Manual Pages for UNIX Darwin command on man Net::Server::MultiType

Manual Pages for UNIX Darwin command on man Net::Server::MultiType

Net::Server::MultiType(U3s)er Contributed Perl DocumentatNieotn::Server::MultiType(3)


Net::Server::MultiType - Net::Server personality


use Net::Server::MultiType;

@ISA = qw(Net::Server::MultiType);

sub processrequest {


} my @types = qw(PreFork Fork Single);



Please read the pod on Net::Server first. This module is a personality, or extension, or sub class, of the Net::Server module. This personality is intended to allow for easy use of multiple Net::Server personalities. Given a list of server types,

Net::Server::MultiType will require one at a time until it finds one

that is installed on the system. It then adds that package to its @ISA, thus inheriting the methods of that personality. AARRGGUUMMEENNTTSS In addition to the command line arguments of the Net::Server base

class, Net::Server::MultiType contains one other configurable

parameter. Key Value Default servertype 'servertype' 'Single' servertype May be called many times to build up an array or possible

servertypes. At execution, Net::Server::MultiType will find the

first available one and then inherit the methods of that personality CCOONNFFIIGGUURRAATTIIOONN FFIILLEE

"Net::Server::MultiType" allows for the use of a configuration file to

read in server parameters. The format of this conf file is simple key value pairs. Comments and white space are ignored.

#------- file test.conf -------

### multi type info

### try PreFork first, then go to Single

servertype PreFork servertype Single

### server information

minservers 20 maxservers 80 spareservers 10 maxrequests 1000

### user and group to become

user somebody group everybody

### logging ?

logfile /var/log/server.log loglevel 3 pidfile /tmp/

### access control

allow .+\.(net|com) allow domain\.com deny a.+

### background the process?

background 1

### ports to bind

host port localhost:20204 port 20205

### reverse lookups ?

# reverselookups on

#------- file test.conf -------


There are no additional hooks in Net::Server::MultiType.

TTOO DDOO See Net::Server AUTHOR Paul T. Seamons


Please see also Net::Server::Fork, Net::Server::INET,

Net::Server::PreFork, Net::Server::MultiType, Net::Server::Single

perl v5.8.8 2002-11-13 Net::Server::MultiType(3)

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