Manual Pages for UNIX Darwin command on man RAND_egd

Manual Pages for UNIX Darwin command on man RAND_egd

RANDegd(3) OpenSSL RANDegd(3)


RANDegd - query entropy gathering daemon



int RANDegd(const char *path); int RANDegdbytes(const char *path, int bytes); int RANDqueryegdbytes(const char *path, unsigned char *buf, int bytes);


RANDegd() queries the entropy gathering daemon EGD on socket ppaatthh. It

queries 255 bytes and uses RANDadd(3) to seed the OpenSSL built-in

PRNG. RANDegd(path) is a wrapper for RANDegdbytes(path, 255); RANDegdbytes() queries the entropy gathering daemon EGD on socket ppaatthh. It queries bbyytteess bytes and uses RANDadd(3) to seed the OpenSSL

built-in PRNG. This function is more flexible than RANDegd(). When

only one secret key must be generated, it is not necessary to request the full amount 255 bytes from the EGD socket. This can be advantageous, since the amount of entropy that can be retrieved from EGD over time is limited. RANDqueryegdbytes() performs the actual query of the EGD daemon on socket ppaatthh. If bbuuff is given, bbyytteess bytes are queried and written into bbuuff. If bbuuff is NULL, bbyytteess bytes are queried and used to seed the

OpenSSL built-in PRNG using RANDadd(3).

NNOOTTEESS On systems without /dev/*random devices providing entropy from the kernel, the EGD entropy gathering daemon can be used to collect entropy. It provides a socket interface through which entropy can be gathered in chunks up to 255 bytes. Several chunks can be queried during one connection. EGD is available from ("perl Makefile.PL; make; make install" to install). It is run as eeggdd path, where path is an absolute path designating a socket. When RANDegd() is called with that path as an argument, it tries to read random bytes

that EGD has collected. The read is performed in non-blocking mode.

Alternatively, the EGD-interface compatible daemon PRNGD can be used.

It is available from .

PRNGD does employ an internal PRNG itself and can therefore never run out of entropy. OpenSSL automatically queries EGD when entropy is requested via RANDbytes() or the status is checked via RANDstatus() for the first

time, if the socket is located at /var/run/egd-pool, /dev/egd-pool or


RREETTUURRNN VVAALLUUEE RANDegd() and RANDegdbytes() return the number of bytes read from

the daemon on success, and -1 if the connection failed or the daemon

did not return enough data to fully seed the PRNG. RANDqueryegdbytes() returns the number of bytes read from the daemon

on success, and -1 if the connection failed. The PRNG state is not



rand(3), RANDadd(3), RANDcleanup(3) HISTORY RANDegd() is available since OpenSSL 0.9.5. RANDegdbytes() is available since OpenSSL 0.9.6. RANDqueryegdbytes() is available since OpenSSL 0.9.7.

The automatic query of /var/run/egd-pool et al was added in OpenSSL


0.9.7l 2001-02-10 RANDegd(3)

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