Manual Pages for UNIX Darwin command on man Mac::AETE::Parser

Manual Pages for UNIX Darwin command on man Mac::AETE::Parser

Mac::AETE::Parser(3) User Contributed Perl Documentation Mac::AETE::Parser(3)


Mac::AETE::Parser - parses Macintosh AETE and AEUT resources.


use Mac::AETE::Parser;

use Mac::AETE::Format::Dictionary;

$aete = Parser->new($aetehandle, $name);

$formatter = Dictionary->new;





The Parser module serves as a base class for the Mac::AETE::App and Mac::AETE::Dialect modules. Methods

new Example: ($aetehandle is a handle containing a valid AETE

resource. $name is the name of the application.)

use Mac::AETE::Parser;

use Mac::AETE::Format::Dictionary;

$aete = Parser->new($aetehandle, $name);

read Reads the data contained in the AETE resource or handle. Example:


setformat Sets the output formatter used during by the 'write' subroutine. Example:

$formatter = Dictionary->new;


copy Copies all suites from one Parser object into another. Example:

$aete2 = Parser->new($aetehandle2, $anothername);


copies the suites from $aete2 into $aete.

merge Merges suites from one Parser object into another. Only the suites that exist in both objects will be replaced. Example:

$aete3 = Parser->new($aetehandle2, $anothername);


write Prints the contents of the AETE or AEUT resource using the current formatter.


IINNHHEERRIITTAANNCCEE Parser does not inherit from any other modules. AUTHOR David Schooley The data structures are adapted from modifications made to the original aeteconvert script by Chris Nandor.

perl v5.8.8 2006-06-01 Mac::AETE::Parser(3)

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