Manual Pages for UNIX Darwin command on man MPI_File_write_at_all_end

Manual Pages for UNIX Darwin command on man MPI_File_write_at_all_end

MPIFilewriteatallend(3OpenMPI) MPIFilewriteatallend(3OpenMPI)


MMPPIIFFiilleewwrriitteeaattaalllleenndd - Writes a file at explicitly specified off-

sets; ending part of a split collective routine (blocking). SSYYNNTTAAXX C Syntax


int MPIFilewriteatallend(MPIFile fh, void *buf, MPIStatus *status) Fortran Syntax INCLUDE 'mpif.h'




CC++++ SSyynnttaaxx


void MPI::File::Writeatallend(const void* buf, MPI::Status& status) void MPI::File::Writeatallend(const void* buf) IINNPPUUTT//OOUUTTPPUUTT PPAARRAAMMEETTEERR fh File handle (handle). IINNPPUUTT PPAARRAAMMEETTEERR buf Initial address of buffer (choice). OOUUTTPPUUTT PPAARRAAMMEETTEERRSS status Status object (status).

IERROR Fortran only: Error status (integer).


MPIFilewriteatallend is the ending part of a split collective rou-

tine that stores the number of elements actually written into the file associated with fh in status. The data is written into those parts of the file specified by the current view. All other fields of status are undefined. NNOOTTEESS All the nonblocking collective routines for data access are "split" into two routines, each with begin or end as a suffix. These split

collective routines are subject to the semantic rules described in Sec-

tion 9.4.5 of the MPI-2 standard.

EERRRROORRSS Almost all MPI routines return an error value; C routines as the value

of the function and Fortran routines in the last argument. C++ func-

tions do not return errors. If the default error handler is set to

MPI::ERRORSTHROWEXCEPTIONS, then on error the C++ exception mechanism

will be used to throw an MPI:Exception object. Before the error value is returned, the current MPI error handler is called. For MPI I/O function errors, the default error handler is set

to MPIERRORSRETURN. The error handler may be changed with

MPIFileseterrhandler; the predefined error handler

MPIERRORSAREFATAL may be used to make I/O errors fatal. Note that

MPI does not guarantee that an MPI program can continue past an error. Open MPI 1.2 September 20M0P6IFilewriteatallend(3OpenMPI)

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