1 is set to the entire

comment. C The C language has comments starting with "/*" and ending with "*/".

C- The C- language has comments starting with "/*" and ending with

"*/". See


C++ The C++ language has two forms of comments. Comments that start with "//" and last till the end of the line, and comments that

start with "/*", and end with "*/". If "{-keep}" is used, only $1

will be set, and set to the entire comment.

C# The C# language has two forms of comments. Comments that start with

"//" and last till the end of the line, and comments that start

with "/*", and end with "*/". If "{-keep}" is used, only $1 will be

set, and set to the entire comment. See


Caml Comments in Caml start with "(*", end with "*)", and can be nested. See and


Cg The Cg language has two forms of comments. Comments that start with "//" and last till the end of the line, and comments that start

with "/*", and end with "*/". If "{-keep}" is used, only $1 will be

set, and set to the entire comment. See .

CLU In "CLU", a comment starts with a procent sign ("%"), and ends with

the next newline. See


. COBOL Traditionally, comments in COBOL are indicated by an asteriks in the seventh column. This is what the pattern matches. Modern compiler may more lenient though. See , and . Due to a bug in the regexp engine of perl 5.6.x, this regexp is only available in version 5.8.0 and up. CQL Comments in the chess query language (CQL) start with a semi colon (";") and last till the end of the line. See . Crystal Report The formula editor in Crystal Reports uses comments that start with "//", and end with the end of the line. Dylan There are two types of comments in Dylan. They either start with "//", or are nested comments, delimited with "/*" and "*/". Under

"{-keep}", only $1 will be set, returning the entire comment. This

pattern requires perl 5.6.0 or newer. ECMAScript The ECMAScript language has two forms of comments. Comments that start with "//" and last till the end of the line, and comments

that start with "/*", and end with "*/". If "{-keep}" is used, only

$1 will be set, and set to the entire comment. JavaScript is

Netscapes implementation of ECMAScript. See





Eiffel comments start with "-", and last till the end of the line.

False In False, comments start with "{" and end with "}". See FPL The FPL language has two forms of comments. Comments that start with "//" and last till the end of the line, and comments that

start with "/*", and end with "*/". If "{-keep}" is used, only $1

will be set, and set to the entire comment. Forth Comments in Forth start with "\", and end with the end of the line.

See also .

Fortran There are two forms of Fortran. There's free form Fortran, which has comments that start with "!", and end at the end of the line.

The pattern for this is given by $RE{Fortran}. Fixed form Fortran,

which has been obsoleted, has comments that start with "C", "c" or "*" in the first column, or with "!" anywhere, but the sixth

column. The pattern for this are given by $RE{Fortran}{fixed}.

See also



The esotoric language Funge-98 uses comments that start and end

with a ";". fvwm2

Configuration files for fvwm2 have comments starting with a "#" and

lasting the rest of the line. Haifu Haifu, an esotoric language using haikus, has comments starting and ending with a ",". See . Haskell There are two types of comments in Haskell. They either start with

at least two dashes, or are nested comments, delimited with "{-"

and "-}". Under "{-keep}", only $1 will be set, returning the

entire comment. This pattern requires perl 5.6.0 or newer. HTML In HTML, comments only appear inside a comment declaration. A comment declaration starts with a "". Inside this declaration, we have zero or more comments. Comments starts

with "-" and end with "-", and are optionally followed by

whitespace. The pattern $RE{comment}{HTML} recognizes those comment

declarations (and hence more than a comment). Note that this is

not the same as something that starts with "

"->", because the following will be matched completely:

-> Second Comment

- Third Comment ->

Do not be fooled by what your favourite browser thinks is an HTML comment.

If "{-keep}" is used, the following are returned:

$1 captures the entire comment declaration.

$2 captures the MDO (markup declaration open), "

$3 captures the content between the MDO and the MDC.

$4 captures the (last) comment, without the surrounding dashes.

$5 captures the MDC (markup declaration close), ">".

Hugo There are two types of comments in Hugo. They either start with "!" (which cannot be followed by a "\"), or are nested comments,

delimited with "!\" and "\!". Under "{-keep}", only $1 will be

set, returning the entire comment. This pattern requires perl 5.6.0 or newer. Icon

Icon has comments that start with "#" and end at the next new line.

See , , and . ILLGOL The esotoric language ILLGOL uses comments starting with NB and lasting till the end of the line. See . INTERCAL Comments in INTERCAL are single line comments. They start with one of the keywords "NOT" or "N'T", and can optionally be preceeded by the keywords "DO" and "PLEASE". If both keywords are used, "PLEASE" preceeds "DO". Keywords are separated by whitespace. J The language J uses comments that start with "NB.", and that last till the end of the line. See , and . Java The Java language has two forms of comments. Comments that start with "//" and last till the end of the line, and comments that

start with "/*", and end with "*/". If "{-keep}" is used, only $1

will be set, and set to the entire comment. JavaScript The JavaScript language has two forms of comments. Comments that start with "//" and last till the end of the line, and comments

that start with "/*", and end with "*/". If "{-keep}" is used, only

$1 will be set, and set to the entire comment. JavaScript is

Netscapes implementation of ECMAScript. See

, and

. LaTeX

The documentation language LaTeX uses comments starting with "%"

and ending at the end of the line. Lisp

Comments in Lisp start with a semi-colon (";") and last till the

end of the line. LPC The LPC language has comments starting with "/*" and ending with "*/". LOGO Comments for the language LOGO start with ";", and last till the end of the line.

lua Comments for the lua language start with "-", and last till the

end of the line. See also . M, MUMPS

In "M" (aka "MUMPS"), comments start with a semi-colon, and last

till the end of a line. The language specification requires the

semi-colon to be preceeded by one or more linestart characters.

Those characters default to a space, but that's configurable. This requirement, of preceeding the comment with linestart characters is nnoott tested for. See , , and . mutt

Configuration files for mutt have comments starting with a "#" and

lasting the rest of the line. Nickle

The Nickle language has one line comments starting with "#" (like

Perl), or multiline comments delimited by "/*" and "*/" (like C).

Under "-keep", only $1 will be set. See also

. Oberon Comments in Oberon start with "(*" and end with "*)". See . Pascal There are many implementations of Pascal. This modules provides pattern for comments of several implementations.


This is the pattern that recognizes comments according to the Pascal ISO standard. This standard says that comments start with either "{", or "(*", and end with "}" or "*)". This means that "{*)" and "(*}" are considered to be comments. Many Pascal applications don't allow this. See


The Alice Pascal compiler accepts comments that start with "{" and end with "}". Comments are not allowed to contain newlines. See .

$RE{comment}{Pascal}{Delphi}, $RE{comment}{Pascal}{Free} and


The Delphi Pascal, Free Pascal and the Gnu Pascal Compiler implementations of Pascal all have comments that either start with "//" and last till the end of the line, are delimited with "{" and "}" or are delimited with "(*" and "*)". Patterns for

those comments are given by $RE{comment}{Pascal}{Delphi},

$RE{comment}{Pascal}{Free} and $RE{comment}{Pascal}{GPC}

respectively. These patterns only set $1 when "{-keep}" is

used, which will then include the entire comment. See ,




The Workshop Pascal compiler, from SUN Microsystems, allows comments that are delimited with either "{" and "}", delimited with "(*)" and "*"), delimited with "/*", and "*/", or starting

and ending with a double quote ("""). When "{-keep}" is used,

only $1 is set, and returns the entire comment.

See .

PEARL Comments in PEARL start with a "!" and last till the end of the

line, or start with "/*" and end with "*/". With "{-keep}", $1 will

be set to the entire comment.

PHP Comments in PHP start with either "#" or "//" and last till the end

of the line, or are delimited by "/*" and "*/". With "{-keep}", $1

will be set to the entire comment. PL/B In PL/B, comments start with either "." or ";", and end with the

next newline. See .

PL/I The PL/I language has comments starting with "/*" and ending with "*/". PL/SQL

In PL/SQL, comments either start with "-" and run till the end of

the line, or start with "/*" and end with "*/". Perl

Perl uses comments that start with a "#", and continue till the end

of the line. Portia The Portia programming language has comments that start with "//", and last till the end of the line. Python

Python uses comments that start with a "#", and continue till the

end of the line.


Comments in the Q-BAL language start with "`" (a backtick), and

contine till the end of the line.

QML In "QML", comments start with "#" and last till the end of the

line. See .

R The statistical language R uses comments that start with a "#" and

end with the following new line. See .

REBOL Comments for the REBOL language start with ";" and last till the end of the line. Ruby

Comments in Ruby start with "#" and last till the end of the time.

Scheme Scheme comments start with ";", and last till the end of the line. See . shell

Comments in various shells start with a "#" and end at the end of

the line. Shelta The esotoric language Shelta uses comments that start and end with a ";". See . SLIDE The SLIDE language has two froms of comments. First there is the

line comment, which starts with a "#" and includes the rest of the

line (just like Perl). Second, there is the multiline, nested

comment, which are delimited by "(*" and "*)". Under C{-keep}>,

only $1 is set, and is set to the entire comment. This pattern

needs at least Perl version 5.6.0. See . slrn

Configuration files for slrn have comments starting with a "%" and

lasting the rest of the line. Smalltalk Smalltalk uses comments that start and end with a double quote, """. SMITH Comments in the SMITH language start with ";", and last till the end of the line. Squeak In the Smalltalk variant Squeak, comments start and end with """. Double quotes can appear inside comments by doubling them. SQL Standard SQL uses comments starting with two or more dashes, and ending at the end of the line. MySQL does not follow the standard. Instead, it allows comments

that start with a "#" or "- " (that's two dashes and a space)

ending with the following newline, and comments starting with "/*", and ending with the next ";" or "*/" that isn't inside single or double quotes. A pattern for this is returned by

$RE{comment}{SQL}{MySQL}. With "{-keep}", only $1 will be set, and

it returns the entire comment.

Tcl In Tcl, comments start with "#" and continue till the end of the


TeX The documentation language TeX uses comments starting with "%" and

ending at the end of the line. troff The document formatting language troff uses comments starting with "\"", and continuing till the end of the line. vi In configuration files for the editor vi, one can use comments starting with """, and ending at the end of the line. *W In the language *W, comments start with "||", and end with "!!". zonefile Comments in DNS zonefiles start with ";", and continue till the end of the line. REFERENCES [[GGoo 9900]] Charles F. Goldfarb: The SGML Handbook. Oxford: Oxford University

Press. 11999900. ISBN 0-19-853737-9. Ch. 10.3, pp 390-391.


$Log:,v $

Revision 2.116 2005/03/16 00:00:02 abigail CQL, INTERCAL, R Revision 2.115 2005/01/09 23:12:03 abigail BML comments Revision 2.114 2004/12/18 11:43:06 abigail POD: HTML comments end in >, not < Revision 2.113 2004/12/15 22:06:51 abigail Fixed regex for J comments Revision 2.112 2004/06/09 21:44:48 abigail New languages Revision 2.111 2003/09/24 08:39:35 abigail Stupid "syntax" warning issues false positives Revision 2.110 2003/08/19 21:27:55 abigail Nickle language Revision 2.109 2003/08/13 10:07:39 abigail

Added patterns for C-, C#, Cg and SLIDE comments

Revision 2.108 2003/08/01 11:30:25 abigail Comments for 'QML' and 'PL/SQL' Revision 2.107 2003/05/25 21:33:48 abigail POD nits from Bryan C. Warnock Revision 2.106 2003/03/12 22:25:42 abigail

- More generic setup to define comments for various languages.

- Expanded and redid the documentation for

- Comments for Advisor, Advsys, Alan, Algol 60, Algol 68, B,

BASIC (mvEnterprise), Forth, Fortran (both fixed and free form), fvwm2, mutt, Oberon, 6 versions of Pascal, PEARL (one of the at least four...), PL/B, PL/I, slrn, Squeak. Revision 2.105 2003/03/09 19:04:42 abigail

- More generic setup to define comments for various languages.

- Expanded and redid the documentation for

Now every language has its own paragraph, describing its comment, and pointers to webpages.

- Comments for Advisor, Advsys, Alan, Algol 60, Algol 68, B, BASIC

(mvEnterprise), Forth, Fortran (both fixed and free form), fvwm2, mutt, Oberon, 6 versions of Pascal, PEARL (one of the at least four...), PL/B, PL/I, slrn, Squeak. Revision 2.104 2003/02/21 14:48:06 abigail Crystal Reports Revision 2.103 2003/02/11 09:39:08 abigail Added Revision 2.102 2003/02/07 15:23:54 abigail Lua and FPL Revision 2.101 2003/02/01 22:55:31 abigail Changed Copyright years Revision 2.100 2003/01/21 23:19:40 abigail The whole world understands RCS/CVS version numbers, that 1.9 is an older version than 1.10. Except CPAN. Curse the idiot(s) who think that version numbers are floats (in which universe do floats have more than one decimal dot?). Everything is bumped to version 2.100 because CPAN couldn't deal with the fact one file had version 1.10. Revision 1.19 2002/11/06 13:51:34 abigail Minor POD changes. Revision 1.18 2002/09/18 18:13:01 abigail Fixes for 5.005 Revision 1.17 2002/09/04 17:04:24 abigail


Revision 1.16 2002/08/27 16:50:50 abigail

Patterns for Beatnik, Befunge-98, Funge-98 and W*.

Revision 1.15 2002/08/22 17:04:03 abigail SMITH added Revision 1.14 2002/08/22 16:41:25 abigail + Added function 'id' and 'fromto' with associated data. + Added function 'combine' for languages having multiple syntaxes. + Added 'Shelta' Revision 1.13 2002/08/21 16:00:32 abigail

beta-Juliet, Portia, ILLGOL and Brainfuck.

Revision 1.12 2002/08/20 17:40:37 abigail

- Created a 'nested' function (simplified version from


- Comments that use 'from' to eol or balanced (nested) delimiters

are now generated from a data array.

- Added Hugo and Haifu.

Revision 1.11 2002/08/05 12:16:58 abigail Fixed 'Regex::' and 'Rexexp::' typos to 'Regexp::' (Found my Mike Castle). Revision 1.10 2002/07/31 23:33:16 abigail Documented that Haskell and Dylan comments need at least 5.6.0. Revision 1.9 2002/07/31 23:12:29 abigail Dylan and Haskell comments can be nested, hence version 5.6.0 of Perl is needed to be able to make a regex matching them. Revision 1.8 2002/07/31 14:48:16 abigail Added LOGO (to please petdance) Revision 1.7 2002/07/31 13:06:41 abigail

Dealt with -keep for Haskell and Dylan.

Revision 1.6 2002/07/31 00:54:00 abigail Added comments for Haskell, Dylan, Smalltalk and MySQL. Revision 1.5 2002/07/30 16:38:23 abigail Added support for the languages: LaTeX, Tcl, TeX and troff. Revision 1.4 2002/07/26 16:48:12 abigail Simplied datastructure for the languages that use single line comments. Revision 1.3 2002/07/26 16:37:20 abigail Added new languages: Ada, awk, Eiffel, Java, LPC, PHP, Python, REBOL, Ruby, vi and zonefile. Revision 1.2 2002/07/25 22:37:44 abigail Added 'use strict'. Added 'nodefaults' to 'use Regex::Common' to prevent loaded of all defaults. Revision 1.1 2002/07/25 19:56:07 abigail Modularizing Regexp::Common.


Regexp::Common for a general description of how to use this interface. AUTHOR Damian Conway ( MMAAIINNTTAAIINNAANNCCEE

This package is maintained by Abigail (


Bound to be plenty. For a start, there are many common regexes missing. Send them in to


Copyright (c) 2001 - 2003, Damian Conway. All Rights Reserved.

This module is free software. It may be used, redistributed and/or modified under the terms of the Perl Artistic License (see

perl v5.8.8 2005-03-15 Regexp::Common::comment(3)

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