Manual Pages for UNIX Darwin command on man Net::HTTP::NB

Manual Pages for UNIX Darwin command on man Net::HTTP::NB

Net::HTTP::NB(3) User Contributed Perl Documentation Net::HTTP::NB(3)


Net::HTTP::NB - Non-blocking HTTP client


use Net::HTTP::NB;

my $s = Net::HTTP::NB->new(Host => "") || die $@;

$s->writerequest(GET => "/");

use IO::Select;

my $sel = IO::Select->new($s);


die "Header timeout" unless $sel->canread(10);

my($code, $mess, %h) = $s->readresponseheaders;

redo READHEADER unless $code;

} while (1) {

die "Body timeout" unless $sel->canread(10);

my $buf;

my $n = $s->readentitybody($buf, 1024);

last unless $n;

print $buf;



Same interface as "Net::HTTP" but it will never try multiple reads when the readresponseheaders() or readentitybody() methods are invoked.

This make it possible to multiplex multiple Net::HTTP::NB using select

without risk blocking. If readresponseheaders() did not see enough data to complete the headers an empty list is returned. If readentitybody() did not see new entity data in its read the value

-1 is returned.


Net::HTTP COPYRIGHT Copyright 2001 Gisle Aas. This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the same terms as Perl itself.

perl v5.8.8 2004-11-12 Net::HTTP::NB(3)

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